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NWHSU Mash GA1Q2 Arteries and Inguinal Canal

Define the superficial inguinal ring a gap in the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle
Specifically, what forms the anterior wall of the inguinal canal aponeurosis of external oblique muscle
Specifically what forms the important conjoined tendon. aponeurosis of transversus abdominis & internal oblique muscles
Give components which form the medial wall of the inguinal canal. Conjoined Tendon, Rectus Sheath
portion of the spermatic cord derived from the internal oblique cremaster muscle and it's fascia
what structure anteriorly contribute to the rectus sheath above the level of the anterior superior iliac spine external oblique and one of two internal oblique
Portion of the spermatic cord derived from the aponeurosis of the external oblique. External Spermatic Fascia
Define the deep inguinal ring. Gap in the transversalis fascia
differentiate between the course of a direct and indirect inguinal hernia indirect hernia penetrates the deep inguinal canal and pushes its way through the superficial inguinal canal. Direct hernia's go straight down going around the conjoined tendon and eventually pushing it's way through the superficial inguinal canal.
name the component from which the cremaster m. is formed internal oblique muscle
forms the ROOF of the inguinal canal internal oblique transversus abdominus
what forms the posterior wall of the inguinal canal tranversalis fascia
Specific landmark where popliteal artery begins. adductor hiatus
artery which runs with the deep peroneal nerve anterior tibial artery
Artery which directly gives rise to most of the dorsal metatarsal arteries. arcuate artery
Name the DIRECT (immediate) branches of the dorsalis pedis artery. Arcuate Artery, 1st Dorsal Metatarsal Artery and deep plantar artery
How does the great saphenous vein become a tributary to the deep veins….include what it drains into and how it gains access to it. Collects from sole, dorsum of foot, and thigh and drains into the femoral vein via the saphenous hiatus (opening in the fascia lata)
Specific vessel supplying skin of the labia majora, perineum and scrotum. deep external pudendal artery
Arises from the arcuate artery. dorsal metatarsal aa & dorsal digital aa
name the vessels which help to form the cruciate anastomosis inferior gluteal artery, 1st branch of perforating a., medial femoral circumflex a., lateral femoral circumflex a.
In detail, how does the great saphenous vein become a tributary to the deep veins it arises from dorsal digitals, dorsal metatarsal and dorsal venous arch and travels up medial leg to the saphenous hiatus which is a gap in the fascia latae. it is then a tributary to the femoral vein
Artery that specifically supplies the adductors, obturator externus, acetabulum, and the head of the femur. Medial Femoral circumflex
Give 2 vessels which help form the cruciate anastomosis. Medial Femoral Circumflex, Lateral Femoral Circumflex, (other 2 -Inferior Gluteal and 1st Perforating Arteries)
Artery that gives rise to perforating arteries of thigh. Profunda Femoris
Beginning with the popliteal artery, make a flow chart showing the course a drop of blood would mainly take to reach the lateral compartment muscles of the leg. popliteal artery, posterior tibial artery, fibular artery
Small saphenous vein is direct tributary. popliteal vein
the fibular artery is a branch of this artery posterior tibial artery
Artery of which the medial femoral circumflex is a direct branch. Profunda Femoris
Superficial vein which drains the lateral part of the foot and the posterior leg. Small Saphenous Vein
branch of femoral artery which parallels the inguinal ligament to supply skin in the area of the iliac crest superficial circumflex iliac artery
Give two vessels which help to form the cruciate anastomosis superior gleatal vessels inferior gleatal vessels
Created by: AnatomyMash
Popular Chiropractic sets




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