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Exam 3 :)

Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) tax on processing, pay farmers to cut production,unintended consequences (it was easy for big farmers to take check), long-term affect. It ended up being unconstitutional and got shut down.
Bank Holiday FDR would talk directly to the American people with Fireside Chats. FDR explains the banking system to Americans, then closes all the banks down for a long weekend to check 9
Charles Coughlin He wanted national banking system & established his own political organization called the National Union for Social Justice.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) a relief program where young men were sent to wilderness and rural areas to work on projects like planting trees, building reservoirs, & developing parks. This also trained the men with skills.
Civil Works Administration (CWA) It's main goal was work relief! CWA came along after it became clear that the Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA) cash grants were not enough.
Consumer Confidence stopped spending money.
Court Packing -scheme of 1937 Roosevelt's attempt to get his way in the Supreme Court. He tried to add 6 more justices: going from 9 to 15. It was defeated in the end, because people saw it as messing with the constitution.
Demagogues They were: 1- Good communicators and directors (especially in the media) 2- Escape goat 3- Simplify complex issues.
Franklin Roosevelt (an internationalist)
H. Hoover- Voluntarism Hoover Plan- maintain confidence(it's goin to be okay), encourage voluntarism(help out neighbors), and limited gov. intervention.
Huey Long most dangerous man in Amer, Louisiana populist w/ nick name "the Kingfish." 'Share the Wealth' : he said we needed to redistribute the money in the nation. He guaranteed that everyone would have a house, car, radio, high school edu, &$2,000/yr income.
National Recovery Act/Administration (NRA) BIG BOLD RADICAL planning. Gov tried to regulate economy. said each industry will write a code that governs that industry. this gave bigger industries the upper hand over smaller ind.(people called it the national run around)
Wagner Act (NLRA) outlawed numerous union-busting tactics when a majority of company's workers voted to unionize, management had to recognize the union creates National Labor Relations Board to enforce the act this helps the union by giving them power
Southern Democratic opposition they weren't sure about the New Deal now.
New Deal Programs 1st: Banking Holiday, NRA, AAA, FERA, CWA, CCC, TVA 2nd New Deal: Social Security, Wagner Act (NLRA), WPA
Social Security Act bigger than pension; a safety net; framers wanted system of "insurance" not "welfare" a-old age pension:worker-employer tax(ex. 7.25% for coats & Lee matches=14.5%) b-unemployment benefits:employer paid to get u from job to job c-direct asst based on n
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) (believed the gov should be chief plannin agent in econ) public development of the nations water resources as a source of cheap electric power. TVA improved water transp, eliminated floodin in the region & provided elect to 1000s who never had it before
Works Progress Administration (WPA) A. Work relief for variety of Amers thru: a. Construction b. Fed Writers Project c. Fed Theatre Project d. Edu Programs e. Historians interviewed slaves about their views(70 yrs after abolition of slavery) B. Improving roads C. Literacy p
Created by: 825500443
Popular History sets




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