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MM II Midterm II

Herbs that Clear Fire-Deficiency

Shi Gao Clear Heat, Drain Fire Excessive Lu Heat Blazing ST. Heat-HA Toothache, Swollen Gum Eczema, burns, ulcerated sores
Han Shui Shi Drain fire, Expel Summer Heat Used for burns and sores
Zhi Mu Clear Heat, Drain Fire Enrich Yin and moisten dryness, LU/KD def W/ heat Gen. fluids -oral ulcer inflammation due to yin def.
Zhi Zi Clear Heat, Eliminate Irritability Drain Damp Heat-Jaundice, UTI due to damp heat Cool Blood, Stop Bleeding Reduce Swelling, Move Blood Stagnation due to trauma
Dan Zhu Ye Clear Heat, Eliminate Irritability Promote urination, clear damp heat
Lu Gen Clear Heat, Generate Fluids Lu Heat St Heat Promote Urination Encourage rash to surface
Tian Hua Fen Drain Heat, Generate Fluid Relieve toxicity and expel pus
Xi Gua Clear Summer heat generate fluid Promote urination, expel jaundice-hepatitis
Xia Ku Cao Clear LV Heat, Brighten Eyes Dissipate Nodules Hypertension due to LV fire, LV Yang rising
Jue Ming Zi Clear Vision, Expel W-H Clear LV, Benefit Eye Moisten Intestines Arthersclerosis-Lower BP and cholesterol
Lian Zi Xin Drain HT Fire-confusion, delirium due to fever and collapse in PC
Qing Xiang Zi Clear W-H, drains LV Fire, Improve Vision Hyptenstion due to Lv Yang rising
Mi Meng Hua Benefit the eyes for both excess and def patterns
Gu JIng Cao Brighten Eye, Eliminate Visual Obstruction W-H entering LV Causing Red, Swollen Eyes Spots in front of eyes Pterygium
Huang Qin Clear heat, Dry Damp LU, ST, LI Drain Fire, Relieve Toxicity Stop Bleeding Calm Fetus
Huang Lian Clear Heat, dry Damp in ST, LI -Dysentary, diarrhea Toxicity for HT or ST fire Clear Heat Topically Ginger Juice-Vomiting and heat in ST
Huang Bai Clear Heat, Dry Damp-LJ Drain Fire/Toxicity-sores & lesions Drain KD fire
Long Dan Cao Drain Damp Heat for the LV/GB-red swollen sore throat and eyes, swollen ears, sudden deafness, jaundice Drain and Pacify Excessive LV Fire-HA and Red Eye
Ku Shen Clear Heat, Dry Damp Disperse Wind, kill parasites stop itching Promote Urination
Qin Pi Drap Damp Heat-Bloody dysenteric Disorder Drain LV Fire Benefit Eye Disperse Widn Damp-Bi Sydrome
JIn Yin Hua Clear Heat, Relieve Toxicity Expel W-H Clear Damp Heat in LJ Throat Ren Dong Teng(stem) Bi Syndrome
Lian Qiao Clear Heat, Relieve Toxicity, Dissipate Nodules Expel Wind Heat Throat
Da Qing Ye Clear Heat, Relieve Toxicity Cool Blood , Reduce Blotches Qing Dai-Topical for oral cavity pain
Ban Lan Gen Clear Heat, Relieve Toxicity Cool Blood Benefit Throat
She Gan Transfrom Phelgm, Benefit Throat
Ma Bo Clear Lu, Relieve Toxicity, Improve throat condition(voice) Stop Bleeding(topically)
Shan Dou Gen Painful throat Clear Lu, benefit throat Dissipate swelling, stop pain Clear Damp Heat-Jaundice
Si Gua Luo Unblock the channels and collaterals(boils) Invigorate blood Expel Phelgm
Pu Gong Ying Reduce abscess and dissipate nodules Promote Lactation Clear Damp Heat-Jaundice UTI
Zi hua Di Ding Clear Hot Sores(topically)
Ye Ju Hua Drain Fire and Toxicity-Furuncles, cabuncles, sores, throats and red eyes
Bai Jiang Cao Expel pus, internal fire toxin disorders, internal abcess, mumps Dispel blood stasis
Yu Xing Cao Lung Abcess Expel Pus Drain Damp Heat promote urination
Chuan Xin Lian Clear Heat dry Damp
Bai Hua She Se Cao Reduce abcess-internal cancer appedicititis Clears and promotes urination
Ban Zhi Lian Invigorate blood, reduce swelling Promotes urination, reduce edema Dispel Blood stasis and stop bleeding Cancer and Hepatitits
Bai Tou Weng Dysenteric Disorders to ST and LI
Ma Chi Xian Relieve toxicity, cool the blood-hot or bloody dysentery Treat Sores
Tu Fu Ling Toxicity, Dampness Clear damp heat front he skin
Bai Xian Pi Clear Heat, Fire Toxicity, Expel Wind Dry Damp
He Ye Treat Summer Heat-Fever, Irritablity, Sweating, Scanty Urine Raise the clean yang of the SP Stop Bleeding
Lu Dou Clear Summer Heat Antidote to Fu Zi-120G W/ 60g of Gan Cao
Sheng Di Huang Clear heat cool Blood Nourish Yin, Generate Fluids Upward Blazing HT Fire Diabetes
Shu Niu Jiao Clear Heat, Cool Blood, Releive Fire Toxin Can replace Xi Jiao
Xuan Shen Clear Heat, Cool Blood Nourish Yin Drain Fire, Relieve Toxicity Soften Hardness, Dissipate Nodules
Mu Dan Pi Clear Heat, Cool Blood Clear Fire from Yin Def Invigorate Blood, Dispel Blood Stasis Clear Ascending LV Fire Drain Pus and Reduce Swelling
Zi Cao Clear Heat, Cool Blood Relieve Fire Vent Rashes Damp Heat in the skin (topically) Moisten Intestines and unblock bowels
Di Gu Pi Clear fire from Yin Def. Clear Lu Heat and stop coughing Clear heat and cool blood Drain floating fire in the KD Channel-TA
Bai Wei Clear Heat, Cool Blood Cool Blood Promote urination-post partum fever and UTI Releive Toxicity
Yin Chai Hu Clear Heat from Def-Fire from Yin Def. W/ Steaming bone disorder Clear Heat and reduce nutritional impairment Cool Blood, Stop Bleeding
Hu Huang Lian Drain Damp Heat-Dysenteric Disorder or Sore Clear Heat from Deficiecy Clear Heat and Reduce Childhood Nutritional Impairment
Herbs Contraindicated for Pregnancy Dan Zhu Ye Tian Hua Fen She Gan Bai Hua She She Cao Ban Zhi Lian Ma Chi Xian Mu Dan Pi
Herbs Contraindicated for Diarrhea Zhi Mu Zhi Zi Tian Hua Fen Jue Ming Zi Huang Qian, Lian ,Bai Long Dong Cao Jin Yin Hua Lian Qiao She Gan Shan Dou Gen Si Gua Luo Pu Gong Ying Bai Tou Weng Lu Dou Xuan Shen Di Gu Pi
Created by: 596795233
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