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Chapters 4-7

Agir to act
Bavarder to chat
choisir to choose
demenager to move out
emmenager to move in
finir par to end up
louer to rent
passer un examen to take an exam
reflechir (a) to think (about)
reussir (a) to succeed (in)
l'affiche poster
l'armoire wardrobe, closet
le (baladeur) iPod (player)
le canape sofa
la chambre bedroom
la commode chest of drawers
le couloir hallway
l'etagere shelf
l'immeuble apartment building
le lavabo bathroom sink
le lecteur de CD CD player
le lit bed
le logement lodging, place of residence
la maison house
le meuble piece of furniture
le miroir mirror
le mobile cell phone
le mur wall
le reveil alarm clock
le rideau curtain
la rue street
le studio studio (apartment)
le tapis rug
les toilettes restroom
ancien(ne) old,antique, former
bon(ne) good
chaque every
dernier/derniere last
faux/fausse false
vieux/vieil/vieille old
gros(se) large, fat, thick
jeune young
joli(e) pretty
mauvais(e) bad
premier/premiere first
vrai(e) true
a cote de beside
a droite de on the right of
a gauche de on the left of
chez at the home of;at the office of
derriere behind
devant in front of
en face de across from
entre between
loin de far from
par by
par terre on the ground
pres de near
sous under
sur on
combien(de) how many, how much
comment how, what
ou where
pourquoi why
qu'est-ce que, que what
quand when
qui who, whom
alors so;then
donc then;therefore
en desorde disorderly
en order orderly
parce que because
si if
attendre to wait (for)
descendre to go down;to get off
entendre to hear
faire to do;to make
perdre to lose;to waste
rendre to give back;to return to;to hand in
rendre visite a to answer
rester to stay, remain
vendre to sell
l'arbre tree
l'autobus bus
le bruit noise
la cle key
la meteo weather forecast
les projets plans
le temps time;weather
les vacances vacation
celibataire single (person)
divorce(e) divorced
marie(e) married
pacse(e) joined legally by a PACS
prefere(e) favorite, preferred
les arriere-grands-parents great-grandparents
le beau-frere brother-in-law
le beau-pere father-in-law;stepfather
la belle-mere mother-in-law; stepmother
la belle-soeur sister-in-law
la bru daughter-in-law
le cousin cousin(male)
la cousine cousin (female)
le demi-frere half brother;stepbrother
le demi-soeur half sister;stepsister
l'enfant child
la femme wife
la fille daughter
le fils son
le frere brother
le gendre son-in-law
le mari husband
la mere mother
le neveu nephew
la niece niece
le parent parent;relative
la petite-fille granddaughter
le petit-fils grandson
le petit-enfant grandchild
la tante aunt
le balcon balcony
le bureau office
la cuisine kitchen
la chambre bedroom
l'escalier stairway
le jardin garden
la piece room
la premier/deuxieme etage second/third floor
le rez-de-chaussee ground (first) floor
la salle a manger dining room
la salle de bains bathroom
le sejour living room
le sous-sol basement
la terrasse terrace
faire attention to pay attention
faire la connaissance (de) to meet (for the first time)
faire les courses to do errands
faire la cuisine to cook
faire ses devoirs to do one's homework
faire la lessive to do the laundry
faire la marche to do the shopping, go to the market
faire le menage to do the housework
faire une promenade to take a walk
faire la queue to stand in line
faire du sport to play/do sports
faire de la voile to go sailing
faire un tour to take a walk
faire la vaisselle to do the dishes
faire un voyage to take a trip
Qeul temps fait-il? How's the weather?
Il fait beau It's nice (out)
Il fait chaud It's hot
Il fait du soliel It's sunny
It fait du vent It's windy
Il fait frais It's cool
Il fait froid It's cold
Il fait mauvais It's bad (out)
Il neige It's snowing
Il pleut It's raining
Le temps est nuageux It's cloudy
Le temps est orageux It's stormy
Au printemps In spring
En automne In fall
En ete In summer
En hiver In winter
l'annee prochaine next year
apres after
bientot soon
ce week-end this weekend
cet apres-midi/ce matin/ce soir this afternoon/morning/evening
dans quatre jours in four days (from now)
demain tomorrow
d'habitude usually
une fois par semaine once a week
le lundi/le vendredi soir on Mondays/on Friday evenings
peut-etre maybe
la semaine prochaine next week
tous les jours every day
tout a l'heure in a while
tout de suite immediately
apprendre to learn
boire to drink
celebre to celebrate
commander to order (in a restaurant)
considerer to consider
dejeuner to eat lunch
diner to eat dinner
esperer to hope
passer to pass, spend
prendre to take; to have
prendre le petit dejeuner to have breakfast
prendre du temps to take (a long) time
prendre son temps to take one's time
prendre un repas to eat a meal
prendre un verre to have a drink (usually alcoholic)
l'apres-midi afternoon
la cuisine cooking; kitchen
le dejeuner lunch
le diner dinner
le gouter afternoon snack
la journee (whole) day
le matin morning
le midi afternoon
le plat dish (of food)
le petit dejeuner breakfast
le produit product
le repas meal
le soir evening
l'aliment food
le beurre butter
la biere beer
le bifteck steak
le boeuf beef
la boisson gazeuse soft drink
le champignon mushroom
le citron lemon
le citron vert lime
la creme cream
l'eau water
la fraise strawberry
les frites french fries
le fromage cheese
la gateau cake
les haricots verts green beans
le jambon ham
le jus (d'orange) (orange) juice
le lait milk
le legume vegetable
l'oeuf egg
l'oignon onion
le pain bread
la poire pear
le poisson fish
le poivre pepper
le poivron bell pepper
la pomme de terre potato
le poulet chicken
les produits frais fresh products
le sel salt
le sucre sugar
la tarte pie
le the tea
la viande meat
le vin wine
l'assiete plate
le bol wide cup
la bouteille bottle
le couteau knife
la cuillere spoon
la fourchette fork
la nappe tablecloth
la serviette napkin
la tasse cup
le verre glass
frais/fraiche fresh
Quelle heure est-it? what time is it?
Il est...heure(s) demi(e) It is...o'clock...half past quart quarter past (the hour)
...moins le quart quarter to (the hour)
...du matin in the morning l'apres-midi in the afternoon
...du soir in the evening
il est midi it's noon
il est minuit it's midnight
A quelle heure...? at what time...?
assez de enough of
peu de little of
trop de too much of, too many of
un peu de a little of
a l'heure on time
de bonne heure early
en avance early
en retard late
je voudrais I would like no more, no longer, not anymore
presque almost
tard late
tot early
vers around, about
apporter to carry; to bring
couter to cost
devior to have to, to be obligated to, to owe
gouter to taste
laisser to leave (behind)
pleuvoir to be able to, can
vouloir to want
vouloir bien to be willing; to agree
vouloir dire to mean
l'addition bill, check
l'ail garlic
l'argent money
la boite (de conserve) can (of food)
la carte menu
le centime 1/100th of a euro
les conserves canned goods
la cote chop
la chose thing
les crevettes shrimp
l'eclair eclair (pastry)
l'entree first course
l'escargot snail
l'euro euro
le filet fillet (beef, fish)
le homard lobster
l'huile (d'olive) (olive) oil
l'hitre oyster
le magasin store, shop
la matinee morning
le menu fixed (price) menu
le morceau piece
la mousse au chocolat chocolate mousse
la nuit night
le pain de champagne country style wheat bread
le pate de champange (country style) pate
les pates pasta
le plat course (meal)
plat principal main dish
le pourboire tip
le prix price
le regime diet
le roti roast
les sardines (a l'huile) sardines (in oil)
la saucisson sausage
le saumon salmon
le serveur/la serveuse waiter/waitress
la soiree evening
la sole sole (fish)
la tranche slice
le veau veal
la boucherie butcher shop
la boulangerie bakery
la charcuterie pork butcher's shop
l'epicerie grocery store
la patisserie pastry shop; pastry
la poissonnerie fish store
avant-hier the day before yesterday
dernier/ derniere last
hier yesterday
hier soir last night
passe(e) last
toute la matinee/la journee/la soiree/ la nuit all morning/day/evening/night
autre chose something else
ca this, that
ce (cet, cette) this, that
compris(e) included
d'abord first
ensuite next, then
Il n'y a pas de quoi you're welcome
je pourrais i could
je vous en prie You're welcome (formal)
et (puis) and (then)
Created by: mcgraa
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