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facial exp.muscles

Muslces of Facial Expression

Where are skin muscles located? Superficial fascia
How are the skin muscles separated indistinctly from one another
What nerve are skin muscles innervated by the facial nerve (CN VII)
What are the Muscles of the scalp (2) Occipitofrontalis and temporoparietalis m.
Muscle that draws scalp posteriorly and raises eyebrows as in an expression of surprise Occipitofrontalis
What is the galea aponeurotica of the occipitofrontalis helmet-like aponeurosis joining the frontal and occipital bellies of this muscle
Collective name for occipitofrontalis and its galea aponeurotica, and the temporoparietalis m. Muscle Epicranius
arises from fascia of temporalis m. above and anterior to the ear. inserts into the galea aponeurotica Temporoparietalis muscle
It is variable in its development, acts in helping to keep the scalp tight temporoparietalis muscle
What are the muscles of the ear (3) Anterior Auricular muscle, Posterior Auricular muscle, Superior Auricular muscle
located superficial to the temporalis muscle, arise from fascia of the temporalis muscle and insert into pinna Anterior Auricular muscle, Posterior Auricular muscle, Superior Auricular muscle
Action of the Anterior Auricular muscle pulls pinna anteriorly
Action of the Posterior Auricular muscle pulls pinna posteriorly
Action of the Superior Auricular muscle pulls pinna superiorly
What are the muscles of the Eye (2) Orbicularis Oculi, Corrugator Supercilii
What is the Orbicularis Oculi a sphincter muscle consisting of 3 parts. The pars orbitalis, pars palpebralis, and the pars lacrimalis
Peripheral outer part surrounding orbit; closes the eye Pars Orbitalis
Inner part of lids; closes eyelids Pars Palpebralis
Lies deep to palpebral part in medial corner of eye, compresses lacrimal sac, draws lacrimal puncta medially Pars Lacrimalis
Located deep to frontalis and orbicularis oculi Corrugator Supercilii
Action of Corrugator Supercilii Draws the eyebrows downward and medially as in frowning
What are the muscles of the nose? (3) Procerus, Nasalis, Depressor Septi Nasi
Action of Procerus Draws medial angle of eyebrows downward, and wrinkles skin on bridge of nose
What are the 2 parts to Nasalis Pars Alaris, Pars Transversa
Action of pars alaris aka(dilator naris) Widens nostril
Action of pars transversa aka (compressor naris) depresses cartilage of nose and compresses the nostril
Action of Depressor Septi Nasi constricts the nostril
What are the muscles of the mouth? (12) Levator Labii Superioris, Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi, Zygomaticus Minor, Zygomaticus Major, Levator Anguli Oris, Risorius, Depressor Anguli Oris, Buccinator, Depressor Labii Inferioris, Mentalis, Orbicularis Oris, Platysma muscle
Muscles inserting on Upper Lip (3) Levator Labii Superioris, Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi, Zygomaticus Minor
Inserts on upper lip, action is it raises the upper lip Levator Labii Superioris
Inserts into upper lip and alar (wings) part of nose. Action is it raises upper lip and dilates naris (nostril) Levator Labii Superioris Alaeque Nasi
Arises from zygomatic bone, action is it moves upper lip upward and outward Zygomaticus Minor
Muscles Inserting on Corner of Mouth (5) Zygomaticus Major, Levator Anguli Oris, Risorius, Depressor Anguli Oris, Buccinator
inserts on corner of mouth, arises from zygomatic bone, raises corner of mouth as in laughing Zygomaticus Major "laughing muscle"
inserts on corner of mouth, action is it raises angle (corner) of the mouth as in disdain Levator Anguli Oris
inserts on corner of mouth, draws corner of mouth laterally as in smiling Risorius "smile (grin) muscle"
inserts on corner of mouth, action is it depresses angle (corner) of mouth Depressor Anguli Oris aka (triangularis)
inserts on corner of mouth, action is compresses cheeks against teeth during mastication (chewing) and also during blowing. Located deep to Zygomaticus major and Risorius Buccinator
Muscles Inserting on Lower Lip (2) Depressor Labii Inferioris, Mentalis
inserts on lower lip, action is it depresses lower lip Depressor Labii Inferioris
inserts on lower lip, action is it protrudes lower lip and wrinkles skin on chin Mentalis
Muscles encircling Mouth Orbicularis Oris, Platysma Muscle
a sphincter muscle consisting of 2 parts; the "kissing muscle"-purses(puckers) lips, thus closing them Orbicularis Oris
What are the 2 parts to the Orbicularis Oris pars marginalis, pars labialis
Peripheral part around lips. part of Orbicularis Oris Pars Marginalis
Central part around lips. Part of Orbcularis Oris Pars labialis
Thin flat paper-like muscle that encircles the mouth Platysma Muscle
Origin, Insertion, and Action of Platysma Muscle O: fascia of cervical I: lower mandible and skin around mouth A: retracts and depresses angle of mouth as in horror, producing wrinkles on skin of neck; also helps in depressing mandible
Created by: trevpeters
Popular Chiropractic sets




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