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1)Why did Europeans begin to look for a sea route to Asia? Europeans were no longer able to trade with the Asian countries directly because the Ottoman Empire had taken over the Silk Road.
2)List three new technological or scientific developments that helped Europeans travel around the globe: Caravel, rudder, triangular sails, new maps, improved compass and astrolabe, etc.Caravel, rudder, triangular sails, new maps, improved compass and astrolabe, etc.
)Define each of the following: territories governed by the homeland
1)Why did Europeans begin to look for a sea route to Asia? Europeans were no longer able to trade with the Asian countries directly because the Ottoman Empire had taken over the Silk Road.
Settler colony: territories governed by the homeland
Plantation colony: Large estates that produced cash crops for money and they often used enslaved laborers to farm the land..
2)List three new technological or scientific developments that helped Europeans travel around the globe: Caravel, rudder, triangular sails, new maps, improved compass and astrolabe, etc.Caravel, rudder, triangular sails, new maps, improved compass and astrolabe, etc.
Plantation colony: 4)Describe the relationship between the Portuguese and the Native Africans during early colonization: Large estates that produced cash crops for money and they often used enslaved laborers to farm the land.. Plantation
)Define each of the following: territories governed by the homeland
4)Describe the relationship between the Portuguese and the Native Africans during early colonization: Portuguese believed the Native Africans were uncivilized and ignorant. They took the Africans as slaves and treated them cruelly. Many died from European diseases such as smallpox and measles.
Trading post colony: Outpost set up for the sole purpose of trade.
5)Describe the effects of the slave trade on the people of : Africa, Europe, Americas The slave trade depleted the native population in Africa and the Americas. Their cultures, governments and way of life were destroyed. In the Americas the number of slaves soon outnumbered the free colonist.
Settler colony: territories governed by the homeland
) Describe in detail the French, Spanish and English colonies. How were they different? The French ruled its lands more loosely than other European countries. All colonies were expected to follow the catholic religion. In the trading post empires the French got along better with the Native Americans.
Plantation colony: Large estates that produced cash crops for money and they often used enslaved laborers to farm the land..
7)Describe the Portuguese settlements in Asia: The Portuguese build trading post along the coast of India and beyond. They brought missionaries and tried to convert the native people to the Christian beliefs. (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Jesuit missionaries.)
Plantation colony: 4)Describe the relationship between the Portuguese and the Native Africans during early colonization: Large estates that produced cash crops for money and they often used enslaved laborers to farm the land.. Plantation
y were only interested in trading with the Chinese and Japanese. 9) List the seven principles of Mercantilism: Gain as much gold and silver as possible Export more than you import Increase exports Decrease imports by taxing items (tariffs) Settle as many colonies as possible Restrict colonial manufacturing Allow colonies to trade only with the mother country
4)Describe the relationship between the Portuguese and the Native Africans during early colonization: Portuguese believed the Native Africans were uncivilized and ignorant. They took the Africans as slaves and treated them cruelly. Many died from European diseases such as smallpox and measles.
5)Describe the effects of the slave trade on the people of : Africa, Europe, Americas The slave trade depleted the native population in Africa and the Americas. Their cultures, governments and way of life were destroyed. In the Americas the number of slaves soon outnumbered the free colonist.
) Describe in detail the French, Spanish and English colonies. How were they different? The French ruled its lands more loosely than other European countries. All colonies were expected to follow the catholic religion. In the trading post empires the French got along better with the Native Americans.
7)Describe the Portuguese settlements in Asia: The Portuguese build trading post along the coast of India and beyond. They brought missionaries and tried to convert the native people to the Christian beliefs. (Roman Catholic Church and Protestant Jesuit missionaries.)
13)Which group of Europeans lived with Native Americans and adopted their language? French Fur Traders (coureurs de bois “runners of the woods”)
y were only interested in trading with the Chinese and Japanese. 9) List the seven principles of Mercantilism: Gain as much gold and silver as possible Export more than you import Increase exports Decrease imports by taxing items (tariffs) Settle as many colonies as possible Restrict colonial manufacturing Allow colonies to trade only with the mother country
14)Name two nations that established colonies in North America: Spanish, English
10) Explain the Law of Supply and Demand: an increase in supply will lower prices and an increase in demand will raise prices unless accompanied by increased supply
15) Describe the Triangular trade. Include what was goods were transported. A triangular shaped trade route from Europe to Africa where they traded iron goods, weapons, cloth for slaves, gold, silver.
11)Explain what a market economy is and how it led to the growth of the middle class : A system in which the market or the people who do the buying of goods, have the ability to shape what is produced in an area. I people buy a certain item, producers will make that item because they can make money.
16)What were the major changes in religion in Asia because of European colonization? Many of the Asian people converted to the Christian faith. This angered the rulers of Japan and China and they removed all foreigners from their land and established a policy of isolationism.
12)Describe the treatment of slaves during the Middle Passage and on plantations. Thousands of Africans died before ever reaching the Americas. They were chained in small spaces. Many lost the will to live and refused to eat, others jumped overboard. Only one in five survived the journey.
17)Define the following terms and explain in as much detail as possible: a system in which people rather than governments, own property, make goods, and buy and sell them freely.
13)Which group of Europeans lived with Native Americans and adopted their language? French Fur Traders (coureurs de bois “runners of the woods”)
Entrepreneur: A businessperson who invest money in a project in hopes of earning a profit.
14)Name two nations that established colonies in North America: Spanish, English
Mercantilism: A theory to explain how trading nations could earn wealth. A nation becomes powerful by building up a large supply of bullion or gold and silver.
15) Describe the Triangular trade. Include what was goods were transported. A triangular shaped trade route from Europe to Africa where they traded iron goods, weapons, cloth for slaves, gold, silver.
Atlantic slave trade: The capture and transport of Africans into bondage in the Americas.
16)What were the major changes in religion in Asia because of European colonization? Many of the Asian people converted to the Christian faith. This angered the rulers of Japan and China and they removed all foreigners from their land and established a policy of isolationism.
acism: acism: the unjust treatment of people by others who falsely believe their race is superior to others.
17)Define the following terms and explain in as much detail as possible: a system in which people rather than governments, own property, make goods, and buy and sell them freely.
Maroons: name given to runaways in Jamaica
Entrepreneur: A businessperson who invest money in a project in hopes of earning a profit.
Abolition: anti-slavery
Mercantilism: A theory to explain how trading nations could earn wealth. A nation becomes powerful by building up a large supply of bullion or gold and silver.
representative assemblies: governments where elected representatives spoke for the people, modeled after Parliament. (Example: US Congress)
Atlantic slave trade: The capture and transport of Africans into bondage in the Americas.
acism: acism: the unjust treatment of people by others who falsely believe their race is superior to others.
Maroons: name given to runaways in Jamaica
Abolition: anti-slavery
representative assemblies: governments where elected representatives spoke for the people, modeled after Parliament. (Example: US Congress)
immunity: the body’s ability to resist infection
charter: written agreements, promising rights and freedoms enjoyed in England
indentured servants: workers who signed contracts and agreed to work for a set number of years to pay off their trip to the new world.
viceroys: royal representatives to rule New Spain and Peru.
caboceers: special African officials appointed by governments to exchange enslaved people with Europeans.
plantations: large agricultural estates that produced cash crops and uses enslaved Africans as laborers.
immunity: the body’s ability to resist infection
indentured servants: workers who signed contracts and agreed to work for a set number of years to pay off their trip to the new world.
caboceers: special African officials appointed by governments to exchange enslaved people with Europeans.
isolationism: A policy of turning inward from the world.
capital: l: money to invest in business
free enterprise: the freedom of private businesses to compete for profits without government involvement .
social class: a group of people who share a similar position in society.
Columbian Exchange: the movement of goods, people, ideas, and even diseases across the Atlantic.
Created by: 10039997
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