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Literary Terms

Acadimect Arichement

Question Answer
Allegory A literary work with two or more levels of meaning - one literal level and one or more
Alliteration The repetition of similar consonant sounds , usually close together in a group of words
Allusion A reference to a well known person place event literary work or work of art
Anecdote A brevity story about an interesting amusing or strange event. Told to entertain or make a point.
Antagonist Opposes the main character. Sometimes called a villain.
Apostrophe To address a dead or absent person as if he or she were person or to address an inanimate object as if live
Appropriate rhyme Rhyme in which the final sounds of the words similar but not identical EX: Stone- one
Archetype A descriptive detail plot patter Character type or theme that recurs in many cultures. The epic and tragic here, the villain , the down trodden individual , loss constant sounds.
Aside Words spoken by a charter in a play that are not intended for other character on the stage to hear
Assonance The repetition of vowel sounds in stressed syllable with out the repetition of similar consonant
Autobiography A person written account of hid or her own life
Ballad A short musical narrative poem
Black verse Poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter
Characterization The personality a character displays. The means by which an author reveals personality.
Character Person , animal , or thing in a literary work
Climax the point of greatest emotional interest intensity or suspense in a narrative
Comedy Drama in which all conflict are resolved and the character are happy
Conceit A unusual and surprising comparison between two very different things. May be a brief metaphor or an extended metaphor that forms the framework of an entire.
Concrete poetry Poem in which the word of the poem are arranged in the shape of the subject
Conflict A struggle between opposing forces
Connotation The emotion or association that a word or phrase may arouse
Consonance The repletion of consonant sounds especially at the end of stressed syllables but without the repetition of similar vowel sounds
Couplet Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme
Denotation The literal or dictionary meaning of a word
Denouement Anything that happens after the resolution of a plot. Trying up of loose ends
Descriptive writing Writing that give a picture of the subject through imagery that appeals to the senses
Dialogue Conversation between two charcoal in a literary work
Diction A writer choice of words particularly for clarity effectiveness and precision
Direct Characterization The author reveals directly the character and personality traits of a character by stating directly what he wants the reader to know
Drama A story acted out usually on stage by actor and actress who take the parts of specific characters
Dramatic Dialogue A poem which contains character talking to each other
Dramatic irony when the audience knows information that the character on stage in a play do not know
Dramatic monologue a poem in which one character speaks to one ot more listeners. the listeners may be implied
Dynamics character Character who experience some change personality or attitude from the beginning to the end of a story
Elegy A solemn and formal lyric poem about death
Epic A long narrative poem about the adventures of gods or of a hero
Epiphany A moment of revelation or insight in which a character recognized some truth about himself herself another character or life in general
Epithet A word Combination that describes and characterize a person or thing in order to help the reader or listener recognize and remember the person or thing
Essay A piece of prose writing that deals with its subject briefly and from a personal point of view
Exposition Basic information at the beginning of a story that includes character and background information essential to the story
Expository writing Writing the exposes information or presents facts
Extended metaphor A metaphor that is Extended throughout the poem
External conflict Character struggles against an outside force
Fable A brief story usually with animal characters the teaches a lesson or moral
Falling action All events leading to the resolution of the central conflict
Fantasy Highly imaginative writing that contains elements not found in real life
Farce An exaggerated comedy that replies of improbable situation physical humor and broad wit
Fiction/Narrative Fiction Writing from the author imagination rather than fact. Prose writing that tells about imaginary character and events
Figurative Language Language that is not intended to be interpreted in a literal sense. It allows the reader to use imagination in understanding
First person point of the reader sees ans knows only what the narrator sees and knows. The narrator in limited
View To his own involvement or experience
Flashback An interruption in the sequence of events to remember something of the past
Flat Character Character who have only one or two sides representing only one or two personality traits
Foil A Character who is contrasted with another and is a direct opposite thus intensifying the impact of that other character
Folk Tale A story composed orally and then passed from person to person by word of mouth
Foreshadow The use or hint or clues in a narrative to suggest what action is to come
Formal essay Essay that is serious in tone tightly organized and generally objective
Framework story A story that contains a story within it
Free verse Poetry that has no fix meter or pattern and depends on natural speech rhythm
Genre Any division or type of literature:poetry, prose, and drama
Haiku Three line poem usually about nature with 17 syllable
Hero/Heroine Character whose actions are inspiring or noble. Often heroes struggle to overcome foes or escape difficult situation
Hyperbole A deliberate exaggeration or overstatement
Imagery Language that appeals to any sense or any combination of the five senses
Indirect Characterization The Character and personality traits of a character are revealed
Informal essay essay that ranges freely over the subject and allows the reader to see into the writers personality
Internal conflict Character struggles against himself
Internal rhyme Rhyme that occurs within a line
Irony the general name given to literary technique that involve surprising intersecting or amusing contradiction
Limerick A five line poem. The first second and fifth lines rhyme and have three beats. The third and fourth lines rhyme and have two beats. The poem are usually silly and humorous
Lyric poetry Poetry that expresses a speaker personal thought or feeling
main character most important character in a literary work
Metaphor Implied comparison between two unlike things
Metonymy Figure of speech that substitute something closely related for the thin actually meant
Meter Arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables into a pattern
Minor/Secondary character character who is not as important as a major or main character
Monologue Talk or reading presented by one person uninterrupted speech delivered by one character in a play to other character who are at least present in not listening
Mood/Atmosphere The feeling that literary work gives its reader ; detail of the setting are especially effective in establishing this
Moral a lesson taught by a literary work . usually in a fable the moral is directly stated at the end
Motit A main element idea theme detail or image that is repeated throughout a piece of lia
Created by: jovaninava
Popular Literature sets




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