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medical terminology
Question | Answer |
a-,an-, aseptic anoxia | without, not. sterile; free of infection. Lack of oxygen. |
ab-, abduct | away from, to move away from the mid line |
acro-, acromegaly | extremity, disease marked by enlargement of the extremities |
ad-, adduct | to,toward, to move toward the mid line |
ambi-, ambidextrous | both, able to use either hand |
ante-, antenatal | before, occurring before birth; prenatal |
anti-, antidote | against, substance that neutralizes a poison |
auto-, autoimmunity | self, an immune response to one's own body tissues. |
bi-, binocular | two, double pertaining to both eyes |
brady-, bradycardia | slow, slow hear rate |
circum-, circumduction | around, circular movement of a limb at a ball-and-socket joint |
c0-, coherent | together, sticking together; logical |
contra-, contraindication | against, a condition that makes it inadvisable to use a certain form of treatment |
de-, dehydration | without, removal removal of water |
di-, diatomic | two, twice; having two atoms |
dia-; dialysis | through; separation of substances by passage through a semipermeable membrane |
diplo-; diplopia | double, two; double vision |
dis-; disinfect | removal, separation; remove infectious organisms from |
dys-; dysmenorrhea | abnormal,difficult,painful; painful menstruation |
ecto-; ectopic | outside; outside the normal position |
aden/o; adenoma | gland; a neoplasm of glandular epithelium |
angi/o; angioplasty | vessel; surgical repair of a blood vessel |
arteri/o; endarteritis | artery; inflammation of the lining of an artery |
arthr/o; arthroscope | joint; instrument for examining the interior of a joint. |
audio/o; audiologist | hearing; specialist in the study and treatment of hearing disorders. |
bio; biopsy | life; removal and examination of living tissue |
blast/o; osteoblast | immature form,growing form; a growing cell that produces bone tissue. |
brachi/o; antebrachium | arm; forearm |
bronch/o; bronchogenic | bronchus; originating in a bronchus |
bronchi/o; bronchiectasis | bronchus; chronic dilation of the bronchi |
carcin/o; carcinogen | cancer; agent that causes cancer |
cardi/o; cardiomyopathy | heart; any disease affecting the heart muscle |
cerebro/o; cerebrospinal | brain; pertaining to the brain and spinal cord. |
cephal/o; hydrocephalus | head; accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid in the brain |
cervic/o; cervical | neck, cervix; pertaining to the neck or cervix |
chol/e; cholelithiasis | bile; presence or formation of gallstones |
cholecyst/o; cholecystectomy | gallbladder; surgical removal or the gallbladder |
chondr/o; endochondral | cartilage; located or occurring within cartilage |
cleid/o; cleidomastoid | clavicle; pertaining to the clavicle and mastoid process. |
col/o; colostomy | colon; surgical formation of an opening between the colon and the surface of the body |
colp/o; colpocele | vagina; hernia into the vagina |
-algia; gastralgia | pain; pain in the stomach |
-cele; cystocele | tumor, hernia, swelling; hernia of the bladder |
-centesis; paracentesis | puncture,tap; surgical puncture of a cavity for removal of fluid. |
-cide; bactericide | killing; agent that kills bacteria |
-ectasis; atelectasis | dilation,stretching; incomplete expansion of the lungs |
-ectomy; tonsillectomy | excision; surgical removal of the tonsils |
-emia; ischemia | blood; insufficient blood supply to an area |
-esthesia; anesthesia | pertaining to sensation; loss of sensation |
-form; cruciform | shaped like; shaped like a cross |
-gen; fibrinogen | formation,producing substance in the blood that is converted to fibrin during blood clotting |
-genic; cardiogenic | origin; originating in the heart |
-gram; echocardiogram | record; record produced by echocariography |
-graph; pneumograph | recording intrument; instrument for recording the rate and depth of respiration |
-graphy; radiography | recording data; tha taking of x-ray picture |
-iasis; helminthiasis | condition; infestation of worms |
-ism; embolism | condition; blockage of blood vessel, usually by a blood clot |
-itis; pericarditis | inflammation; inflammation of the pericardium |
-logy; etiology | study; study of the origin of disease |
-lysis; hemolysis | separation,disintegration; rupture of red blood cells |
-malacia; osteomalacia | softening; softening of the bones |
-megaly; splenomegaly | enlargement; enlargement of the spleen |