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Phys. Unit 3
Question | Answer |
Phasic vs. Tonic Receptors | phasic- short term; smell tonic- continued, long term; pain |
Pools vs. Stores | pools- readily available stores- not readily available |
Pathway of reflex arc | stimulus, receptors, afferent route, integrating center (brain), efferent route, effectors, response |
Local vs. Neural control | local- does not travel to brain; uses hormones neural- travels to brain, uses nerves, no hormones, stimulates muscles |
Primary messengers description | 1. Extracellular 2. non-polar molecules 3. paracrines, autocrines, hormones, neurotransmitters, neurohormones |
Secondary messenger description | 1. Intracellular (inside cell) 2. cAMP, cGMP, Calcium ions, IP3, DAG |
Definition of signal transduction | the process from primary to secondary chemical messengers to response |
Cytosol receptors description | inside cell; does not use secondary messengers |
Membrane receptors description | bound to cell; usually uses a secondary chemical messenger; uses 4 general pathways: 1) receptor-enzyme complex system 2) G-protein systems 3)Calcium ion operated channels systems 4) arachidonic systems |
Nervous System description | very quick, targeted, short-duration, mainly mediates muscular and secretrory or glandular functions |
Endocrine System description | very slow, diffuse, long-lasting effect, mainly mediates metabolic (anabolic and catabolic) functions |
Catecholamin description | 1. precurser- amino acid tyrosine 2. secreted from thyroid, adrenal medulla, hypothalamus 4. example: thyroid hormone |
list of thyroid hormones | T1 and T2- not common; T3-most reactive; T4- most abundant (common, (9:1 compared to T3) |
Pathway that produces epinephrine | tyrosine-dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine |
Proteins and Peptide description | 1. Dominant category(need 2ndary) 2. secreted from pancreas, GI tract, pituitary, hypothalamus, thyroid, parathyroid 3. secreted as pro-hormones (inactive) 4. Peptides (<50 amino acids): ADH, oxytocin, glucagon, ACTH 5) Proteins (>50 AAs): insulin, GH |
Steroids description | 1. secreted- gonads, corpus luteum, placenta 2. precursor- cholesterol 3. examples- testosterone, estrogen 4. dont need 2nd-ary messengers |
Estrogen production pathway | cholesterol-androstenedione-testosterone-estradiol(estrogen) |
Classes of hormones | Catecholamines, peptides and proteins(dominant), and steroids |
Thyrozine description | 1. Catecholamine 2. Behaves like a steroid 3. can be stored(unlike steroid) |
Paracrine/autocrine definition | 1. cell to cell 2. carries messenges short distances |
Hormones definition | 1. secreted into blood 2. travels to targets by circulatory system |
Neurohormones definition | 1. released by nervous system cell and transported through blood |
Neurotransmitters definition | 1. released by nervous system cells bind to receptor 2. example: acetylcholine, epinephrine |
Permissiveness definition | an individual hormone produces a response that is greater in the presence of another "passive" hormone |
Tropic definition | a hormone whose main function is to stimulate another gland to produce another hormone |
Up regulation definition | increase number/sensitivity of receptors |
Down regulation definition | decrease in number/sensitivity of receptors |
Posterior pituitary secretions | oxytocin, ADS (vasopressin); both secreted but not made in the PPG |
What class are hypothalamic hormones? | All hormones are peptides except PIH(dopamine) |
Anterior-pituitray secretory cells | Lactotropes, somatotropes, thytropes, gonadotropes, corticotropes |
Lactotropes staining and hormone | acidophils, prolactin |
Somatotropes staining and hormone | acidophils, GH |
Thytropes staining and hormone | basophils and TSH |
Gonadotropes staining and hormones | basophils; FSH and LH |
Corticotropes staining and hormones | chromophobes; ACTH |
2 types of hormone loops | 1. short- from APG and hypothalamus 2. long- from peripheral to APG or peripheral to hypothalamus |
receptor-enzyme complex system pathway | guanylyl cyclase-cGMP-cGMP-dependent kinase-response |
G-protein dependent system (A) pathway | G-protein-andenylyl cyclase-cAMP-cAMP dependent kinase-reponse |
G-protein dependent system (B) pathway | Phopholipase C - PIP2- IP3 and DAG- response |
Calcium ion system pathway | Ca- Ca+2 and Calmodulin(activates)- calmodulin-dependent kinases- response |
Arachidonic system pathway | phospholipase A2- membrane phospholipid- arachidonic acid (metabolized)- protaglandins, thromboxane A2, and leukotrienes- reponse |
Which hormone is not tropic? | prolactin from APG |