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Chapter 13 APUSH

Corrupt Bargain (1824) Tore the Democratic-Republican party apart, Democratic and Republican
Election of 1828 Democrats won,majority rule not just white men but RICH white men.
The spoils System appoints friends to Government positions , rather than qualified applicants
Indian Removal Act (1830) Forced tribes off land & reservations west of the Mississippi River, make way for expanded plantation.
Nullification to say no
Nullification Crisis John C. Calhoun says no to tariffs
(What caused)Panic of 1837 State banks issue to much paper $$, inflation increased, people want to exchange paper $$ for gold and silver, many banks fail
The Whigs People who oppose Andrew Jackson
Tariff of Abominations tariffs were raised by congress
Trail of Tears U.s Army forced 15,000 Cherokees to Indian territory, 4,000 died on the 116 day journey
The Bank War (1832) Daniel Webster & Henry Clay , bill to renew Bank of U.S's charter, got through congress Jackson vetoed- said it was unconstitutional
Martin Van Buren 8th President, experience in legislative and administrative life.
Jacksonian Democrats vs. Whigs Democrats-states rights and federal restraint Whigs- liked renewed national bank, protective tariff,internal improvments,public schools
Created by: ilabor
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