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Chap 5 Mrs. Morris

Chapter 5 Section 1-5

Bicameral Legislature A lawmaking body made up of town houses.
Town Meeting political meeting at which people make desicions on local issues; used primarily in New England.
Privy Council group of royal advisers who set policies for britians american colonies.
Libel a false statement, usually published, that damges a person's reputation
Parliament the british national legislature
House of Burgesses colonial virginia's elected assemblies
John Peter Zenger dealt with the issue of freedom of the press
Dominion of New England united the northern colonies under one government
Edmund Andros royal governor of the Dominion
Glorious Revolution the overthrow of James II
English bill of Rights the power of the english monarchy are reduced
mercantilism practice of creating and maintaning wealth by carefully controlling trade
balance of trade relationship between what goods a country purchases from other countries and what goods it sells to other countries
imports items that a country purchases from other countries
exports items that a country sells to other countries
duties taxes on imported goods
free enterprise economic system in which there is competition between business with little government control
triangular trade trading networks in which goods and slaves move among england, the american colonies, the west indies, and west africa
Navigation acts a series of english laws that required the american colonies to trade primarily with england; set duties on some goods
middle passage voyage that brought enslaved africans across the atlantic ocean to north america and the west indies
Olaudah Equiano was sold into slavery when he was about 11
cash crop agricultural products grown to be sold for profits, not for personal use
slave codes laws passed in the colonies to control slaves
apprentices young boys who learned skilled trades
staple crops food consume
Eliza Lucas Pinckney introduced indigo to the colony after she learned how to grow it in her family's own plantation
Revivals emotional gatherings where people came together to hear sermon's and declare their faith
Great Awakening changed not only colonial religion but also social and political life
Jonathan Edwards a well known preacher during the great awakening
George Whitefield a pastor who drew thousnads of people to his sermons and raised funds to start a home for orphans
gilbert tennent was a leader of the new movement
scientific method observation of and experimentation with natural events in order to form theories that could predict other events in behavior
scientific revolution period of great learning that began in the 1600's
Galileo Galilei was one of the leading figures in the scientific revolution
Isaac Newton scientific method today was developed by him
Enlightenment age of reason
benjamin Banneker surveyor, astronomer,first clock maker
Phillis wheatley used religious language and imagery in her poetry
Created by: JaCoby Guidry
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