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NWHSU Mash GA1Q2 Ner

NWHSU Mash GA1Q2 Nerves

The only CUTANEOUS clinical sign a patient presents is complete loss of cutaneous sensation below the knee, except for an area along the medial part of the leg. This would indicate injury specifically to the _________ nerve. Sciatic
the sciatic nerve contains fibers from these specific spinal cord segments L4-S3
the tibial nerve contains fibers from these specific spinal cord segments L4-S3
the common fibular nerve carries fibers from these spinal segments L4-S2
The sciatic nerve directly innervates what muscles biceps femoris (long and short head), semitendinosis, semimembranosis, Adductor Magnus-posterior head
The tibial nerve passes immediately deep to this muscle during most of its course in the leg. Soleus
the only muscular clinical sign a patient shows is involuntary inversion of the foot. This would indicate injury to the ___nerve superficial fibular
Nerve of the fibularis (peroneus) brevis. superficial fibular nerve
point at which the common fibular nerve is particularly vulnerable to injury neck of fibula
cutaneous branch of tibial nerve which supplies skin of the posterior calf sural nerve
Nerve of popliteus. tibial nerve
Nerve that "Unlocks" the knee joint. Tibial nerve
Nerve which passes along the medial side of the tendon of the biceps femoris, then curves around the neck of the fibula. Common Fibular
The only muscular clinical sign a patient presents is a slight involuntary eversion of the foot and total foot drop. This would happen if the _________nerve was cut or severely injured. common fibular nerve
specific nerve from which the sural nerve arises common fibular nerve
Nerve of tibialis anterior. deep fibular nerve
Innervation of the extensor hallucis longus. deep fibular nerve
Innervation of the extensor digitorum brevis deep fibular nerve
apart from muscular paralysis, injury to this specific nerve would present anaesthesia of the skin in the small area between the 1st and 2nd toes ONLY. deep fibular nerve
the tibial nerve terminates as the medial and lateral plantar nerve
femoral nerve carries fibers from these specific spinal cord segments L2-L4
Nerve that innervates pectineus. femoral nerve
Innervation of the sartorius muscle. Femoral Nerve
Name cutaneus branches of the femoral nerve. Medial & Intermediate cutaneous nerves , saphenous nerve
obturator nerve carries fibers from these spinal segments L2-L4
Innervation of adductor magnus. anterior head-Obturator Nerve posterior head-Sciatic Nerve
innervation of adductor longus obturator nerve
Nerve that transverses the adductor canal to provide cutaneous innervation to the medial side of the leg, ankle, and foot to great toe. saphenous nerve
Make a flowchart showing the simplest sequence of function of the nervous system. Stimulus->Sensory Neuron(Afferent)->Motor Neuron(Efferent)->Effector Organ
define irritability response to a stimulus with the initiation of a nervous impulse
List the basic motor functions of the nervous system. muscular contraction & glandular secretion
According to lecture, name the anatomical structures placed in the peripheral nervous system 12 pairs of cranial nerves, 31 pairs of spinal nerves, autonomic nerves of the ANS
Define nerve. A group of neuron fibers located in the PNS
Specific components innervated by the autonomic nervous system. Cardiac muscle, smooth muscle and glands
List the GENERAL sensations. touch, temperature, proprioception, pressure, pain
List special sensations. Vision, Equilibrium & Hearing, smell (olfation), taste (gustation)
Assuming the sciatic nerve was severed, would any cutaneous areas below the knee still have sensation? If so where and why? Yes, skin of medial leg, ankle, foot to great toe would have sensation via saphenous nerve
Besides awareness/sensation of environmental changes and motor functions, give the remaining two basic functions of the nervous system. 1) coordination of the activities of various body structures 2) thought
Define a tract. group of neuron fibers in the CNS (nucleus is neuron cell bodies in CNS [nucleus-tract-CNS])
Define a ganglion group of neuron cell bodies in the PNS (nerve is a group of neuron fibers in PNS [ganglion-nerve-PNS])
The deep fibular nerve runs immediately anterior to this structure through most of its course (Do not list vessel). Interosseous Membrane
___________ are SPECIFIC TYPE receptors used for smell and taste. They are classified functionally as ________ (use letter-classification) fibers. chemoreceptors, SVA
Are specific type receptors used, for example, as pain detectors in the skin they are functionally classified as (use letter). Exteroceptors - GSA
3 letter classification for pain caused by distention GVA, interoceptors
Name & Classify (use letter classification) the specific type of visceral receptor which deals with pain caused by distention. Interoceptor, GVA
Give the functional 3 letter CLASSIFICATION and name a proprioceptor muscle spindles, GSA
classify efferents to the muscles of facial expression. why are they classified as such SVE because they are from the brachial arches of embryo
Classify (use 3 letter classification)efferents to the muscles of the facial expression and mastication. Why are they classified as such? SVE, because they are the skeletal muscles of the branchial arches
Created by: AnatomyMash
Popular Chiropractic sets




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