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Literature LCC WGU21

Literature-Notes Chapter 21

Which of the following was an informal, unorganized religious movement in the American Revolutionary period that was based on math, science, and logic? A. Deism B. Calvinism C. Neoclassicism D. Sentimentalism A
The increasing demand for human liberties stems from what aspects of the American Revolutionary period? A. Humanitarianism B. Environmentalism C. Calvinism D. Belief in the innate goodness and dignity of humankind E. Puritanism ABD
Enlightenment principles figured prominently in the literature of the American Revolutionary period. These principles often used science to argue what about race in early America? B. That “darker” races were inferior
The term “sentimentalism” has two senses: an extravagant expression of emotion and an optimistic view of the innate goodness of humanity. Sentimentalism affected American Revolutionary literature in which of the following ways? B. Poets placed value on spontaneous and “true” expressions of emotion C. Sentimental novels sought to instruct individuals
The concept of mutual sympathy, or sentiment, means that moral action derives from religious grace. False
A polemic is a text that conveys an author’s attitude about a controversial topic through a forceful process of argumentation. Which of the following resulted from polemics written during the American Revolutionary period? C. Public support for the rebellion against Britain D. The adoption of the U.S. Constitution
Which of the following is true regarding periodicals? Poets and satirists used periodicals to stage partisan attacks on political positions
Which of the following are lasting effects of the Enlightenment? A. Greater social mobility B. Cultural acceptance of ideals, such as reason and equality C. The assumption of an innate moral sense in all Americans
As in England in the 18th Century, the use of wit played a major role in many writings of the American Revolutionary period. Which of the following is true regarding the ways in which wit was used? A. Satire was used to support the rebellion and denounce England B. Witticisms were used to point out the quirks of human nature C. Laughter helped people to see and accept uncomfortable truths
Polemic A vigorously argumentative work, setting forth its author's attitudes on a highly controversial subject.
Revolutionary Age 1765-1790 between the Stamp Act in 1765 and the formation of the Federal government in 1789, American writers were mostly engaged in nonbelletristic pursuits.
Revolutionary and Early National Period 1765-1830 This period, ending with the "second revolution" represented by the ascendancy of Jacksonian democracy, was the time of the establishment of the new nation.
Satire A work or manner that blends a censorious attitude with humor and wit for improving human institutions or hamanity. Satirists attempt through laughter not so much to tear down as to inspire a remodeling.
Sensiblity A term for a rliance on feelings as guides to truth and not on reason and law
Sentimental Novel The sentimentalism of the 18th centruy was reflect not only in the sentimental comedy and the domestic tragedy but in the early novels as well
Wit Although neither originally was concerned with the laughable
1765-1830 CE (Late 18th, Early 19th Centuries) The Revolutionary Period
Wit,Enlightenment ideals=Scientific inquiry-Human reason-Mutual sympathy-Sentiment and sensibility=Spontaneous display of emotion-Sentiment as a guiding principal-Humans as naturally good-sympathy as a guide for morality, Idealism and common sense The Revolutionary Period Manin Topics and Themes (including possiblity of social mobility in a new nation and stories of ordinary people and their communities)
o Articles that use satire to make judgments o Editorials on political subjects o Women writers use pseudonyms o Polemic style Non-fiction prose (including newspapers and periodicals)
Spontaneous expressions of emotion Poetry
o Promoted sentimentalism o Often didactic Novels
Charles Brockden Brown Wieland
William Hill Brown The Power of Sympathy
James Fenimore Cooper The Spy
Benjamin Franklin Poor Richard's Almanac The Autobiography
Washington Irving The Sketch Book
Thomas Jefferson Notes on the State of Virginia
Thomas Paine Common Sense The American Crisis
Susannah Rowson Charlotte Temple
J. Hector St John de Crevecoeur Letters from an American Farmer
Royall Tyler The Contrast
Phyllis Wheatley "To the University of Cambridge, in New England" Poems on Various Subjects "On Being Brought from AFrica to America
Created by: DanceLots
Popular Literature sets




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