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Exam 1 GA/Embryo


Give 3 Derivatives from the Hypomere of the cervical myotomes. Prevertebral Neck MM, Scalene MM, Infrahyoid MM, Geniohyoid MM
Name the nerve of the 2nd branchial arch. Facial CN 7
The uveal iris forms what part of the iris (outermost, innermost, entire) Outermost part
As the eye develops, the short posterior ciliary arteries RUN (are located) in the _______ and SUPPLY the ________ Choroid Layer Pigment Layer of the retina
List the origin (neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, mesoderm/mesenchyme, or endoderm) of the following eye compartments: A) Lens B) Neural retine A)surface ectoderm B) neuroectoderm
__________ vessels which develop from blood islands of the yolk sac Vitelline
during early development, the primative heart is suspended in the ________ cavity by a mesentary known as the dorsal __________ Pericardial Mesocardium
Give the derivatives of: A) the right horn of the sinus venosus B) the left horn of the sinus venosus A) Sinus vanarum B) Coronary Sinus
Give the day when the heart: A) begins to Beat B) Tubes fuse A) 22-23 B) 21
Forms trabeculated part of the right ventricle ONLY Trabeculated part of the bulbus cordis proximal 1/3 of the bulbis cordis
forms the smoothed walled part of the L atrium Primitive single Pulmonary V.
What causes the coloboma? (BE SPECIFIC) Failure of the choride fissure to fuse
what SPECIFIC part of the eye forms from the following? a) outer layer of the optic cup (posterior 4/5) b) inner layer of the optic cup (anterior 1/5) a) pigment layer of the retina b) inner layerof the ciliary bodies and iris
_____________ major intraembryonic arteries formed near midline of the embryo Dorsal Aortae
_____________ the definitive dervative of the left common cardinal vein oblique vein of the atrium
______ opening that forms when the upper part of the septum primum perforates Ostium secundum
________name given to the middle 1/3 of the bulbus cordis Conus cordis
What specific structures(s) is /are derives from the INFERIOIR part of the right venous valve of the sinuatrial orifice Valve of the coronary sinus valve of theInferioir vena cava
Due to the ____ degree rotation of the ______ plate, the future pericardial cavity lies _______ (dorsal, ventral)to thedeveloping heart 180 Prochordal plate and cradiogenic plate Ventral
Specifically, why is the sinuatrial fold important? Shift open of sinu venosus to right side of the common atrium
Briefly discuss the directional movements of the bulbus cordis and primitive ventricles as the bulboventricular sulcus develops the bulbus cordis gets shifted to the right of the pericardial cavity, and the primitive ventricle gets shifted to the left of the pericardial cavity
_______ forms the principle cavity of the right atrium right horn of the sinus venosus
__________ components that SPECIFICALLY develops from the utricle Semicircular canals
_______ component that forms the external auditory meatus 1 st Pharyngeal cleft
Gives the derivates form the cartilages of the 4 and 6 branchial arches Cartilages of the larynx
Make a short flow diagram showing the differeniations of a somite Sclerotome Somite = Dermotomes Myotomes
Forms the NONtrabeculated part of the left ventricle Conus cordis
defects contributing to the tetralogy of fallot (circle all the apply) a) Pulmanoary Stenosis b) Atrial septal defect c) ventriculat septal d)hypertorphy of the left ventricle A and C
Component that specifically forms the tubotympanic recess which then forms the tympanic cavity and auditory tube 1st phayngeal pouch
Componet that specifically form from the saccule Choclear duct
the entire heart is derived from ______ mesoderm located in the _______ plate Splanchnic cardiogenic
what embryonic structures take part in the formation of the membranous interventricular septum? right conal redge, left conal rigde, posterior (inferioir) endocardial cushion
what specific structure is ?are dervided from the INFERIOIR part of the right venous valve of the sinuatrial orifice? valve of the inferioir vena cava. valve of the coronary sinus (crista terminalis also given and not marked wrong)
Vessels which develop from blood islands of the yolk sac Vitelline
List the hypaxial dervatives of the lumbar myotomes Quadratus lumborum
Name 3 muscular componets formed from the 1st brachial arch MM of mastication, mylohyoid, ant belly of digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatine
Descride the formation of the tympanic memebrane (mention germ layers and embryonic structures involved) ectoderm from floor of 1st pharyngeal cleft, endoderm from expanded 1st pharengeal pouch, mesoderm intervenes between ectodermal (cleft) and endodermal (pouch) layers
During the developmets of the inner ear, surface ectoderm thickens TO FORM THE _______. this item soon invaginates to form an ______. which subsequently loses contact witht eh surface to form the _________. Otic Placode Otic pit otic vessicle
Give the derivatives from the Cartilage of the 2nd brachial arch stepes, styloid process, and lesser horn and superioir half of the hyoid
Give the specific epimere derivates of the thoracic myotomes deep intrisic back muscles thoracic area
The hypomere is innervated by _________ of the spinal nerves and forms ___________(flexor, extensor) muscles of the vertabral column Primary ventral rami Flexor
Name the muscular componets formed from the 4th brachial arch Stylohyoid, sternohyiod
Name the germ layer responsible for: a) uveal layer of the iris b) choroid layer a) Mesoderm B) mesoderm
during the development of the eye, the optic cup is attached to the diencephalon by the narrow ___________ which later cantaims the fobers of the optic nerve. In addition, a space termed the ________ separates the inner and outer layers of the optic cup Optic stalk Intraretinal cleft
What SPECIFIC part of the eye forms from the following: a) outer layer of the optic cup (post 4/5) b) inner layer of the optic cup (ant. 1/5) a) pigement layer of the retina b) innerlayer of the cillary body, inner layer of iris
what SPECIFIC components develop from the neural layer of the retina? primary rod and cones, secondary bipolar cells, tertairy ganglia cells
name vessel which develop and remain in the adult to supply the pigment layer of the retina? short posterioir ciliary artery
Week in which the vascualr system appears 3rd
name given to the distal 1/3 of the bulbous cordis. Truncus arteriosus
name the sdult derivatives of the middle 1/3rd of the bulbus cordis? conus artriosus and the aortic vestibule
embryonic componets resposible for forming the myocardium ( do NOT list mesenchyme or msoderm) Myocardial mental
Paritioning of the common atrium is the first indicated by the appearance of septum primum
form the auricles original embryonic common atrium
Briefly discuss the developemts of the AV canals the superior and inferioir endocaridal cushions grow and fuse across forming the AV septum which seprates the primary AV canal in the right and left AV canals
the definitive derivative of the left common cardinal vien Oblique vein of the L atrium
forms the traculated part of the left ventricle ONLY primitive ventricle
Foramen Ovale forms within this embyonic structure septum secundum
Name 2 Muscular compoents that develop from the 2nd brachial arch. ( for a muscle group, do NOT list individual MM of the group _ just list the group) MM. of facial expresions, post belly of the digastric, stapedius, stylohyoid
give the derviative form the cartilage from the 6th brachial arch cartilage of the larynx
give the derivative from the cartilage of the 3rd bracial arch Greater horm and inf. portion of the hyoid bone
concerning the post 4/5 of the INNER layer of the optic cup: a) give the specific name b) what wessel in the ADULT remans to supply it A) neural retina b) central arty of the retina
name the 3 embyonic arterial netwrok fromed by the end of the third week vitelline, umbilical, and dorsal aorta
SPECIFICALLY ia formed by the ORIGINAL embryonic COMMON atrium auricles of the R/L atria
embyonic components responsible for forming the myocardium ( do not list mesenchyme or meso derm ) myocardial mantle
name given to the 1/3rd of the bulbus cordis conus cordis
embyonic componet from NONtracrculated part fo the right ventricle conus cordis
give the 3 derivatives fromt he cartilage of the 2nd brachial arch stapes, styloid process, stylohyoid ligments, lesser horn and superioir half of the body of the hyoid bone
Give hyomere derivatives of the sacrococcygeal mytomes skeletal MM of the anus and sex organs, pelvic diaphragm
what is the fate of the preotic myotomes? extrinsic eye muscles
nerve of the 3rd pharyngeal arch CN9 glossopharyngeal
as theeye develops, the short pasterioir ciliary arteries RUN ( are located in) in the _____________ and SUPPLY the _____________ chorid layer pigment layer of the retina
Name the germ layer (neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, mesenchyme or endoderm) responsible for: a) corneal epithelium b) chorid layer A) surface ectoderm B) mesenchyme
list origins for:(neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, mesenchyme or endoderm) a) conjunstival epithelum b) lacrimal gland C) iridopupillary memebrane ALL surface ectoderm
list origins for:(neuroectoderm, surface ectoderm, mesenchyme or endoderm): a) sphincter and dilator pupillae b) sclera f) lens a) neuroderm b) mesenchyme d) surface ecotoderm
Named branch of CN 7 through the middle ear just medial to the malleus; the nerve conducts taste from the anterioir 2/3rds of the tongue and some autonomics to the salivary glands Chorda tympani N.
Dorsal projection of the external ear, located anterioir to concha and over the orifice of the ext. acostic meatus tragus
Chamber of cochlea into which round window opens scala tympani
Fluid found in the membranous labyrinth endolymph
_________ outer rim of the auricle Helix
the _________ (ossicle fits into the ________ window Stapes Oval
the triangular cochlear duct is seprated from the scala vestibule by the _________ and separated from the scala tympani by the _________ Vestibular memebrane Basilar memebrane
____________ minute small cavities at junctions of the iris and cornea drains aqueous humor from the anterioir chanber of the eye trabeulae
Name the abductors of the eye superioir and inferioir obliques, and lateral rectus
small opening into the superioir and inferioir lacrimal canaiculi superior and inferioir lacrimal puncta
Specically where are the maculae located? walls of the utricle and saccula
Traingular space at medial angle of the eye where tears collect lacrimal lake
name the adducters mm of the eye medial, superioir and inferioir rectus MM
complete the following concerning the FLOW of aqueous humor in the eye:___________->post. chamber->pupil->ant. chamber->____________->scleral venous sinus Ciliary body trabeculae
Small reddish conical body of skin containing sebaceous and sweat glans; produces a whitish secretion lacrimal caruncula
Chamber between the iris and the lens Posterioir chamber
besides the lateral rectus m. whish can abduct the eye superioir oblique and inferioir oblique
from proximal to distal, the second branch of the arch of the arota left common carotid artey
in which SPECIFIC medistinum are the fallowing located: A) insertion of the pulmonary vien b) L?R brachiocephalic veins c) L and R bronchi a) middle mediastinmun b) superior medastinum c) Posterioir
in which SPECIFIC medistinum are the fallowing located: d)Esophagus e)DISTAL part of the phernic nerve f)MOST of the azygos vein d) posterioir and superioir e) middle f) posterioir
in which SPECIFIC medistinum are the fallowing located: g)most of the thymus h)tracheal biforcation I)hemiazygos vein g) superioir h) posterioir i) posterioir
in which SPECIFIC medistinum are the fallowing located: J) ascending aorta k)thoracic sphalnchnics L)inferioir half of the superioir vena cava j) middle k) posterioir l) middle
name the tributaries to the hemiazygos vein (do NOT list the ascending lumbar or the branch from the left renal vein) L. subcostal vein, caudal 3-4 left posterioir intercostalv. some esophegeal and mediastinal vv. left bronchial vv
the ligamentum arteriosum connects what two vessels? left pulmonary a. and arch of the aorta
name the tributary to the left brachiocephalicv. whose right counterpart is NOT a tributary to the R. brachiocephalic v left highest posterioir intercostal v
during its corse the pulmanary trunk passes first ________(ant. post left right) to/of the ascending aorta then immediatly __________(ant. post left right) to it Anterioir Left
the azygos vein runs superioirly (anterioir to the lumbar and thoracic vertrebrae) then ARCHED OVER the __________ (from post to ant) to empty into the ______________ root of the R lung Superioir vena cava
besides the posterioir intercostal name two PARIETAL branches of the descending thoracic aorta subcostal a. superioir phrenic a, and posterioir intercostal artery
the sternal angle marks the (all the apply): a) appox. level of trachea biforcation b) junction of ascending and arch portions of aorta c) junction descending and arch portion of aorta d) level of disk T4/5 All
struturally define the fallowing borders of the superior mediastinum: a) upper b) lateral a) plane of the 1st rib b) plearal sac
during there corse the phrenic nn. pass downward ___________ (ant. post) to the root of the lung and onto the ________(name structe) before entering the diaphragm Anterioir pericardial sac
the R pulmomanry a runs __________ (ant post) to the ________prat of the aorta Posterioir ascending
specific artery that supplies the upper surface of the respiatory diaphragm superioir phrenic A
using anatomical mand marks define the lowerborder of the superioir mediastinum horizontal line throught the angle of the sternum passing through the T4/5 disk
vein that drains the upper 2nd 3rd and 4th intercostal spaces highest intercostal v
besides the r ascending lumbar v. a branch of the IVC and the right posterioir intercostal VV name the 4 tributaries drain into th azygoes vien r. hightest interconstal =, hemiazygoes v, asscory hemiazygoes, right bronchial v
besides hemiazygoes and posterioir intercostals give 2 tribatries to the azygoes vien ( do not list ascending lumbar or the branch of IVC) Right subcostalv right highest intercostal v accessory hemiazygoes
the left pulmonary artry runs _____ (ant post) to the ________(of the 3 parts)part of the aorta anterioir decending
as the left recurrent laryngeal nerve loops under the arch of the aorta it lies IMMEDIATELY to the left of ___________ arteriosis ligament
portion of the conduction system of the heart innervated y sympathtics from the left side AV node
Created by: missymak19
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