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St medical terms

medical terms flashcards

GYNEC/O woman, female
hem/o Blood
–al Pertaining to
–ic Pertaining to
-emia blood condition
-cyte cell
-globin protein
-ectomy cutting out, removal, excision
-ism Condition, process
-itis Inflammation
-ia Condition
-logist specialist in the study of
-logy study of
Cardiology Study of the heart
Endocrinology Study of endocrine glands
Gastroenterology Study of the stomach and intestines
psychology study of the mind and mental disorders
Neurology Study of the nerves of the brain and spinal cord
oncology study of tumors (cancerous or malignant)
Ophthalmology Study of the eye
dermatology study of the skin
-Tomy Process of cutting into, incision
-SIS State of
-scopy process of visual examination
-scope instrument to visually examine
aden/o gland
amni/o amnion
angio vessel
arteri/o artery
arthr/o joint
ather/o Plaque
axill/o armpit
bronch/o bronchial tube
bronchi/o bronchial tube
chem/o drug chemical
cholcyst/o gallbladder
chron/o time
col/o colon (Large intestine or bowel)
crani/o skull
cardi/o heart
cry/o cold
cyst/o urinary bladder;also sac containing fluid or a cyst
leuk/o white
mamm/o breast
Men/o menses, menstration
mening/o menenges, dura matter,aracnoid, pia matter
myel/o Spinal cord
my/o muscle
necr/o death
nephr/o Kidney
neur/o nerve
oophr/o ovary
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
Pelv/o hip area
Peritone/o Peritoneum
Phleb/o vein
pneumon/o lung
pulmon/o lung
radi/o X-rays
ren/o kndney
rhin/o nose
salping/o fallopian tube
sarc/o flesh
Septic pertainingto infection , infection
thorac/o chest
Tonsill/o tonsil
trache/o trachea, windpipe
ur/o urine or urea
vascul/o blood vessel
electr/o electricity
encephal/o brain
erythr/o red
hyster/o uterus
isch/o to hold back
laryng/o larynx ,voice box
appendicitis inflamation of appendix
Bursitis inflamation of Bursae
-megaly enlargement
-oma benign(noncancerous)tumor
otitis inflamation of the ear
endocarditis inflamation of the inner lining of the heart (endocardium)
cellulitis inflamation of soft tissue under skin
Dermatitis inflamation of the skin
epiglottitis inflamation of the epiglottis
Gastritis inflamation of the stomach
peritonitis inflamation of the peritoneum
pharyngitis inflamation of the pharynx
thrombophlebitis inflamation of of a vein with formation of clots
chondrosarcoma cancer of cartilage tissue
fibrosarcoma cancer of fibrous tissue
leiomyosarcoma cancer of viceral(attached to internal organs) muscle
Leiomy/o Viceral muscle , smooth muscle
Rhabdomy/o Skeletal Muscle
rhabdomyosarcoma cancer of skeletal muscle (muscle attached to bone)
liposarcoma cancer of fatty tissue
Hepatoma malignant tumor of Liver
lymphoma malignant tumor of the lymphnodes
Melanoma malignant tumor of pigmented cells in the skin
Melan/o Black
Multiple Myeloma malignant tumor of bone marrow cells
Thyroma malignant tumor ofthe thymus gland
-pathy disease condition
-osis condition, abnormal condition
adenopathy Disease Condition of lymph glands
adrenopathy Disease Condition of the adrenal glands
hepatopathy Disease Condition of the liver
neuropathy Disease Condition of the nerves
myopathy Disease Condition of muscles
osteopathy Disease Condition of bones
retinopathy Disease Condition of the retina of the eye
-rrhea flow, discharge
-rrhage excessive discharge of blood
-rrhagia condition of excessive discharge of blood
myocardial infarction Heartattack
infarction area of dead tissue caused by an ischemia
-al, -eal, -ar, -ary, -ic Pertaining to
centesis surgical puncture used to remove fluid
Thoracocentisis surgical punctire used to remove fluid from thoracic cavity
TAH-BSO total abdominal hysterectomywith bilateral salpingectomyand oophorectomy
adenectomy Excision of a gland
adenoidectomy excision of the adenoids
appendectomy excision of the appendix
colectomy excision of the colon
gastrectomy excision of stomach
laminectomy excision of a piece of backbone
Myomectomy Exceision of a muscle tumor(comonly a fibroid of the uterus)
pneumonectomy excision of lung tissue: total pneumonectomy (entire lung)or lobectomy (a single Lobe)
-lysis breakdown , distruction , separation
angioplasty artery repair
Created by: SuperSt
Popular Surgery sets



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