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THFM 2020

Exam II

Images that draw upon the sense of sight Visual
Images that draw upon the sense of hearing Auditory
Images that draw upon the sense of smell Olfactory
Images that draw upon the sense of taste Gustatory
Images that draw upon the sense of touch Tactile
Images that draw upon the muscular involvement, awareness of body piosistion and tension Kinesthetic
Images that Draw upon physical movement Kinetic
Images that draw upon a sense of what is hot or cold Thermal
The poetic Impulse for the expression to move us in a poetic way,the expression needs to make meaning through indirect means (Metaphor, simile, gesture, allusion, behavior, symbols) Indirection
The poetic impulse for the expression to move us in a poetic way it needs to make a meaning fresh or novel way. Primitiveness
The poetic impulse for the expression to move us in a poetic way it needs to express its meaning in a concise, pithy, and to the point way. Compression
The poetic impulse for the expression to move us in a poetic way our experience of time is in some way altered. Manipulation of Time
Poetic Impulses Indirection, Primitiveness, Compression, and Manipulation of Time
To be behind time, past or past memories Anachronic Time
Live for the future, ahead of time Metachronic Time
We can live above time, signaling holiness or symbolic time Epichronic or Mythic Time
We can live below time, a sense og being weighed down by time Catachronic Time
Liveing in the present Synchronic Time
This is the manner in which life is sensed Rythmic Time
Important to the evocation of meaning and the performance of literature, the irony of silence is that it speaks Silential Time
Use for epic mode moments, asides, less private, adresses large groups Open Focus
Use for lyric mode moments, address to muse, God, inantimate oject Semi-closed Focus
Use for dramatic moments, dialouge, monologues Closed Focus
Use for lyric mode moments, private, personal thoughts, feelings Inner-closed focus
This is where the speaker displays openness, exuberabce, linguisitc precision, candor-a sense of freedom and release Expression
This is where the speaker takes care to place an image to be remembered in the mind of the listener. The speaker uses the vividness of image and detail to signifi something important Impression
This is where the speaker is responding vocally and physically to a sense of being "crowded in" or reveals a sense of emptiness Depression
This is where the speaker interjects an image that is a complete distillation of thier experience. It is concise and to the point but implies a meaning that evokes much more Compression
This is where the speaker knows that he or she must not speak. The speaker knows that there is something that cannot be uttered and delibratly chooses not to reveal it Suppression
This is where the speaker is unable to express becuase he or she does not know how Repression
This is where the speaker does not express becuase of the presnece or power of an opposing force. Oppression
Created by: 1422660088
Popular Literature sets




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