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CRM Custom/Config

Microsoft Dynamics CRM Customizations and Configurations

When discussing CRM entities, what kind of ownership does the Product entity represent? A.User or Team-Owned B.Organization-Owned C.Customer-Owned D.Business Unit-Owned B.Organization Owned
After designing custom icons and saving them as appropriate graphic formats, what must be done before they can be added to custom entities? They must be added to the Solution as Web Resources
Which are not true when you create a new custom entity? A.Some relationships are created to the user entity B.A filtered view is created in SQL C.All users can immediately use the entity D.Charts are created for the entity C.All users can immediately begin to use the new entity D.Several charts are created for the entity
Which are true? Connections can attach only to non-activity entities Connections cannot be removed Connections MUST be added to activity entities Connections can be added only to user/team owned entities Connections cannot be removed Connections MUST be added to activity entities<br/>
Which of the following Requirement Levels can be set on a custom Field? Mark all that apply. A.No Constraint B.System Required C.Business Required D.System Recommended A.No Constraint C.Business Required
What options are available when adding a Decimal Number Field? Mark all that apply. A.Precision B.Scale C.Minimum Value D.Maximum Value A.Precision C.Minimum Value D.Maximum Value
Which of the following is/are true when you edit a custom field? A.The Display Name can be changed B.You may have to Publish the changes C.The data type cannot be changed D.Name must be changed if the Display name is changed A.The Display Name can be changed B.You may have to Publish the changes C.The data type cannot be changed
What other Field is always created when you create a currency field? Another Currency Field to hold the value in the Base Currency of the Organization
Which of the following are true with respect to deleting Fields? A.Cannot delete System Fields B.If a Field is deleted, it is also removed from all Forms C.A Field cannot be deleted if it has any dependencies D.Fields cannot be del A.Cannot delete System Fields C.A Field cannot be deleted if it has any dependencies
Which of the following are valid components of a solution? A.Forms B.Security Roles C.Audit Logs D.Activity Entities A.Forms B.Security Roles D.Activity Entities
How do you create and add a managed solution? Import a solution that was exported as managed
Which will cause a managed solution import fail? The solution has references that exist as unmanaged There is already a managed solution A managed solution exists from a diff. publisher w/ common components The solution does not set any mngd prprts The solution has references that exist as unmanaged<br/> A managed solution exists from a diff. publisher w/ common components
Entity A depends on entity B. What happens if you try to export a Solution that contains entity A but does not contain entity B? You receive a warning message saying the entity must exist on the target system for a successful import
What are two methods that create users in CRM? Users can be added individually or in groups. When adding multiple users at a time, the selected users must share the same business unit, security role(s) and license type
What are the three steps to properly add a user in CRM Add to Active Directory Add to CRM Assign security role(s)
T/F Users can be deleted in CRM False
Name two reasons for creating Teams in CRM Information can be shared more quickly with a group of users Selected views can be restricted to the members of a team
What are the three types of user licenses that can be assigned to a user account? Administrative Read-Only Full
T/F Teams can be deleted ONLY after any records they own are reassigned? True
What are the three core components of Business Units? User management, Security, Reporting
How is the root business unit created? Microsoft CRM Server Setup program creates it, its name is equal to the name of the organizational unit name entered during setup.
T/F - When a parent business unit is moved, no child business units are moved. False
T/F - When a business unit is disabled, users assigned to that business unit are able to access their Microsoft Dynamics CRM data, but are not able to update it. False
T/F Disabling a business unit deletes all child business units. False
T/F Users assigned to a disabled business unit cannot access CRM True
T/F Before deleting a business unit it must first be disabled. True
T/F A disable business unit can still have its records reassigned. True
What are the 5 privilege depths available? None<br/> User<br/> Business Unit<br/> Parent: Child Business Units<br/> Organization
If Joe has business unit delete access for leads, then what leads can Joe delete? Any leads owned by anyone in his business unit.
Mary is assigned two security roles. One provides user account delete access and the second provides parent:child business units account delete access. What access rights will Mary have to delete accounts? Parent:Child Business Units delete access
When is it appropriate to create a new security role from scratch? When creating a role that will only hold one or two privilege settings
List some ways in which a user can tell what actions they have the privileges to perform on an entity. Try to perform the action, you will be told if you do not have the privileges. Check the definition of the role (provided you have the correct privileges) Display the properties form from the file menu of the entity form of the entity.
T/F Inherited roles cannot be modified or deleted. True
T/F In order to change an inherited role you must modify the parent role from which the inherited role originated. True
T/F If you add a role and a role with the same name exists at the parent business unit, the role you create inherits all of the privileges associated with that role. False
T/F Inherited roles cannot be copied False
T/F When you create a new role by copying an existing role, you can copy any security role from any business unit in your CRM deployment. False
Which of the following operations on the data in a field can be audited? Read Update Delete Create Update Delete Create
T/F Only the system administrator can view audit data False
T/F Auditing is not controlled by security False
T/F Permissions to view audit data can be set in security roles True
T/F Users can always see audit records for the entity records they own False
A user creates a record for a child entity from within a parent entity. both entities are audit-enabled. What is the best description of what the user will see when the user looks in the audit history for the parent? No new audit entries will be seen because the only changes that have been made are to the child record
T/F Audit logs can never be deleted False
T/F Audit logs can only be deleted by the system administrator False
T/F Only the oldest audit log can be deleted True
T/F The current audit log can never be deleted True
What is the effect of disabling auditing on an entity, then enabling it at a later date? No new audit records are written for the entity from the time it is disabled to the time it is enabled && Field change data from the time before auditing is disabled will no longer be available
Which of the following types of field can be enabled for field level security? System fields in custom entities Custom fields in system entities System fields in system entities Custom fields in custom entities Custom fields in system entities Custom fields in custom entities
What are the three fields permissions that can be set in Field Security Profiles? Read, Update, Create
A user has permissions to an entity and read and update permissions to a security enabled field on the entity. What will they see on the form for the entity where the security enabled field should be? The field and the data in the field and they will be able to edit it
A user has full permissions to an entity but no entries in any field security profiles. What will they see on the form for the entity where a security field should be? The field and a row of dots where the data should be
A chart is created showing aggregated data for a security enabled field. What will a user see if they view the chart but do not have permissions to the security enabled field? The chart drawn as if all records contained null in the field
You want to allow the managers team to read and update a security enabled field, but the salesperson team only to read the data. How can you accomplish this? Two field security profiles; one for the managers team and one for the salesperson team
Differences online vs on premise Online - No custom workflow dlls, cannot restore db to specific time, max 200 workflows, max 200 entities, no AD login, no email router, 5GB storage limit, only 1 organization, no rpt scheduling wizard OnPremise - No Internet Lead Capture
To append entity X to entity Y, what privileges would you need? Append To privilege on Y and Append privilege on X
When can a team be deleted? When it owns no records.
T/F A User can be created without a security role. True
T/F A User can be created without a business unit False
How can multiple records be reassigned at once? Select them from the view and click Assign at the top.
What happens if you have a global option set on two entities' forms, and you change it on one of them? It changes on both.
List the data types in CRM. Sinlge Line of Text, Option Set, Two Options, Whole Number, Floating Point Number, Decimal Number, Currency, Multiple Lines of Text, Date and Time, Lookup
What can be changed on a custom field after saving it? Display Name, Requirement Level, Searchable, Auditing, Description, Data Type DETAILS (min/max etc)
What cannot be changed on a custom field after saving it? Name, Field Security, Data Type
What can always be changed on a custom entity after saving it? Display Name, Plural Name, Description, Areas that Display the entity, mail merge, document management, duplicate detection, auditing, mobile express, outlook reading pane, outlook offline capability
What can be turned on (but not off) on a custom entity after saving it? Notes, Activities, Connections, Sending E-mail, Queues
What cannot be changed on a custom entity after saving it? Ownership (user, org, etc), Name, Define as activity, Display in Activity Menus
How do you create a manual N:N relationship? Create a "bridge entity" to create a 1:N to each of the entities you want to relate to.
What are the limitations of a native N:N as opposed to a manual N:N? Cannot advanced find on related columns, cannot associate records using data import wizard, cannot run workflows based on changes to the relationship (new membership etc)
What kind of N:N relationship do Connections leverage? (Manual or Native) Native
List the options (and differences) of relationship behaviors. Parental - action on parent record is also taken on any child records, Referential - actions taken on one will not affect the other, Referential (Restrict Delete) - parent cannot be deleted when child exists, Configurable Cascading - configurable
What can be configured with a Configurable Cascading relationship behavior? Assign,Share,Reparent,Delete,Merge can choose between: Cascade All, Cascade None, Cascade Active, Cascade user-Owned, Remove Link
What does relationship mapping do (and what does it NOT do) Maps fields from the parent to the child, but only on create of the child - does NOT keep them in sync.
What version of SQL Server is required for Audit Log Partitioning? Enterprise Edition
Which audit logs can be deleted? Only the oldest
What fields on an entity are audited by default? All of them.
Are schema customizations audited? Yes.
What is the difference between system-defined views and public views? System-defined views have specific purposes around the system {associated view, advanced find, lookup, quick find}. Public Views are options that appear in the list of views on the gridview for an entity.
In what scenario would you want to export a chart's XML definition, modify it and import it? CRM can display multi-series charts, but the chart designer can't create them.
Can you want to export a personal chart's xml defintion and import it as a system chart? Yes.
How is a system chart different from a personal chart? System charts - owned by organization, visible to all by default, user access only all or none, cannot share (org owned), can be included in solution, only high privilege users can CUD
What are the components that can be included in a solution? Entities, Option Sets, Client Extensions, Web Resources, Processes, Plug-in Assemblies, Sdk Message Processing Steps, Service Endpoints, Dashboard, Reports, Connection Roles, Templates, Security Roles, Field Security Profiles
What are the differences between managed and unmanaged solutions? Managed - customizations locked other than managed properties
How are multiple solutions layered? System base --> Managed solutions (one solution per layer, Last on top) --> Unmanaged Solutions (all see changes made)
Can you export a managed solution? No
What happens when you import a new version of an existing managed solution? You have the option to maintain any unmanaged customizations performed on the components, or overwrite any unmanaged customizations performed on the components.
What are managed properties for, and where do you configure them? They control whether someone can customize the components of a managed solution, but they are configured in the unmanaged solution.
What are the managed properties for a custom entity? Can be customized. Display Name can be modified. Can change additional properties. New forms can be created. New charts can be created. New views can be created.
What are the managed properties for charts, forms and views? Customizable.
What are the managed properties for a field? Can be customized. Display name can be modified. Can change requirement level. Can change additional properties.
What are the differences in managed properties in system entities and attributes versus custom entities and attributes? System entities and attributes cannot be locked down as part of a managed solution. All are set to true.
Can custom fields, views, forms and charts on a system entity have their managed properties changed? Yes.
What four categories can be customized in the Organizational Standards and Formats section of the System Settings. Number, Currency, Time, Date
What options can be customized under the Number category under Organizational Standards and Formats. Decimal Symbol, Digit Grouping Symbol, Digit Group (comma locations), Negative Number Format
What options can be customized under the Currency category under Organizational Standards and Formats. Currency Format($ location), Negatie Currency Format
What options can be customized under the Time category under Organizational Standards and Formats. Time Format, Time Separator, AM Symbol, PM Symbol
What options can be customized under the Date category under Organizational Standards and Formats. First Day of Week, First Week of Year, Show week numbers on calendar views, short date format, date separator, long date format
What options can be customized under the Outlook section of the System Settings. Checks on receipt y/n, incoming mail promotion interval, send interval, can sched sync y/n, max sync interval, can sched bkgnd sync y/n, max bkgnd sync interval, can sync bkgnd address sync y/n, max address sync interval, outlook advertised in msg bar
In what places does Auditing need to be enabled to audit a field? Field level, Entity level, Global level (System Settings)
What fields are included on the mobile form by default? All required fields
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