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Praxis II SS 0014
Historical Timeline
Question | Answer |
12,000 B.C.E. | Asians migrated over the Bering Strait into North America |
100 CE | Hopewell culture established large trading network |
300 CE | Mayan city of Tikal established |
800 CE | Mayan cities collapsed |
1325 | Aztecs built to Tenochtitlan ( Mexico City) |
1585 | Roanoke Island colony established on the Virginia coast and then disappears |
1607 | Jamestown colony founded |
1620 | Plymouth colony founded |
1630 | Massachusetts Bay colony founded |
1681 | Pennsylvania established by William Penn |
1754 | French and Indian war began |
1763 | Pontiacs revolted. Treaty of Paris signed |
1764 | sugar act; currency act |
1765 | stamp act;(first direct tax placed on colonies and all printed media were required to have stamps) sons of liberty form |
1770 | Boston massacre |
1773 | Tea Act; tax break to East India Company. |
1774 | intolerable acts; Massachusetts government act; administration of Justice act; Boston Port act; quartering act; first Continental Congress convened |
1775- 1783 American revolution began. | the struggle of how the United States won independence from Great Britain. Battle of Bunker Hill. |
1776 | declaration of independence signed adopted by a 13, colony vote which led to an alliance with France. quartering act |
1780 | French army landed in Connecticut |
1781 | articles of Confederation |
1783 | Treaty of Paris ended the war |
1787 | new territories prohibited slavery. Constitutional convention held in Philadelphia |
1788 | Federalist papers published. Constitution ratified and made the law of the land |
1789 1789-1797 George Washington | federal court system established ( Judiciary act) |
1791 | bill of rights approved |
1794 1797-1801 John Adams | whiskey rebellion |
1802 1801-1809 Thomas Jefferson | Louisiana purchase |
1804 | Louis and Clark expedition |
1812- 1814 Congress declared war on Britain. ( war of 1812) 1809-1817 James Madison | Congress declared war upon Great Britian which resulted in increased national patriotism united the state into one nation built confidence in US military strength and brought fourth the Star-Spangled Banner |
1814 | British burned Washington DC; Treaty of Ghent ended war of 1812 |
1820 | Missouri compromise |
1823 1817- 1825 James Monroe | Monroe doctrine |
1846 1845-1849 | United States declared war on Mexico. Oregon Treaty James Knox Polk |
1848 | Gold discovered in California.Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. |
1849 1849-1850 | California gold rush Zachary Taylor |
1850 1850-1853 Millard Fillmore | compromise of 1850 |
1860 | South Carolina seceded from the Republic |
1861-1865 Abraham Lincoln confederacy formed and Civil War began. | into factions of the new nation in North (union) and slave owning states of the South (Confederacy)fought until the secession of the South was squelched slavery was abolished the federal government gained great power and united the country |
1863 | Battle of Gettysburg |
1865-1869 Andrew Johnson | Civil War ends. 13th amendment ends slavery. Lincoln is assassinated. |
1867 | Alaska purchased from Russia |
1869-1877 Ulysses S Grant | transcontinental railroad is completed |
1877-1881 Rutherford B Hayes | Custer defeated by the Sioux at little bighorn (Custer's last stand) |
1890 | wounded knee massacre |
1898 | Spanish American war begins |
1899 | Treaty of Paris ended Spanish-American war |
1914 | Panama Canal opened. World War I began. Arizona became a state. |
1914- 1918 WW I | Great Britain France Russia Belgium Italy Japan United States and other allies defeated Germany Austria-Hungary Turkey and Bulgaria over through four empires ( German Empire Hapsburg Empire Turkish Empire Russian Empire) the result seven new nations |
1919 | Treaty of Versailles |
1920 | 19th amendment ( women's suffrage) |
1931 | Star-Spangled Banner designated national anthem by an act of Congress |
1939- 1945 World War II began | the struggle in which after Great Britain and France Soviet Union United States China and other allies defeated Germany Italy and Japan. Two atomic bombs were dropped to end the war (Hiroshima and Nagasaki). |
outcomes of World War II | Germany was divided into four parts and controlled by the Allied powers, geopolitical power shifted away from Western and Central Europe, the United States and Russia became known internationally as the superpowers. |
outcomes of World War II | new technologies appear ( computer jet engine nuclear fission) and many global organization sprouted ( United Nations World Bank world trade organization international monetary fund) |
1947 | Cold War began between United States and Russia |
1950-1953 Korean War began | the struggle between North Korea ( communist) aided by China and Russia and South Korea (non communist) dated by the United States and Britain and the UN resulted in the same boundaries in the North and South |
1955 | Montgomery bus boycott |
1956- 1975 Vietnam war began | a long conflict in which North Vietnam ( communist) was supported by China and the Soviet Union and tried to take over South Vietnam( non communist) supported by the United States. |
1957 | Sputnik; civil right act |
1961 | Bay of Pigs; Cuba |
1962 | Cuban missile crisis |
1963 | Kennedy assassinated and Johnson becomes president |
1968 | Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King both assassinated |
1969 | first man landed on the moon( Neil Armstrong) |
1973 | United States withdrew from Vietnam |
1983 | Reagan started the strategic Defense initiative |
1990 | Iraq forces invaded Kuwait |
1991 | the Persian Gulf War began. Kuwait is liberated. United States and allies defeated Iraq. |
1992 | United States and Russia signed the Treaty to officially end the Cold War |
1994 | Republican Party wins majority in both Senate and House for first-time in 40 years |
1998 | two American embassies in Eastern Africa destroyed by terrorists US forces launched airstrikes in Iraq |
1999 | Panama gained control of the Panama Canal |
2001 | September 11 terrorist attack World Trade Center and Pentagon |
2003 | United States led forces invaded Iraq |
1767 | Townshend act, placed a tax on essential goods such as paper glass and tea |
1773 | Boston tea party protest of the tea act by American colonists |
1215 | Magna Carta- the clauses of this document (63) explained and restricted the rights of the monarch |
1620 | Mayflower compact- signed en route on the Mayflower established a temporary majority rule government for the pilgrims |
the Declaration of Independence | the principles set forth in this document justified the separation of the 13 colonies from Great Britain and provided responsibilities to individuals with the government ruled by the people |
articles of Confederation 1781 | the first constitution of the 13 American states with later replaced in 1789 by the Constitution of the United States |
the Federalist papers 1787 to 1780 | this group of 85 articles was published in New York newspapers to influence the decision to ratify the Constitution and even today help to explain the intent of the Constitution |
the U.S. Constitution 1787 | document that established the basic principles of the American government |
emancipation proclamation 1865 | issued during the Civil War president Lincoln ended slavery in the Confederate states |
the Pledge of Allegiance 1892 | an oath of confirmation written by Francis Bellamy to support the nation |
1825- 1829 | John Quincy Adams |
1829- 1837 | Andrew Jackson |
1837-1841 | Martin Van Buren |
1841 | William Harrison |
1841-1845 | John Tyler |
1853-1857 | Franklyn Pierce |
1857-1861 | James Buchanan |
1881 | James Garfield |
1881-1885 | Chester Arthur |
1885-1889 | Grover Cleveland |
1889-1893 | Benjamin Harrison |
1893-1897 | Grover Cleveland |
1897-1901 | William McKinley |
1901-1909 | Theodore Roosevelt |
1909-1913 | William Taft |
1913-1921 | Woodrow Wilson |
1921-1923 | Warren Harding |
1923-1929 | Calvin Coolidge |
1929-1933 | Herbert Hoover |
1933-1945 | Franklin D Roosevelt |
1945-1953 | Harry S Truman |
1953-1961 | Dwight D. Eisenhower |
1961-1963 | John F Kennedy |
1963-1969 | Lyndon B Johnson |
1969-1974 | Richard Nixon |
1974 to 1977 | Gerald Ford |
1977 to 1981 | James Carter |
1981 to 1989 | Ronald Reagan |
1989 to 1993 | George HW Bush |
1993 to 2001 | William Bill Clinton |
2001 to 2009 | George W Bush |
2009 | Barack H Obama |
American Indian wars (1587 to 1890) | the struggles and white European settlers in the colonies defeated Native American and tribes to expand their ownership of land resulted in the police and confinement of Native Americans on reservations. |
results of the Vietnam war | resulting in the takeover of South Vietnam implementing a Socialist Republic were the Communist Party now governs |
1990 to 1991 Persian Gulf war | the United States led a coalition of forces and destroyed much of Iraq's military forces resulting in driving out the a Iraq army from Kuwait |
2003 to the present the Iraq war | the struggle in which the United States and Great Britain led a coalition of forces against Iraq to expel Saddam Hussein |