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NWHSU Mash GA 2 Quiz 2 Vessels Branches

Describe an emissary vein passes through the skull, connects sinuses and veins outside skull
Describe the course of an emissary vein. Why are they clinically important? Run through foramina and openings in skull forming anastomoses between dural venous sinuses and veins of scalp (may carry infections from scalp to dural venous sinuses)
Forms an important anastomosis with dorsal nasal branch of the ophthalmic a. Angular a. of facial a.
Vein that is a tributary to both the external jugular and the common facial veins. Retromandibular v.
duct that runs anteriorly to open into the floor of the mouth as a small caruncle just lateral to the lingual frenulum. Submandibular duct
Name the tributaries to the external jugular vein. Do NOT include the ones that give rise to (form) the vessel. Anterior jugular v., transverse cervical v., suprascapular v.
To where does the retromandibular vein drain? Common Facial and External Jugular Vein
Draw a simple diagram showing the connections of the retromandibular posterior auricular, external jugular, facial, and common facial veins with each other. Now label the diagram correctly. Draw Diagram
List 2 anastomoses that are of the portal-caval variety Esophageal, Paraumbilical
List two different arteries located on and supplying the MEDIAL forehead. Supratrochlear & Supraorbital
Name given to the vessels which run BETWEEN the outer and inner tables of the flat bones of the skull Diploic vv.
often times a branch of superior vesical artery ductus deferens a.
Name the branches of the splenic a. Proper splenic, pancreatic, left gastroepiploic, short gastric,
Assume a partial occlusion at JUNCTION of the femoral and external iliac vein. Give a collateral route of VENOUS return to the heart. femoral -> great saphaneous -> superficial epigastric -> thoracoepigastric -> lateral thoracic -> axillary -> subclavian -> brachiocephalic -> SVC -> heart
Assume a partial occlusion of the femoral VEIN at the level of the inguinal ligament. Give a collateral route (in correct sequence) of the VENOUS return to the heart. femoral -> great saphaneous -> superficial epigastric -> thoracoepigastric -> lateral thoracic -> axillary -> subclavian -> brachiocephalic -> SVC -> heart
artery of which the inferior vesicle is a branch. Anterior Trunk of Internal Illiac
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: a) abdominal esophageal aa. left gastric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: b) inferior pancreaticoduodenal a. superior mesenteric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: c) middle colic a. superior mesenteric
Name the ARTERY of which the given vessel is a direct branch: b) left colic a. inferior mesenteric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: d) left colic a. inferior mesenteric
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: c) left gonadal a. Abdominal Aorta
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). a) left gonadal v. left renal
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: d) inferior suprarenal a. renal artery
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: c) superior suprarenal a. inferior phrenic
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: d) right gastroepiploic a. gastroduodenal
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: a) left gastroepiploic a. splenic
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: b) short gastric a. splenic
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. c) left superior epigastric v. internal thoracic
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. d) thoracoepigastric v. lateral thoracic
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. a) upper left ascending lumbar v. hemiazygos
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a DIRECT branch: a) right gastric a. common hepatic artery
Name the vessel of which the given artery is a direct branch: b) sup. pancreaticoduodenal a. Gastroduodenal a.
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary under normal conditions. b) portal v. hepatic portal
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). c) cystic v. right hepatic portal
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). d) superficial epigastric v. great saphenous
different named artery with which the obturator artery has an anastamosis for collateral circulation Medial femoral circumflex
Name the vessel to which the given VEIN is a DIRECT tributary (under normal conditions). b) deep circumflex iliac v. external iliac
Name the tributaries to the straight sinus Great cerebral v., inferior sagital sinus
sinus that is a tributary to the straight sinus Inferior sagittal sinus
The superior sagittal and transverse sinuses connect to the confluence of sinuses. Name two others which also connect here. Occipital sinus, straight sinus
specific structure which contains the occipital sinus Falx cerebelli
SPECIFIC structure which contains the superior petrosal sinus Tentorium cerebelli
Besides the sigmoid sinus, name two (another version asks for four)tributaries to the internal jugular v. that do NOT have the EXACT same name as branches of the external carotid artery Inferior petrosal sinus, Middle thyroid, pharyngeal, common facial
Directly receives the drainage of the superior sagittal sinus Confluence of sinuses
Besides the transverse sinus, a sinus that is a tributary to the sigmoid sinus Superior petrosal
Openings through which blood vessels and nerves enter the pulp cavity of a tooth Apical foramina
Created by: AnatomyMash
Popular Chiropractic sets




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