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Word Clues 6


sens, sent feel, be aware
cern, cert, cret sift, separate, distinguish, decide
crim, crimin judgement, accusation, crime
sci know
sap, sip taste, discern, be wise
sag shrewd, wise
fa, fat, fess speak
far divine law
fatu foolish
fac, fact, fect, fic, fy do, make, cause
fing, fig, fict form, shape, invent, imagine
fig, fix, fy fasten, peirce
simil, simul, sembl together, likeness, pretense
quasi as if, seemingly
non, ne not
sensitive displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others feelings
discern make out, perceive, recognize
discriminate make unjust distinction of people based on differences
omniscient person who knows everything
insipid lacking flavor
sagacious having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement
affable friendly, good natured
nefarious wicked or criminal
fatuous silly and pointless
factory building where goods are made by machine
fiction literature that describes imaginary events and people
prefix word placed before another
assemble gather together for a common purpose
simulate imitate the appearance of
quasihistorical seemingly historical
Created by: studystacksat
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