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Pyramids 3.4
Question | Answer |
Giza | Site of the great pyramid |
Giza | ancient city in Egypt |
Amon Re | Cheif God who protected rich and poor |
Osiris | God of living and Dead |
Isis | Osiris' wife |
Hourus | Osiris' son |
west | "home of the dead" b/c sun sets |
afterlife | life after death |
mummy | a dead body preserved in life-like condition |
pyramid | huge building for tombs of royal Egyptians |
pyramids | made of four triangular slides that slope up into a point |
Great Pyramid of Giza | made up of 2 million stones each weighing 5,000 pounds |
mummification | an act of preserving bodies that takes 2-3 months |
Egyptians | preserved bodies of the dead so the soul could recognize the body |
Old Kingdom | period of time when most pyramids were built |
Faith | building a pryramid to ensure the pharaoh's place in the afterlife |
hieroglyphics | picture writing that stood for symbols, ideas or sounds |
papyrus | paper made from the reed plant found along the marshy delta |
astronomer | scientist that study the stars and other bodies in the sky |
Egyptian Society | resembled a pyramid |
Harvest | buisest seaon for Egyptian peasants |
Middle Class | made of merchants, artisians, and skilled workers |
Nobles | members of the pharaoh's court |
Jean Fransic | French scholar that unlocked the meaning of heiroglyphics |
Rosetta Stone | had three types of writing: Greek; heiroglyphics and demonic |
Rosetta | ancient city near the Nile River delta |