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PSS11: The Cold War

Chapter 27 Vocabulary

Marshall Plan U. S. Plan developed by George C. Marshall to help boost the economies of European nations after the war
Berlin airlift Truman’s plan to airlift food, fuel, and equipment to Berlin, Germany after the Soviet blockade of the city
Cold War conflict between the United States and Soviet Union following World War II
Containment policy to stop the spread of communism
Iron curtain used by Winston Churchill in 1946 to describe the line of demarcation between Western Europe and the Soviet zone of influence
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a military alliance that included Canada, the United States, and ten European nations
Truman Doctrine policy promising aid to countries fighting to maintain democracies
Harry Truman U.S. president from 1945 to 1953
Joseph Stalin Communist dictator of the Soviet Union c. 1924-1953
38th parallel line of latitude dividing North and South Korea
Arms race competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to develop more destructive weapons
Korean War conflict involving U.S.-led UN forces against North Korea and China
Space race competition between the United States and the Soviet Union to lead in space exploration
Dwight Eisenhower U.S. president from 1953-1961; Supreme Allied Commander in Europe during World War II
Joseph McCarthy senator who accused many American of having communist ties
Mao Zedong first leader of communist China (1949)
Baby boom a sharp increase in the U.S. birthrate following World War II
Rock’n’roll music style based on rhythm and blues that became popular in the 1960's
Suburbs residential areas surrounding a city
Elvis Presley famous American rock’n’roll singer
John Kennedy U.S. president from 1961-1963
Created by: staatc60
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