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Meso CC Sites Exam I

Meso SS Sites Exam I

LA VENTA Mosaic pavement<br>Middle Formative<br>900-400 BCE<br>Olmec<br>Serpentine<br>La Venta Has cleft like the dragon figure in Azuzul (were-jaguar) - face with tassels/etc. below<p>Ritualistically buried under clay and slabs of imported rock<p>15-20 feet (run), 500 blocks<p> <img src=""/>
Colossal head #1<br>Middle Formative<br>900-400 BCE<br>Olmec<br>Basalt<br>La Venta Stone carried from over 80 Kilometers away (Cerro Cintepec)<p>Found outside near tombs in Complex A in situ "intentionally left in original location)<p>9'4" tall and weighed several tons<p> <img src=""/>
Altar 4<br>Middle Formative<br>900-400 BCE<br>Olmec<br>Basalt<br>La Venta Multiplicity - aspect of human figure inside a creature<p>Might have been throne for ceremonial purposes<p>Figure sits inside cave or mouth of fantastical creature Ancestors or captives and rope <p> <img src=""/>
Monument 19<br>Middle Formative<br>900-400 BCE<br>Olmec<br>Basalt<br>La Venta Earliest representation of a feathered serpent in Mesoamerica<p>Feathered serpent later to become Aztec Quetzalcoatl<p>Depicts a priest/shaman engulfed in an animal - IDed by his purse<p> <img src=""/>
Offering 4<br>Middle Formative<br>900-400 BCE<br>Olmec<br>Basalt/serpentine/jade<br>La Venta Found in situ (in original context)<p>Uncovered 100 years after to inspect it, then buried again<p>Reproducing a historical event? Recreating a ceremony?<p>15 figures and 6 celts <img src=""/><img src=""/>
Monte Alban Monte Alban Monte Alban
Reconstruction of Tumba 104<br>Early Classic<br>400 CE<br>Zapotec/Mixtec<br>Painting and sculpture<br>Monte Alban IIIa Presence of pottery places individual in a higher class<p>Niches with ritual offerings<p>Tomb was opened in 1937<p>Painted in haste-> paint drips <img src=""/>
Portrait of the deceased over jaguar<br>Early Classic<br>400 CE<br>Zapotec/Mixtec<br>Ceramic<br>Monte Alban IIIa, Oaxaca Urn outside of Tomb 104; stylized, painted figures, ceramic sculptures stuck on outside<p>Cocijo rain/maize god headdress<p>Said to be on a jaguar<p> <img src=""/>
Kunz axe<br>Middle Formative<br>900-300 BCE<br>Olmec<br>Jade<br>hilly region of Oaxaca Green - connection to fertility, earth, and renewal<p>Shaped like a were-jaguar (Olmec cosmology)<p>Handle used in ceremonies (precious stone)<p> <img src=""/>
Teotihuacan Teotihuacan Teotihuacan
Jaw and Teeth Necklace from Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent<br>Early Classic??<br>2nd cent CE<br>Teotihuacano<br>Jaw/teeth<br>Teotihuacan Warriors were buried with them—trophies of war? Ritual sacrafice?<p>Some lower class warriors wore fake necklaces of shell etc.<p>Sacrifices done to keep gods happy? Droughts, exhaustion of resources (use of limestone)<p>From Temple of the Feathered Serpe <img src=""/>
Mask mosaic<br>Early Classic??<br>2nd cent CE<br>Teotihuacano<br>Shell, obsidian, malachite<br>Teotihuacan Glyph on forehead--”flowing water”?<p>Drill holes for earrings<p>Built in 2 phases over time—authenticity was long disputed<p>Teo is known for mosaic masks <img src=""/>
Reconstruction - Mural Painting of a Deity Flanked by Two Attendants from Tetitlan<br>Early Classic??<br>2nd cent CE<br>Teotihuacano<br>Plaster and stucco<br>Teotihuacan World Tree growing from her head/headdress (ceiba)<p>Great Goddess of Teotihuacan/ Spider Woman--Tepantitla Patio<p>Goddess is shown frontally – Teo style<p>Assoc with water, fertility, earth, creation <img src=""/>
Temple of the Moon<br>Early Classic<br>150 CE<br>Teotihuacano<br>Architecture<br>Teotihuacan Cerro Gordo behind; has cleft like were-jaguar (important to them!)<p>Covers a pre-existing structure from before 200 CE<p>Temple on top of perishable materials to Great Goddess<p>Built in 6 phases; Called “Tenan” in Nahuatl = “mother or rock protector” <img src=""/>
Great Goddess<br>Early Classic<br>150 CE<br>Teotihuacano<br>Basalt<br>Teotihuacan Largest freestanding sculpture found at Teotihuacan<p>Figure wrings water from her "huipil"/poncho<p>Precursor to Aztec goddess Chalchiuhtlicue<p>Chalchiuhtlicue AKA "she who wears a jade skirt" Block like but still 3D - not Olmec - basic carving <img src=""/>
Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent and the Adosada platform<br>Early Classic<br>200 CE<br>Teotihuacano<br>Architecture<br>Teotihuacan Talud-tablero (sloping-vertical) built in 2 phases<p>Representations of gods Tlaloc and Feathered Serpent<p>More the 200 dead bodies found—ritual?<p>260 painted serpent head tenons <img src=""/>
Temple of the Sun<br>Early Classic<br>225 CE<br>Teotihuacano<br>Architecture<br>Teotihuacan 61 m, 2 phases<p>1971 installed sound and light system and disc new cave<p>One of the largest structures in Precolomb Mesoamerica<p>Staircase opens/ closes<br>Over multi-chambered cave = portals to the underworld for Maya; "place of emergence" for Mesos <img src=""/>
Tikal Tikal Tikal
Stela 4, Curl Nose (Yax Nuun Aylin)<br>Early Classic Maya<br>380 CE<br>Maya<br>Boulder<br>Tikal Helmet of feathered serpent = Teo<p>Propoganda carved quickly<p>Seated figure seen frontally like Great Goddess painting in Teo<p> <img src=""/>
Stela 32, Stormy Sky<br>Early Classic<br>445 CE<br>Maya<br>Limestone<br>Tikal Jaguar god of underworld under L arm<p>Glyph with text IDs warrior in Teo garb<p>One of the most complex inventories of "political paraphenalia" of any Mayan monument<p> <img src=""/>
Tikal Temple II<br>Late Classic<br>700 CE<br>Maya<br>Architecture<br>Tikal 125 ft high<p>Jasaw Chan K'awil's wife - Lady Twelve Macaw<p>Faces Jasaw Chan K'awil's temple – whisper transmits<p> <img src=""/>
Tikal Temple I<br>Late Classic<br>740-50 CE<br>Maya<br>Architecture<br>Tikal 154 ft high 3 rooms<p>Talud-tablero; Teo style (but with roof comb)<p>Collections of bones, jade/shell ornaments, ceramics, and donations<p> <img src=""/>
Leiden Plaque celt<br>Early Classic<br>320 CE September 17<br>Maya<br>Jade<br>Linked to Tikal Long count date<p>Celt, probably used on belt (portable stela)<p>Records the ascension of “Moon Zero Bird”<p>Holds double headed snake staff as sign of rank <img src=""/>
Created by: takeshertime
Popular History sets




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