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Partielle francais

Grand Dérangement 1755-1763
New Orleans/Louisiana is ceded to Spain 1763
Louisiana Purchase 1803
Battle of New Orleans (part of US vs Britain War of 1812-1815) January 8, 1815
Dred Scott v. Standford (U.S. Supreme Court decision declaring that slaves and their descendants are not protected by the Constitution and can never be citizens: 1857
U.S. Civil War 1861-1865
Emancipation Proclamation September 1862
Congress guarantees rights of citizenship and equal protection under the law to all people born in the U.S., regardless of race (14th Amendment) 1868
Plessy V. Ferguson (U.S. Supreme Court decision enshrining the doctrine of "separate but equal" and upholding the constitutionality of state-sponsored racial segregation) 1896
Brown V. Board of Education (U.S. Supreme Court decision overturning Plessy. V. Ferguson) 1954
"The Campaign of 1814-1815" Hippolyte Castra
"Désirée's Baby" Kate Chopin
"The Mulatto" Victor Séjour
"Linguistic Schizophrenia" Jean Arceneaux
The Big Sea Langston Hughes
"Wedding Day" Gwendolyn Bennett
"Encounter on the Seine: Black Meets Brown" James Baldwin
"Equal in Paris" James Baldwin
The Stone Face William Gardner Smith
Created by: 1216129560
Popular History sets




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