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Early Explorers

5th grade History Early Explorers

explorer a person who travels over little known lands or seas in the hope of discovering something new
legend a story handed dwon from the past
merchant buys and sells goods for a living
four areas of sin in Colombus's life pride, greed, selfishness, anger
navigate plotting the course of a ship and locating its position
cartography the making of maps and charts
Who was a viking who sailed from Greenland? Leif Erikson
Where was Columbus from? Italy
What did Columbus believe about the shape of the world? It was round
Who did Columbus ask fist to pay for his voyage? Prince Henry the Navigator
Who finally agreed to pay for Columbus's trip? King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain
What did Columbus name the people he met when he landed? Indians
What countries were included in the "Indies" India, China, Japan
Ho long did it take Columbus to get the King and Queen to agree to pay for the voyage? seven years
How many trips did Columbus make to the new world? four
Who named Cloumbus's discovery of the new world? Amerigo Vespuccio
Where was Columbus staying when he went before the king and queen to ask for money? a monestary called La Rabiida
Why did the queen and king say no at first to helping Columbus? They were in a war.
Who helped convince the king and queen to assist Columbus? a monk
Why did the king and queen almost withdraw their suppport? Columbus asked for too much
What does Christopher mean in latin Christ-bearer
What did Columbus do when he felt defeated? knelt and prayed
What signs of land did the sailors see that made them excited a tree branch
What was the name of the first settlement Columbus started? San Salvador
What does San Salvador mean? Holy Savior
What are viking stories called? saga
What did archeologist find that links vikings to Newfoundland? whorl
Why did merchants want to find a shorter trade route to Asia? for safety
Columbus decided to sail what direction to reach the Indies? west
What title was Columbus given? Admiral of the Ocean Seas
What were some of the myths that made sailors afraid? sea monsters and fallin off the edge of the world
How did the natives react to Columbus? They treated him as if he were a God.
Was Columbus a good governor of Espanola? No. He treated the natives badly.
Prince Henry was from what country? Portugal
What did Prince Henry's school teach? cartography, astronomy and navigation
How many expeditions did Prince Henry go on? zero
Created by: bartlett
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