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ONE1 Written Final

from Anatomy of Movement (Calais-Germain)

(SHEB&SP) Ball & socket (shoulder, hip), ellipsoid (MCP, wrist), hinge (ankle, knee), pivot (radio-ulnar), saddle (thumb, sternoclavicular) Types of joints (SHEB&SP)
DISLOCATION One of bones making up the joint is forced out of its natural alignment from excessive stretching and tearing of the joint ligaments and capsule.
SUBLUXATION A partial or incomplete dislocation
True or False: Joint cartilage has BV. False. Joint cartilage, like all cartilage, does NOT have blood vessels. (It does have innervation by nerves however.)
Two common diseases involving damage to joint capsule RA and OA
Contains high concentrations of collagenous (white) fibers which adapts it well for shock absorption Fibrocartilage (found in intervertebral discs and "articular discs" (aka menisci) of knee
Principal function of synovial membrane is to secrete _____ , which fills the articular cavity, lubricating the joint and providing nutrients to the surrounding cartilage. synovial fluid
True or False?: Ligaments contain numerous sensory nerve vells capable of responding to the speed, movement, and position of the joint, as well as to stretching and pain. True
MONO V. POLY ARTICULAR (muscles) A muscle that crosses and affects a single joint is called _____; one that crosses (and moves) more than one joint is called _____.
Muscle that PRODUCES the movement is called the ____; muscle that produces the opposite movement (often to provide stability) is called ____. AGONIST V. ANTAGONIST
In hip flexion, what muscle is the agonist and which (name one) is antagonist? Psoas would be agonist. Antagonist gluteus maximus (which EXTENDS the hip).
Concentric contraction O and I move toward each other
Eccentric contraction "Applying the brakes": example= squat. Rectus femoris and hamstring muscles flex the hip and knee but bones involved do not change position.
Isometric contraction "O & I do not move"
Primary spinal curves (thoracic, sacral) are kyphotic
Secondary spinal curves (cervical, lumbar) are lordodic
Create "exit" for spinal nerves INTRAVERTEBRAL FORAMINA
Are made up of a fibrous Annulus fibrosis and a gelatinous "shock absorber" fluid center, the Nucleus pulposus INTRAVERTEBRAL DISCS
This spinal LIGAMENT runs along the TIPS of the spinous processes) SUPRASPINOUS
What are the 3 spinal ligaments? Anterior, posterior, supraspinous
VERTEBRAL ARTERY Passes through the TRANSVERSE FORAMINA of discs C1 thru C6
Is like a "washer" that seals the shoulder (glenohumeral) joint GLENOID LABRUM
MUSCLES OF SCAPULA- Attach to medial border serratus anterior, rhomboids
MUSCLES OF SCAPULA- Attach to top levitator scapulae
MUSCLES OF SCAPULA- Attaches to coracoid process Pec minor
MUSCLES OF SCAPULA- Attaches to 3 places (mostly on) posterior scapula, but also on acromion Traps
MUSCLES OF SCAPULA- Attaches to supraspinous fossa SUPRASPINATUS
MUSCLES OF SCAPULA- Attaches to infraspinous fossa INFRASPINATUS
arises from MEDIAL epicondyle of humerus ULNAR COLLATERAL LIGAMENT OF ELBOW
arises from LATERAL epicondyle of humerus RADIAL COLLATERAL LIGAMENT OF ELBOW
MUSCLES OF ROTATOR CUFF- Lateral rotation Infraspinatus and Teres Minor
MUSCLES OF ROTATOR CUFF- Medial rotation Subscapularis
MUSCLES OF ROTATOR CUFF- Abduction Supraspinatus
The ____ _____ aka transverse carpal ligament, attaches at the front and back of this notch. Together, the notch and (______) ligament form a ringlike structure around the radial head. ANNULAR LIGAMENT
Tethers (connects/holds) radial notch of ulna to the "neck" (proximal end) of the radius QUADRAE LIGAMENT
Fibrous, bilayer membrane which connects the SHAFTS of the radius & ulna IOM
Middle finger as axis (turning a key); pinky finger as axis (turning page of a book). Ulna STAY FIXED in the "page turning" action, but moves slightly in the former. 2 types of supination
The most powerful supinator, acting to "unfurl" the proximal part of the radius. biceps brachii
Scaphoid, lunate, triquetral, pisiform. (That's the more proximal, or "radiocarpal" row.)
trapezium, trapezoid, capitate, hamate. (The "metacarpal" row.)
Connects the femoral head to the acetabulum LIGAMENTUM TERES
Fibrocarilaginous ring attached around the rim of the acetabulum that helps hold the femoral head in place (and "increase the effective depth of the socket") LABRUM OF HIP
Average angle between femoral neck and shaft 135 degrees
More than 135 degrees Valgus
Less than 135 degrees Varum
Two mechanisms associated with flexion & extension of the knee roll & glide
Below the knee the quadriceps tendon becomes the ______ PATELLAR LIGAMENT
Attaches to anterior intercondylar area of the tibia ACL
Attaches to posterior intercondylar area of the tibia PCL
Attaches to the lateral aspect of the MEDIAL femoral condyle PCL
Medial collateral ligament is also called the TIBIAL (b/c tibia is more medial of the 2 lower leg bones)
Lateral collateral ligament is also called the FIBULAR collateral ligament b/c fibula is more lateral of the 2 lower leg bones)
LATERAL ANKLE LIGAMENTS On LATERAL side, there are 3: anterior and posterior "talofibular" ligaments (ties ankle to leg), and calcaneofibular ligament (responsible for ROM of ankle)
MEDIAL ANKLE LIGAMENT On MEDIAL side there is only 1 (!!), but it's two layers of three fasciae. MEDIAL COLLATERAL LILGAMENT (aka DELTOID LIGAMENT)
Bones of foot (not including metatarsals and phalanges CUNEIFORMS (lateral, intermediate, medial), Navicular (KD side), Cuboid (UB side), then Calcaneus (stomping bone) and Talus (articulates with ankle)
Medial arch of foot From head of 1st metatarsal to the tuberosity of the calcaneus
Lateral arch of foot From head of the 5th metatarsal to the tuberosity of the calcaneus
Transverse arch of foot From 1st metatarsal to 5th metatarsal
Arch formed by 5 bones: calcaneus, talus, navicular, medial cuneiform, metatarsal I (plus 4 ligaments and 4 muscles) Medial arch
Arch formed by 3 bones: calcaneus, cuboid, metatarsal V (plus 3 ligaments and 2 muscles) Lateral arch
Created by: mrbarr
Popular Acupuncture sets




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