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Conditions in OT (4th ed) - Atchison & Dirette - CH.4_terms

Cortical atrophy birth defect with a nongenetic origin that can contribute to or cause ID due to shrinkage of the posterior part of the brain
craniostenosis premature fusion of the skull resulting in a reduction in space for the brain to grow & in increased intracranial pressure (birth defect with a nongenetic origin that can contribute to or cause ID)
Cytomegalovirus prenatal infection that can result in ID; a herpes virus that can result in a congenital infection
Down syndrome a chromosomal condition caused by the presence or all or part of an extra 21st chromosome
Fragile X syndrome Only in boys; is a genetic cause of ID that results from a mutation at what is known as the fragile site on the X chromosome
Hydrocephaly birth defect with a nongenetic origin that can contribute to or cause ID due to an abnormal accumulation of CS fluid in the ventricles of the brain causing increased intracranial pressure & progressive enlargement of the skull
Hyperphenylalaninemia a maternal condition that may result in ID; (environmental) maternal condition in which the presence of blood phenylalanine levels exceed the limits of the upper reference range (2mg/dL)
Hypoxia (pathological) insufficient oxygenation of the blood
Muscular dystrophy (MD) degenerative inherited neurotransmitter disorder characterized by progressive muscle weakness & atrophy
PICA compulsive eating of non-nutritious substances such as dirt
Spina bifida a malformation of the spine/spinal cord; birth defect with a nongenetic origin that can contribute to or cause ID due to an incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube
Tay-Sachs disease an autosomal, recessive, single gene disorder that can cause ID
Teratogenic environmental factors that cause malformations of an embryo or fetus
Toxemia maternal condition in which high BP & protein in the urine develop after the 20th week of pregnancy; AKA pre-eclampsia
Intellectual Disability (ID) Characterized by significant limitations both intellectual functioning & in adaptive behavior as expressed in conceptual, social, & practical adaptive skills; ID originates before age 18; aka MR.
Intellectual Functioning (intelligence) General mental capability of an individual.
Adaptive Behavior Collection of conceptual, social, & practical skills that people have learned so they can function in their everyday lives.
AAIDD American Association on Intellectual & Development Disabilities
conceptual skills language, reading/ writing, money/ time/ number concepts
social skills interpersonal skills, social responsibility, self-esteem, gullibility, naiveté, following rules, social problem solving, avoiding victimization
practical skills ADLs, IADLs, occupational skills, maintaining a safe environment
postnatal factors occurs after the birth of the infant
Created by: sheaton
Popular Occupational Therapy sets




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