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illiofemoral ligament O:a.i.i.s. I:itertrochanter A: limits hyperextension
pubofemoral ligamnet O: medial part of acetabulum I: neck of the femur A: limits hyperextension, and abduction
ischial femoral ligament O: ischial portion of the acetabulum I: femoral neck A: limits hyperextension and medial rotation.
ligamentum teres (intracapsular ligament) O: proximal acetabulum I:distally in femoral head A: tight during adduction and lateral rotation
Iguinal ligament O: a.s.i.s. I: pubic tubercle
Rectus femoris O:a.i.i.s. I: tibial tuberosity N:femoral A: hip flexion knee extension
IT band O: anterior illac crest I: tibia, runs into tensor fascia late and gluteux maximus N:femoral nerve A: hip flexion
Sartorius O: a.s.i.s. I:proximal medial side of the tibia (pessanserine) N:femoral A: hip flexion, knee extension, adbuction, lateral rotation
semitendinosus O: ischial tuberosity I: anteromedial surface of proximal tibia (pess) N: sciatic A: extend hip and flex knee
semimembranous O: ischial tuberosity I:posterior surface of the medial condyle of tibia N: sciatic A: extends hip and flexes knee
pectineus O: superior ramus of the pubis I: pectineal line N: femoral A:hip flexion and adduction
gracilis O:pubis I:anterior medial surface of proxmial tibia (pess) N: obturator A: hip adduction
adductor brevis O: pubis I: pectineal line and proximal linea aspera N: obturatot A: hip adduction
adductor longus O: pubis I: mid third of linea aspera N: obturator A: hip adduction
adductor magnus O: ischium and pubis I: entire linea aspera and adductor tubercle N: obturator and sciatic nerve A: hip adduction
gluteus maximus O:posterior surfave of illium and post. infer. surface of sacrum and coccyx I: posterior femur distal to greater trochanter N: inferior gluteal A: hip extension, hyperextension, lateral rotation
gluteus medius O: outer surface of ilium I: lateral surface of greater trochanter N: superior gluteal nerve A: hip abduction
gluteus mini O: lateral ilium I: anterior surface of greater trochanter N: superior gluteal A: hip abduction and medial rotation.
illiopsoas (illiacus + psoas major) o: illiac fossa, anterior lat. of t12-l5 I:lesser trochanter A: prime hip flexion N: femoral
hip pointer contusion to a.s.i.s. , p.s.i.s, iliac crest
avulsion Fx: a.s.i.s. (sartorious a.i.i.s. (rectus femorus) ischial tuberosity (hammy)
stress Fx(periosteitis) the bone covering becomes inflamed
osteopubitis inflammation of pubic synthesis. chronic pain often long distance runners
Adolescent problems Osgood schlatter and legg calves perthes
Osgood schlatter apophesitis of tibial tuberosity
legg claves perthes avascular necrosis of the femoral head
slipped femoral capitis head of femur breaks. the head remains in acetabulum and femur slips out
Bursaes Greater trochanter, and ischial
piriformis syndrome causes ridiculopathy from pinched siatic nerve
angle of torsion occurs in transverse plane: retroversion(duck foot) antiversion (pigeon toed)
angle of inclination occurs in frontal plane: coxa vara (femoral head up) coxa valga(femoral head down)
degree of hip flexion 125
degree of hip extension 10-15
degree of internal rotation/external rotation 45
degree of abduction 45
degree of adduction 40
Muscles that o: ischial tuberosity semimembranous, semitendinous
Muscles that o: pubis gracilis, adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, pectineus
Created by: 718127779
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