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UKCD Histo Pulp

learning objectives for dental pulp

How much inorganic material does normal dental pulp contain? None. It does not normally contain mineralized materials.
What three features common to CT compose the pulp? Cells (fibroblasts and undifferentiated mesenchymal cellls). Fibers (Type I and Type III collagen). Ground substance (proteoglycans, glycoproteins and water.
Which type of collagen fibers are found? Type I and Type III collagen as well as reticular fibers (or Korff’s) in the peripheral region.
Where is the cell-free zone located? Just below the odontoblast layer at the periphery of the pulp.
What composes the odontogenic layer? Odontoblast cell layer, cell-free zone (of Weil), and the cell-rich zone.
In which layer is the neural plexus located? Just under the odontoblastic zone in the peripheral region of the pulp.
Where is the cell-rich zone? Between the cell-free zone above and the subodontoblastic plexus (of Raschkow) below.
What types of cells predominate in this layer? Fibroblasts
The dense capillary network under the odontoblasts reflect what feature of this layer? The fact that the primary function of dental pulp is the support and maintenance of its peripheral odontoblast layer. Odontoblasts in turn maintain the dentin.
Is there a lymphatic drainage of the pulp? Widely now believed to exist.
Where does tissue fluid drain in lieu of them? In lieu of lymphatics tissue fluid would drain into capillaries or post-capillary venules within the pulp.
List the two types of nerve fibers found in the pulp. autonomic nerve fibers and afferent (sensory fibers)
What is the function of the autonomic nerve fibers? regulate blood flow in the capillary network
What is the function of the sensory nerve fibers? transmit pain stimuli from temperature etc
Where to the myelinated fibers terminate? Unmyelinated terminal branches extend from the subodontoblastic plexus up between odontoblasts and even extend up into dentinal tubule.
What type of pain is referred by myelinated fibers? from unmyelinated fibers? Myelinated fibers transmit sharp intense pain while unmyelinated fibers transmit dull throbbing pain.
What are the two types of pulp? Coronal (in the crown) and radicular (in the root).
Do the two types of pulp differ in composition? No but odontoblasts are stratified in coronal pulp
Where would a pulp horn be found? Within the cusp (incisal aspects) of the crown (coronal pulp).
What age-related changes occur in the pulp? With age pulp becomes less cellular, more fibrous and reduced in volume due to continued dentin deposition. In addition mineralization (pulp stones) become more common with age.
Why do these changes with age occur? Minor pathologic events may lead to cell death in the pulp, surviving fibroblasts respond by producing more Type I collagen fibers and less ground substance.
What are pulp stones? Small mineralized bodies present in over 90% of older teeth.
How do pulp stones develop? result of epithelio-mesenchymal interactions ; calcific degeneration (spontaneous calcification of pulp components ); and diffuse calcification (seriously degenerated pulp undergoes multifocal calcification).
What are the two types of pulp stones and how can you distinguish one from the other? True pulp stones - radiation of dentinal tubule-like structures false pulp stones- concentric lamellar morphology w/ no dential tubules.
Created by: wiechartm
Popular Histology sets




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