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Lesson 9 Vocab

SAT Vocab

emulate to strive to be equal to; to imitate
sere dry and withered
enhance to increase in value or beauty of something
contrite feeling regret for having committed some wrongdoing
magnanimous noble; generous in forgiving; free from petty feelings or acts
enunciate to state clearly and distinctly; to pronounce
collaborate to work with another toward a goal
impound to confine; to retain in legal custody
impeccable faultless; without sin or blemish
evoke to summon forth
inane without sense or meaning; silly
unctuous exaggeratedly or insincerely polite
expatriate someone who chooses to live outside of, or renounce, his or her native country
frowzy unkempt
heinous hatefully or shockingly evil
Created by: zombiemuffins13
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