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chapter 1 thru 4

ARP address resolution protocol
arp a core protocol in the TCP/IP suite.belongs in the network layer.
arp obtains the physical (mac) address of a host or node.and then creates a local database that maps the MAC address to the IPs (logical) address.
address resource record a type of dns data record.maps the IP address of an interconnected device to its domain name.
anycast address a type of IPV6 address that represents a group of interfaces,any one of which can accept a transmission.
interface a tool and concept that refers to a point of interaction between components, and is pplicable at the level of both hardware and software.
address a unique number that identifies each device on a network.
workstation computer that makes requests of servers for resources and access to files, data or applications stored on the server, which then grants or denies access to these resources.
node a computer or another device connected to a network.had a unique addres.can send and receive data.
network a group of computers or other devices that are connected and can exchange data.
backbone part of a network to which segments and devices connect.role is to interrconnect smaller parts of a LAN or WAN.
segment part of a network.made up of a group of nodes.
client a computer on the network that requests resources from another computer on the network.
server a computer on the network that managers shared resources.has more power then operating software...
traffic data transmission and processing taking place over a network.
protocol rules that state how data is transmitted and received between network devices
data packet a discrete unit of information sent from one node to another
file services functions of a file server that allow users to share data files,applications and storage areas
file server server that allows clients to share data over the network.
unified communications centralized management of multiple types of network based communication such as voice video fax and messageing services
convergence use of data networks to carry voice video and other communications service in addition to data.
nic device that enables a workstation to connect to the network and communicate with other computers
examples of network operating systems microsoft windows nt windows 2000 server unix linux novell netware
topology physical layout of computers on a network
osi open systems interconnection model
osi used for understanding and developing computer to communications
physical layer lower or first layer
physical layer generate and detect signals so as to transmit and receive data over a network medium
physical layer protocols set the data transmission rate,monitor data error rates do not data correct
presentation layer sixth layer
presentation layer translate between the application and the network
presentation layer data encryption scrambling passwords
session layer fifth layer
session layer establishes and maintains communication betwwen two nodes on the network.
node workstation.stand alone compjuter
transport layer fourth layer
transport layer ensures data gets from point a to point b reliably and without errors
transport layer services include flow control acknowledgement error correction segmentation reassembly sequencing
token a control frame that indicates to the rest of the network that a particular node,workstatio,has the right to transmit data.
segment a unit of data that results from subdividing a larger protocol data unit
protocol data unit a unit of data at any layer of the OSI model
router a device that connects network segments and directs data based on iformation contained in a data packet
synchronization the packet one node sends to request a connection with another node on a network.
syn packet first step in establishing a connection
segmentation process of decreasing the size of data units when moving data from a network that can handle large data units to a network that can handle only smaller data units.
synchronization acknowledgement syn ack
syn ack second step in establishinga connection
syn ack the packet a node sends to acknowledge to another node that it has received a SYN request for connection.
network layer third layer
network layer translate network addresses into their physical addressses
network layer decides how to route the data from sender to receiver
network layer network addresses are added to data packets and inerpreted
logical link layer subprotocol of data link layer
subprotocol of the data link layer media access control sublayer
fragmentation a network layer service
fragmentation subdivides segements it received from the transport layer into smaller packets
frame a package for data that includes not only raw data or payload but also the senders and receipents addressing and control information
data link layer frames are generated
physical layer frames are issued to the network
802.3 standard for error and flow control in data frames
802.3 standard for ethernet networking devices and data handling
802.5 standard for token ring networking devices and data handling
802.11 standard for wireless networking
802.16 standard for broadband wirless MAN
ack acknowledgement
ack third step in establishing a connection
ack response generated at the transport layer
ack confirms to a sender that a frame was received
crc cyclic redundancy check
crc an algorithim used to verify the accuracy of data contained in a data frame
data link layer second layer
data link layer divide the data it received from the network layer into frames that can be transmitted by the physical layer
data link layer bridges the networking media with the network layer
checksum a method of werror checking
checksum determines if the contents of an arriving data unit match the contents of the data unit sent by the source
connectionless transport layer protocol
connection oriented transport layer protocol
no verified session and no guarantee of delivery data connectionless
multiplexing a form of transmission.allows multiple signals to travel at the same time over one medium.
full duplex duplex
full duplex type of transmission where signals can travel in both direction at the same time
half duplex signals can travel in both directions but only one way at a time
time division multiplex assigna a time slot in the flow of communications to every node on the network and in that time slot carries data from that node
wavelength division multiplex each signal on a fiber optic table is assigned a different wavelength .multiple signals can be transmitted in the same direction.
transmission the application or progress of data signals over a medium from one point to another.
amplifier a device that boosts or strengthens an anlaog signal
analog a signal that uses variable voltage to create continuous waves,resulting in an inexact transmission
voltage pressure or strength of an electrical current
amplitude measure of a signals strength
attentuation the extent to which a signal has weakened while traveling over a distance
binary system of 0 and 1 used to encode information
bit a single pulse in the digital encoding system.
kilobit 1000 bits per second
gigabit 1,000,000,000 bits per second
megabit 1,000,000 bits per second
terabit 1,000,000,000,000 bits per second
bandwith difference betwwen the high and low frequencies that a medium can transmit
baseband a form of signals are sent through direct current pulses applied to a wire.
broadband a form of transmission in which signals are modulated as radiofrequency analog pulses with different frequency ranges.multiple frequencies are used over multiple channels to carry data
broadcast a transmission that involves one transmitter and multiple undefined receiver
Created by: cgeaski
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