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APUSH Unit 2

Unit 2 Test Review Questions

Limited naval armament on the great lakes. Rush-Bagot Agreement
Slaughter of British soldiers after the Treaty of Ghent was signed. Battle of New Orleans
Propaganda encouraging the states to ratify the constitution. Federalist Papers
Group who wanted to retain and correct the Articles of Confederation. Anti-Federalists
Signaled a stalemate between U.S. and Britain. Treaty of Ghent
Aimed at stifling democratic-republican opposition to the federalist party. Alien/Sedition Acts
Secretary of Treasury who assumed all states debts. Alexander Hamilton
Federalist judge who is credited for establishing the principle of Judicial Review. John Marshall
If something is NOT outlined in the constitution, it is not allowed. Strict Construction
George Washington issued the Proclamation of Neutrality in response to this. French Revolution
Group that pushed a declaration of war through congress. War Hawks
Forbade all American exportation. Embargo Act
President during the war of 1812 - a democrat-republican. James Madison
Heroic General who conquered the Indians at Horseshoe Bend. Andrew Jackson
Provided a bill of rights for settlers and forbade slavery north of the Ohio River. Northwest Ordinance
This situation humiliated the pro-French democrat-republicans. XYZ Affair
A woman's job was to raise ethical, moral, and civic minded children. Republican Motherhood
Limited American exports with only England and France. Macon's Bill #2
Set up a weak central government due to fear of a monarch. Articles of Confederation
Occurred due to Napoleon's disobedience to Macon's Bill #2, the U.S. desire for Canada, and battles with British-supported Indians. War of 1812
General Harrison's defeat of Tecumseh and the end of Indian alliance. Tippecanoe
Shifted between strict construction and loose construction. Thomas Jefferson
Solved the problem of fair representation in congress. The "Great Compromise"
Party that believed in a strong central government. Federalist
Response to North African Muslims continued piracy and extortion. Battles of Tripoli
Strong factor in the calling of the constitutional convention. Shay's Rebellion
Established that the Supreme Court is the branch of government that interprets the Constitution. Marbury vs. Madison
Cleared Ohio territory of Indians. Treaty of Greenville
Hamilton's method to raise federal revenue. Excise Tax
If something is NOT mentioned in the constitution, it is OK to do it. Loose Construction
Criticized for his treaty with Britain. John Jay
John Adams' last attempt to retain Federalist power. Midnight Judges
Solved the problem of how slaves would be counted in the population for representation purposes. 3/5 Compromise
Written to protect states rights in order to get the new constitution ratified. Bill of Rights
Federalists disapproved of this because the new state would vote democratic-republican. Louisiana Purchase
Spanish opened the Mississippi River to American traffic. Pinckney's Treaty
The taking of sailors and making them work on enemy ships. Impressment
Called for both houses of congress to be based on population. Virginia Plan
In response to this, 15,000 militia men were called, strengthening the credibility of the young government. Whiskey Rebellion
He set the trend of a two term limit. George Washington
Jefferson's and Madison's response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions
Believed in states rights and was geared to attract more of the "common man." Democratic-Republican
A living document. Constitution
Provided for territorial government and an orderly system by which each territory could progress to statehood. Land Ordinance of 1784
Played an important role in constitutional convention by reconciling often heated debates. Ben Franklin
Created to strengthen the federal economy - Jefferson did NOT do away with this when he was elected, but Madison did not renew it. Bank of the United States
Federalist who suggested nullification - even secession - if their interests were not protected. Hartford Convention
Gave the president the power to prohibit trade with any nation when they violated U.S. neutrality. Non-Intercourse Act
Attempted to settle the conflict at sea, but actually settled few differences. Jay's Treaty
Also referred to as loose construction. Elastic Clause
Created by: ksalazar
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