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Question | Answer |
POL POT | Lead the Khmer Rouge and began the dictator of the society. -Communist leader is cambodia in the late 70’s -Importance: There was a genocide while he was in power and over 3,000,000 were killed. |
Civil Disobedience | Peacefully disobeying laws that are seen unjust. Importance: People like Dr. King used it in order to promote racial equality. |
Khmer Rouge | The group that took over in Cambodia that Pol Pot was connected to. Wanted to make a classless society. - Importance: Began a mass genocide against Catholic Sympathizers |
Elijah Muhammad | Founder and Leader of the Nation of Islam Importance: Malcolm X was inspired by him wanting Racial Equality Inspired Malcolm X --> eventually had a falling out |
Enemies List | List compiled by the Nixon administration of people that were considered a threat to Nixon. Importance: Shows Nixon’s and his administrations Paranoia |
Black Muslims | Group lead by Malcolm X. ANother name for the nation of Islam. Importance: Malcolm X was a member at one time. |
Plumbers | The people that broke into Watergate (members of the CIA that were given instructions by Nixon) Importance: One of the orders they were given was to break into Watergate. |
Olive North | Was an individual that worked in security during the 1980’s Importance: Was an important figure in the Iran Contra-scandal. |
Deep Throat | An anonymous informant that tied the links between the watergate break in to the President and his administration. Importance: Without Deep Throat it would have taken that much longer for the public to find out the truth as to what happened. |
Vietnamization | Nixon’s attempt to withdraw troops from South Vietnam so that the South Vietnamese could maintain and control their own government against the Vietcong. Importance: Nixon’s policy for dealing with the Vietnam War. |
Henry David Thoreau | A writer in the 1800’s that talked about the value of civil disobedience. Importance: Played a role in the Civil Rights movement especially by Dr. King |
SDI | Strategic Defense Initiative. Project of a missile defense system by pointing a lazar at an incoming missile. Importance: Accelerated the downfall of the Soviet Union bringing an end to the Cold War. |
Pre-Emption | Attack the enemy before they have the chance to attack you. Importance: George W. Bush relied on this in the war in Iraq |
Rogue States | : A country that supports terrorism or that is developing weapons of mass destruction. Importance: In the Post Cold War they become one of the security threats towards the US. |
Leo Strauss | Political Science professor at the University of Chicago. Importance: Influenced a lot of the neo-conservatives within the Bush Administration. |
SCLC | Southern Christian Leadership Council. Civil Rights Council. Importance: Promoted and lead by Dr. King and promoted non-violence |
SAyyid Qutb | : An islamic scholar in egypt that was very influential in the 50’s-60’s. Wanted to establish a new government more like Islam. Importance: Major influence on Islamic Extremest. AKA Osama Binladin. |
PTSD | Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. When people have flashbacks of traumatic events they had in the past and prevents them from having a normal life. Importance: Many Vietnam soldiers had this problem and kept them from developing a normal life style |
Sandinistas | Communist group in Nicaragua in the late 70’s and remained in power through much of the 80’s. Importance: The US sponsored a rebel group known as the contras in attempted to overthrow the Sandinistas. Was not as effective as they intended |