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Haney SprtMedc11

Chapter 11

What four bones make up the shoulder? Sternum, clavicle, humerus, and scapula.
What are the joints of the shoulder? Sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, caracoclavicular, glenohumeral, and scapulothoracic.
What is the long bone of the upper arm? The humerus.
What is the sensory distribution of a nerve root? A dermatome.
What is the motor distribution of a group of muscles innervated by a single nerve root? A myotome.
What type of first aid treatment should be given to an athlete who may be suffering from a fracture? Stabalize the injured joint by applying a sling, treat for shock, and immediate medical referral for physician evaluation.
What is a common mechanism that results in a anterior glenohumeral dislocation? Arm tackling in football.
What joints when injured are classified as being seperated and or sprained because they are non-movable? Acromioclavicular, sternoclavicular, and caracoclavicular.
What is a first degree sprain? One or more of the supporting ligaments and surrounding tissues are stretched, There is minor discomfort, point tenderness, and little or no swelling.
What is the most common ligament to be sprained? Acromioclavicular
A seperated shoulder means that an athlete has stretched which ligament? Acromioclavicular
Where does the brachial plexus begin and innervate to? The neck and upper extremities.
What happens to an athlete who suffers from brachial plexus? They must be removed the competition and checked by a physician
What are common causes of shoulder muscle strains? Lack of strength, repetitive overuse, improper technique, and inadequate warm-up.
What should all first-time dislocations be considered as? Fractures until X-rays reveal otherwise
Why would there be little pain in a third degree sprain? Nerve damage may have occurred
What is the basic treatment for muscular strains? Protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation, and support.
What is the basic treatment for contusions of the shoulder? Protection, rest, ice, compression, elevation, and support. Along with protective padding
What is the difference between a dislocation and seperation? A dislocation is an injury to a moveable joint and a seperation is an injury to a non-moveable joint.
What is a shoulder gurdle? The complex that is made up of the upper arm, clavicle and the scapula.
Created by: mhtgroup
Popular Sports Medicine sets




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