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Lang Disorders #1

Dr. Yates' Language Disorders Quiz #1

Defining Characteristics of Down Syndrome -Genetic (extra #21 chromosome) -intellectual disability -hearing loss -congenital heart defect -large tongue -small chin/protruding jaw -short fingers
Language Characteristics of Down Syndrome -Best at Vocab comprehension -reach a decreased ceiling in # of words -behind in expressive syntax skills -speech production problems are motor based or structural -reading abilities lower -social skills are a strength
Defining Characteristics of Fragile X Syndromes -Inherited from mom (gives a fragile X) -more prevalent in males -intellectual disability -autism -prominent forehead and chin -flat feet -high palate/cleft palate
Language Characteristics of Fragile X Syndrome -Behaviors mimic Autism -expressive language is weaker than receptive -articulation -stuttering -cluttering -hears and breathy voice
Defining Characteristics of Pierre-Robin Syndrome -Caused by Stickler Syndrome -very small jaw -U-shaped cleft palate -sensorineural hearing loss -low set ears; deformed pinnas -intellectual disability -eye problems
Language Characteristics of Pierre-Robin Syndrome -Articulation Errors -Hypernasal Speech -Behind with language but most will catch up
Defining Characteristics of Apert Syndrome -Cranial facial disorder -open bite -cleft palate -abnormal maxillary arch -bulging eyes, wide uneven placement -premature fusion of cranial bones -fusion of fingers and toes -conductive hearing loss
Language Characteristics of Apert Syndrome -Abnormal oral resonance -Hypo and Hyper nasality -hoarse or breathy voice -language delays
Defining Characteristics of VCFS (velo-cardio-facial syndrome) -higher infant death -velopharyngeal insufficiency -cleft palate common -mild language delay (can catch up) -hearing loss -can achieve normal sounding speech
Language Characteristics of VCFS -atypical resonance due to velopharyngeal insufficiency -severe articulatory impairment in the form of stops -voice differences
Defining Characteristics of SLI (Specific Language Impairment) -no definitive explanation -may not be a single cause disorder -possibly a genetic neurological basis -possibly environment causes a role in presence of SLI -maybe from assortative mating
Language Characteristics of SLI -expressive vocab less than 50 words at 24 months -preschoolers with it have phonological problems -significant difficulty with morphosyntatic rules -difficulty with verbs and word order in sentences -decrease social skills
Defining Characteristics of Intellectual Disability -limitation in intellectual function and adaptive behavior -developmental disability before age 22 -Usually an IQ of <70
Language Characteristics of Intellectual Disability -Language Comprehension is concrete -may have a semantic development ceiling -decreased expressive vocab -uses simpler structures and vocab -phonological process errors are common -fewer initiated speech acts
Language Delay -Child is learning and using language at a slower rate than age peers -implies child will "catch up" -child may have plateaus as other areas develop -Decreased MLU
Language Disorder -small range of words -slow acquisition of words and other aspects of language -limited sentence structure -simple grammatical forms -descriptions of events and personal experiences will be poor, inadequate and sparse
Language Difference -Cultural variations of a native language -ESL, SLL, LEP
Deficits in Content Semantics Problems in developing ideas about the world
Deficits in Form Phonology, Syntax, Morphology Problems with learning conventional codes
Deficits in Use Pragmatics Problem using language in a variety of ways for a variety of purposes
BICS takes 3-5 years to develop
CALP measured through testing
Created by: 1515120222
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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