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aqa khd tourism

billet le ticket
carnet le book of tickets
carrefour le crossroads
coin le corner
consigne la left-luggage office
défense de (fumer) no (smoking)
essence l’ petrol
feux les traffic lights
feu rouge le red light
frein le brake
gendarme le policeman
guichet le counter/ticket office
horaire l’ timetable
piéton le pedestrian
quai le platform
renseignements information
retour le return
rond-point le roundabout
roue la wheel
salle d’attente la waiting room
sortie de secours emergency exit
station-service la petrol station/service station
voie la track
voyageur le passenger/traveller
à l’étranger abroad
dortoir le dormitory
douane la customs
drapeau le flag
ensoleillé sunny
faire du brouillard to be foggy
faire du soleil to be sunny
faire beau to be nice (of weather)
faire du vent to be windy
faire mauvais to be bad (of weather)
geler to freeze
lac le lake
neige la snow
nuage le cloud
péage le pay station (on motorway)
pleuvoir to rain
pluie la rain
pluvieux rainy
sable le sand
valise la (suit)case
vol le flight
aller-retour l’ return
aller simple l’ single
autoroute l’ motorway
bagages les luggage
Created by: khopgood
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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