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Introduction to Business Class - Chapter 9

Human Relations The study of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizational settings
Motivation An inner drive that directs a person's behavior toward goals
Morale An employees attitude toward his or her job, employer, and colleagues
Intrinsic Rewards The personal satisfaction and enjoyment feel after attaining a goal
Extrinsic Rewards Benefits and/or recognition received from someone else. IE: praise and recognition, pay increase and bonuses
Classical Theory of Motivation Theory suggesting that money is the sole motivator for workers
Maslow's Hierarchy A theory that arranges the five basic needs of people - physiological, security, social, esteem, and self-actualization - into the order in which people strive to satisfy them
Physiological Needs The most basic human needs to be satisfied - water, food, shelter and clothing
Security Needs The need to protect oneself from physical and economic harm
Social Needs The need for love, companionship, and friendship - the desire for acceptance by others
Esteem Needs The need for respect - both self-respect and respect from others
Self-actualization Needs The need to be the best one can be; at the top of Maslow's hierarchy
Hygiene Factors Aspects for Herzberg's theory of motivation that focus on the work setting and not the content of the work; these aspects include adequate wages, comfortable and safe working conditions, fair company policies, and job security
Motivational Factors Aspects of Herzberg's theory of motivation that focus on the content of the work itself; these aspects include achievement, recognition, involvement, responsibility, and advancement
Theory X McGregor's traditional view of management whereby it is assumed that workers generally dislike work and must be forced to do their jobs
Theory Y McGregor's humanistic view of management whereby it is assumed that workers like to work and that under proper conditions employees will seek out responsibility in an attempt to satisfy their social, esteem and self-actualization needs
Theory Z A management philosophy that stresses employee participation in all aspects of company decision making
Equity Theory An assumption that how much people are willing to contribute to an organization depends on their assessment of the fairness, or equity, of the rewards they will receive in exchange
Expectancy Theory The assumption that motivation depends not only on how much a person wants something but also on how likely he or she is to get it
Behavior Modification Changing behavior and encouraging appropriate actions by relating the the consequences of behavior to the behavior itself
Job Rotation Movement of employees from one job to another in an effort to relieve the boredom often associated with job specialization
Job Enlargement The addition of more tasks to a job instead of treating each task as separate
Job Enrichment The incorporation of motivational factors, such as opportunity for achievement, recognition, responsibility and advancement, into a job
Flextime A program that allows employees to choose their starting and ending times, provided that they are at work during a specified core period
Compressed Workweek A four-day (or shorter) period during which an employee works 40 hours
Job Sharing performance of one full-time job by two people on part-time hours
Created by: KristiDawn
Popular Business sets




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