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Gatsby Ch. 4-7 Vocab

Scrutiny Close observation
Nebulous Cloudy, misty, or hazy
Somnambulatory Sleep-like
Caravansary Large inn
Libertine One who acts without moral restraint
Corrugated Shaped into parallel ridges
Rajah Prince or chief in India or the East Indies
Meretricious Attracting attention in a vulgar manner
Euphemisms Pleasant-sounding words or statements substituted for offensive ones
Contingency Possibility
Traversed Traveled or passed across or over
Denizen Inhabitant
Receptacles Containers
Labyrinth Intricate structure of interconnecting passages
Inexplicable Difficult or impossible to explain or account for
Expostulations Statements made to earnestly reason with someone to dissuade or correct
Created by: silvaa
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