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NWHSU Mash GA1Q2 Action and Definitions

action of gluteus minimus abduction and medial rotation of femur
Action of the gluteus medius. abduction and medial rotation of femur
List four actions of the sartorius muscle. abduction, lateral rotation, and flexion of femur; flexion of knee; medial rotation of tibia (when knee is flexed and foot unweighted)
Action of the gracilis across the hip joint. adduction of femur
action of fibularis longus eversion of foot, plantarflexion of ankle
Action of peroneus (fibularis) tertius. eversion of foot, dorsiflexion of ankle
Action of the semitendinosus across the hip joint. extension of femur
Two primary actions of the gluteus maximus. extension of femur, lateral rotation of extended hip
Action of pectineus. adduction, medial rotation, and flexion of femur
action of semitendinosus across the knee joint flexion and medial rotation
Action of the rectus femoris. Flexion of Hip, Extention of knee
List individual names and actions of the muscles collectively known as the triceps surae. Gastrocnemius: plantarflexion of ankle, flexion of knee; Soleus: plantarflexion of ankle
Action of the Plantaris. Knee flexion, plantarflexion of ankle
Function of popliteus muscle. Lateral rotation of femur to Unlock the knee, assists in medial rotation of tibia when knee is flexed
Action of soleus. plantarflexion of ankle
Action of gastrocnemius. plantarflexion of ankle, flexion of knee
function of the popliteus muscle unlock the knee
Discuss what functional reversal of origin and insertion means. Origin becomes moveable, the insertion is stabilized
Define the perimysium. Connective Tissue which surrounds and holds groups (usually twelve) of endomysium wrapped muscle cells (a.k.a. fasicles, 1st thing visible to naked eye [muscle cell or fiber, endomysium, perimysium, epimysium, intermuscular septa, deep fascia] )
besides being external to the epimysium and sometimes fused to it, give two other characteristics of the deep fascia divides the muscles into functional compartments via the intramuscular septa, surrounds individual muscles and allows them to freely move against each other
Considering that muscle volume remains constant, what can one say when comparing the range of strength of contraction of an unattached muscle. RANGE depends on fasicle LENGTH; STRENGTH depends on fasicle CROSS SECTIONAL AREA
a patient presents a sprained ankle caused by excessive inversion. give specific ligamentous damage. anterior talofibular ligament
Name the ligaments that run from the tibia to the lateral malleolus. Anterior Tibiofibular Ligament, Posterior Tibiofibular Ligament
A patient presents a sprained ankle caused by excessive eversion. Give specific ligamentous damage. Deltoid ligament
A ligament deep to the dorsal sacroiliac ligament, located in the deep groove between the sacrum and the ilium. interosseous sacroiliac ligament
Be able to identify from netter diagrams... Oblique Popliteal Ligament, Ischiofemoral Ligament and suprapatellar bursa
a patient is flat-footed due to flattening of the medial longitudinal arch. This would indicate what specific ligamentous damage plantar calcaneonavicular ligament
Name 2 important ligaments with attachments to the ischium and sacrum. sacrospinous ligament; sacrotuberous ligament
considering that muscle volume remains constant. What can one say when comparing the range and strength of contraction of an unattached muscle they are inversely related
Component of deep fascia which arranges muscle into functional compartments. Intermuscular Septa
Smallest fiber-like unit of a muscle visible to the naked eye. (do not say fiber as your answer) Fasicle
Name given to the connective tissue covering the smallest unit of muscle visible to the naked eye(don’t say fiber). Perimysium
Created by: AnatomyMash
Popular Chiropractic sets




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