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Doss Vocab on 10/17

Abashed to destroy the self-possession or self-confidence of
Condiment something used to enhance the flavor of food
Ennui a feeling of weariness and dissatisfaction
Pungent sharply painful
Castigate to subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism
Sagacious keen in sense perception
Corpulent having a large bulky body
Maladroit lacking skill, cleverness, or resourcefulness in handling situations
Sibling one or two or more individuals having one common parent
Emacisated to cause to lose flesh so as to become very thin
Cadaver a dead body; specifically: one intended for dissection
Dastardly despicably mean or cowardly
Inebriated exhilarated or confused by or as if by alcohol
Prevaricate to deviate from the truth
Lagniappe a small gift given a costumer by a merchant at the time of a purchase
Florid covered in flowers; excessively flowery in style
Zenith the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the nadir and vertically above the observer
Facilitate to make easier
Apparition an unusual or unexpected sight; a ghostly figure
Clandestine held in or conducted with secrecy
Ideology a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture
Paradox a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true
Theocracy Government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by church officials who are regarded as the divinely guided
Villainy wretched, evil conduct
Dissembling concealing the facts; hiding under a false pretense
Propriety socially acceptable behavior and speech
Heathen an uncivilized or irreligious person; pagan
Trafficked traded; had dealings or associations
Conjured summoned a devil or spirit by invocation or incantation
Faction group; secret faction; clique
Abomination source of utter disgust or intense dislike; hateful, disgusting actions
Marvel something that causes wonder or astonishment
Dwindling steadily lessening
Demonic possessed or influenced by a demon; satanic; fiendish
Vindictive disposed to seek revenge
Defamation slander; the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentation maliciously calculated to damage another’s reputation
Calumny the act of uttering false charges or misrepresentations maliciously calculated to damage another’s reputation
Inert motionless; inactive
Pilgrimage journey to a shrine or sacred place
Pretense false show
Pallor paleness
Poppet small doll
Ameliorate to make better or more tolerable
Indignant showing anger aroused by something unjust, unworthy, or mean
Crone a withered old woman
Sarcastic in a scornful, mocking, or derisive manner
Wily crafty, cunning
Flailing searching in frustration
Daft mad; insane
Quail to recoil in dread or terror
Created by: mady.taylor0202
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