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world issues ch 2

Key Terms

Catch-All Party a term to describe a political party that plays down ideology in favor of slogans, telegenic candidates and the like.
Civil Culture culture characterized by trust, legitimacy, and limited involvement, which some theorists believe is most conducive to democracy.
Civil Society the web of membership in social and political groups that some analysts believe is needed to sustain democracy
Coalition an agreement of mutual support between parliamentary parties to form a majority in order to govern.
Communist Parties political that advocate Marxist policies and Leninist, Stalinist, or Maoist forms of governance
Democracy a form of regime that provides citizens political power through an electoral system and guarantees basic political freedoms.
Electoral System mechanism through which votes are cast and tallied, and seats in a legislature are allotted.
Fascism right-wing regimes, often drawing on racist philosophies.
Thomas Hobbes british social theorist of the seventeenth century who argued for a strong state.
Interventionist State governments in industrialized democracies that pursue an active economic policy.
laissez-faire economic policy that stresses a limited government role.
Left political group favoring change, often of an egalitarian nature.
Legitimacy a concept stressing the degree to which people accept and endorse their regime.
Liberal opposition to government interference in the economy and any other area in which individuals can make decision for themselves.
John Locke a leading democratic and liberal theorist who stressed the importance of " life, liberty, and the pursuit of property."
Nationalization philosophies or attitude that stress the importance of extending the power of a nation; government takeover of priviate business
Postindustrial Society a society in which the dominant industries are in the service and high-tech sectors.
Postmaterialism the theory that young middle-class voters are likely to support environmentalism, feminism, and other "new" issues.
Proportional Representation electoral system in which parties receive a number of seats in parliament proportionate to their share of the vote.
Radical Western European party that supports democracy, capitalism, and anticlericalism.
Realignment a shift in the basic electoral balance of power in which substantial groups in a society change their long-term party identification.
Rule of Law the principle in a democratic regime that legal rules rather than arbitrary and personal decisions determine what happens.
Social Democratic Parties political parties whose philosophy rejects revolution and prefers moderate socialistic and egalitarian reforms enacts though parliamentary processes.
Socialist Parties political parties that advocate public ownership and egalitarian policies
Suffrage the right to vote
Bureaucracy the part of government composed of technical experts and others who remain from administration to administration.
Created by: Savannah1323
Popular American Government sets




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