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J Architecture Terms
Fine Arts
Question | Answer |
masonry on a wall that supports an arch. | abutment |
a pedestal or ornament at the angle of a pediment. | acroter acroterion acroterium |
pertaining to an ACROTERIUM; as, acroterial ornaments. | acroterial |
an unburnt brick dried in the sun. | adobe |
like ADOBE. | adobelike |
an opening such as a door or window framed by columns on either side and pediments above. | aedicule+ |
a hooked clasp used by masons to hold blocks together. | agrafe agraffe |
a passageway separating seating areas in a theatre, church, etc.; gangway. | aisle |
having aisles. | aisled |
with columns at each end but not at sides. | amphiprostyle |
a small ring around a classical column. | annulet |
1. (Lat.) a square pilaster at either side of a doorway. Pl. ANTAE. 2. an Indonesian animal. Pl. ANTAS. | anta |
an ornament at the end of a classical building, hiding the ends of roof tiles. Pl. ANTEFIXA, ANTEFIXAE. | antefix |
an ornament at the end of a classical building, hiding the ends of roof tiles. Pl. ANTEFIXAE. | antefixa |
relating to an ANTEFIX, an ornament at the end of a classical building. | antefixal |
a flat cluster of leaves or flowers as an ornament in classical art; in architecture, a honeysuckle ornament. Pl. ANTHEMIA. | anthemion |
the curve where a column merges in its base or capital. [Gk. apophyge, escape]. | apophyge |
wingless; (Arch.) without columns along the sides. | apteral |
a set of arches and their supporting columns; a covered and sometimes arched passageway, usually with shops on one or both sides; (verb) to furnish with an arcade. | arcade |
arcades collectively. | arcading |
a small or blind arcade. | arcature |
(noun) an arched structure. | arching |
(verb) to construct. | architect |
of or pertaining to architecture or architects. | architectonic |
parts surrounding a door or window, especially the top. | architrave |
a curved moulding on the face of an arch. | archivolt |
a small arch. | archlet |
a passageway or entrance under an arch or arches. | archway |
the fusion of architecture with ecology. | arcology |
a sunken area leading to a basement entrance. | areaway |
having columns four diameters or more apart; (noun) a building or colonnade so built. | areostyle araeostyle |
alternately ARAEOSTYLE and SYSTYLE. | areosystile araeosystyle |
a sharp edge on stone; a meeting of two surfaces. | arris |
a squared or dressed stone used in building or facing a wall; (verb) to face with ashlar. | ashlar ashler |
without a central column or stele. | astelic |
the absence of a central cylinder or stele. | astely |
lacking columns. | astylar |
1. a book of maps. Pl. ATLASES. 2. a figure of a man serving as a column in a building. Pl. ATLANTES. | atlas |
the outer wall or courtyard of a castle. | bailey |
a miniature balcony. | balconet |
having a balcony. | balconied |
a platform projecting from the wall of a building with a balustrade or railing along its outer edge, often with access from a door or window. | balcony |
a moulding around a panel. | balection |
the outer wall and first line of defence of a castle. [LL. form of BAILEY]. | ballium |
a small pillar supporting a stair-rail. | baluster |
having balusters. | balustered |
a row of columns supporting a stair rail. | balustrade |
a small flat moulding around a column. | bandelet |
any of the upright pillars supporting the handrail of a staircase; the whole structure of rail and uprights. | banister bannister |
an outer defensive work; esp a tower at a gate or bridge. | barbican |
a board projecting from a roof gable. | bargeboard |
a battlement or turret on the outer wall of a castle. | barmkin |
a small overhanging turret projecting from an angle on the top of a tower. | bartisan bartizan |
having a BARTIZAN. | bartizaned |
a board, or other woodwork, carried round the walls of a room and touching the floor, to form a base and protect the plastering; aka MOPBOARD, skirting board. | baseboard |
a tower or an elevated work, used for the defense, or in the siege, of a fortified place. | bastile bastille |
a tower at the corner of a fortification. [OF bastir, to build]. | bastion |
having bastions. | bastioned |
(noun) decoration in the form of or resembling beads, esp. lacelike looped edging. | beading |
an ornamental structure to hold one or two large bells. | bellcote |
a structure (such as a cupola or a summerhouse) designed to command a view. [Ital. bel, beautiful + vedere, view]. | belvedere |
a narrow shelf or path between the bottom of a parapet and the ditch. | berm berme |
the French name for concrete; hence, concrete made after the French fashion. | beton |
see BOLECTION. | bilection+ |
hollow blocks of precast concrete used for building. | blockwork |
a decorative moulding above or around a panel etc. | bolection bilection+ |
a stone running through a wall from one face to another, to bind it together; a binding stone. | bondstone |
having a convex front. | bowfront |
(noun) a brace or reinforcement. | bracing |
a stand of wood for a cask or hayrick; a rail round a well. | brandreth |
a beam supporting the front of a building. | breastsummer bressummer |
a roofed often open passage connecting two buildings or two halves of a building. | breezeway |
a rectangular block of clay mixed with sand and fired in a kiln or baked by the sun, used in building construction. | brick |
brickwork. | bricking |
a structure, such as a wall, built of bricks; construction using bricks. | brickwork |
of or like a brick: BRICKIER, BRICKIEST. | bricky |
a board on both sides of a staircase that is cut to support the treads and risers. | bridgeboard |
a brick-shaped block made of compressed coal-dust; (verb) to form into briquettes. | briquet briquette |
a buttress of an arch; the supporter, or that part which joins it to the upright pier. | butment |
an external structure built to support a wall or a building; something or someone that supports; (verb) to support. | buttress |
(noun) a lead rod for framing a pane in a leaded or stained glass window. | came |
chambered, vaulted. | cameral |
chambered, vaulted. N.B. there is no verb CAMERATE*. | camerated |
a vaulting or arching over. | cameration |
a vertically-hinged frame with glass forming (part of) a window. | casement |
one of the slender stems springing from the CAULES or main stalks supporting the volutes in the Corinthian capital. Pl. CAULICULI. | cauliculus |
a concave molding; -- used chiefly in classical architecture. Pl. CAVETTOS or CAVETTI. | cavetto |
to provide with a ceiling. | ceil ciel |
the inner upper surface of a room. | ceiling cieling |
having a ceiling. | ceilinged |
decoration around a door frame or fireplace. | chambranle |
the capital of a column. [Fr. chapitre]. | chapiter |
the capital of a pillar which supports an arch. | chaptrel |
a chimney. | chimbley chimbly chimla chimley chumley |
a sill. | cill |
a narrow board, thicker at one edge than at the other, used for weatherboarding the outside of houses; (verb) to cover with clapboard. | clapboard |
upper storey of a church; windows near the roof of a building. | clearstory clerestory |
completely roofed over. | cleithral clithral |
a very hard paving brick. | clinker klinker |
a wedge; a cornerstone; (verb) to secure or raise by wedging. | coign coigne quoin |
a row of evenly spaced column or trees. | colonnade |
pertaining to columns; like a column; formed or arranged in columns. | columnal columnar |
having columns; as, columnated temples. | columnated |
having columns. | columned |
a space left unroofed over the court of a Roman dwelling, through which the rain fell into the IMPLUVIUM or cistern. Pl. COMPLUVIUMS or COMPLUVIA. | compluvium |
a mortar of cement; a mixture of whiting, resin and glue for ornamenting walls and cornices. Pl. COMPOS. | compo |
the plain semidome of an APSE; sometimes used for the entire apse. Pl. CONCHAE. | concha |
joining together of timber. | contignation |
said of an attic room with the inside ceiling sloping from the wall. | coomceiled |
a stone for coping. | copestone |
(noun) the covering course of the masonry of a wall. | coping |
a CORBEL, a projection of stone or wood from the face of a wall, used for supporting pillars or other weights. | corbe |
a projection of stone or wood from the face of a wall, used for supporting pillars or other weights. | corbel |
having CORBELS. | corbeled corbelled |
corbels taken collectively. | corbeling corbelling |
a moulding at the junction of ceiling and walls; (verb) to provide with a cornice. | cornice |
having a CORNICE. | corniced |
an enclosed, usu. roofless courtyard. Pl. CORTILI. | cortile |
a piece of timber having a groove in which something glides. | coulisse |
formed with an arch. | coved |
the projection of upper storeys over lower; a quadrant moulding covering the join between wall and ceiling. | coving |
a crenellation; (verb) to crenellate: CRENELED/CRENELLED. | crenel |
to provide with battlements. | crenelate crenellate |
a crenellation. | crenelle |
minutely crenate. | crenulate |
an ornamental ridging to a wall or roof. | cresting |
a timber framework for e.g. a pier or mine. | cribwork |
a curling leaf along the outer angles of pinnacles and gables. | crocket |
having CROCKETS, curling leaves along the outer angles of pinnacles and gables. | crocketed |
a beam joining other beams. | crossbeam |
a small projecting part of an impost-stone at the extremity of an arch. | crossette |
a supporting tie placed transversely. | crosstie |
tied with a CROSSTIE, supporting tie placed transversely. | crosstied+ |
a step-like figure on a gable. | crowstep |
one of a pair of curved timbers supporting a roof. | cruck |
a cellar, vault, or underground chamber, esp. beneath a church, where it is often used as a chapel, burial place, etc. | crypt |
a spherical vault or concave ceiling; (verb) to furnish with a cupola. | cupola |
of or like a CUPOLA. | cupolar |
furnished with a CUPOLA. N.B. there is no verb CUPOLATE. | cupolated |
relating to a prehistoric Greek style of masonry with immense stones of irregular form. | cyclopean cyclopian |
an ogee moulding of the cornice. Pl. CYMAE or CYMAS. | cyma |
the topmost molding of a cornice. Pl. CYMATIA. | cymatium |
a skirting-board. Pl. DADOS or DADOES. (Verb) to fit with a dado: DADOED, DADOING. | dado |
a slab or tile, often decorative. | dalle |
a strong shutter, made to fit open ports and keep out water in a storm. | deadlight |
a portico with ten columns in front. | decastyle |
a half-moon-shaped object, body, or structure. Also SEMILUNE. | demilune |
a DENTICLE, a small square block in a moulding. | dentel dentil |
with DENTILS or rectangular blocks. | dentiled |
a structure of interlocking diagonal beams used for support. | diagrid |
with columns about three diameters apart. | diastyle |
a projecting face like the TRIGLYPH, but having only two channels or grooves sunk in it. | diglyph |
a building with a double peristyle or colonnade. Pl. DIPTEROI or DIPTEROSES. | dipteros |
a portico with two columns. | distyle |
a space for two triglyphs in the entablature between columns. | ditriglyph |
an adobe, a sun-dried brick. | dobie doby |
of or relating to a house or dome. | domal |
like a dome. | domic domical |
in a domical manner. | domically+ |
dome-like; having domes: DOMIER, DOMIEST. | domy |
a strong central tower in ancient castles. | donjon |
a hinged or sliding panel for closing the entrance to a room, cupboard, etc. | door |
the frame of a door. Also DOORFRAME. | doorcase+ |
the frame of a door. | doorframe+ |
one of the two vertical members forming the sides of a doorframe. | doorjamb doorpost |
the sill or threshold of a door. | doorsill |
the stone forming a threshold. | doorstone |
an opening into a building, room, etc., esp. one that has a door. | doorway |
(noun) a crossbeam, a joist. | dormant |
a gabled window. | dormer |
having DORMER windows. | dormered+ |
a block resting on the capital of a column. | dosseret |
an ogee moulding of the cornice. | doucine |
a drainpipe which takes rainwater from the gutter of a roof. | downpipe |
a hole in the wall of a tower, steeple etc. admitting light. | dreamhole |
an apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant. | droplight |
constructed of stone without mortar. | drystone |
a wall constructed of stones without mortar. | drywall |
something used to hide structural defects. | dutchman |
a piece of timber used to reinforce joists, a strut. [Du. dwang, force, constraint]. | dwang |
the lower edge of a roof. | eave |
having EAVES. | eaved |
a carved molding just below the abacus of a Doric capital; a sea-urchin. [L. from Gk. ekhinos, hedgehog]. Pl. ECHINUSES or ECHINI. | echinus |
a loophole in fortifications; a window-opening with slanted sides. | embrasure embrazure |
ashlar masonry filled up with rubble. | emplecton emplectum |
an ornament on a frieze or capital, consisting of festoons of fruit, flowers, leaves, etc. Pl. ENCARPUSES. | encarpus |
of a beam, fixed at the ends. | encastre+ |
that part of a design in classical architecture which surmounts the columns and rests upon the capitals. | entablature |
a swelling on vertical columns to counteract an optical illusion of concavity. Pl. ENTASES. | entasis |
a low story between two higher ones, usually between the ground floor and the first story; a MEZZANINE. | entresol |
the shoulder of a bastion. | epaule |
a side work, made of gabions, fascines, or bags, filled with earth, or of earth heaped up, to afford cover from the flanking fire of an enemy. | epaulement |
a rear vestibule. Pl. EPINAOI. | epinaos |
an architrave. | epistyle |
a staircase. | escalier |
the fastening of a French window. | espagnolette |
a floor storey. | etage |
with columns spaced at about two diameters and a quarter. | eustyle |
the exterior curve of an arch; esp. the upper curved face of the whole body of VOUSSOIRS. Pl. EXTRADOSES. Cf. INTRADOS. | extrados |
a temporary framework used to support a building during construction. | falsework |
a half-circle window with crossbars arranged like ribs of fan. | fanlight |
the apex of a building; a gable-end; a pediment. Pl. FASTIGIUMS. | fastigium |
an outlet for smoke in a roof. [OF fumeraille, from L. fumus, smoke]. | femerall |
of or pertaining to windows. | fenestral |
synthetic fibres used as a filling material. | fiberfill fibrefill |
a wallboard of compressed asbestos and cement. Th pl. of FIBRO is FIBROS. | fibro fibrocement |
stone for building, taken from a field. | fieldstone |
a groove on a window frame. | filister |
a decoration on the top of a gable or spire; on furniture, a decorative turned knob. | finial |
having a FINIAL, a decoration on the top of a gable or spire. | finialed |
a metal plate formerly placed by insurance companies to mark an insured building. | firemark |
an open recess in a wall of a room, at the base of a chimney, etc., for a fire; a hearth. | fireplace |
strips of wood to provide a level surface or air space. | firring furring |
a large paving stone. | flagstone |
a sloping piece of cement, e.g. round the base of a chimney-pot. | flaunching |
a slender spire, usu. of wood and rising from a roof. | fleche |
a type of brick made near Fletton in Cambridgeshire, of a mottled yellow and pink colour. | fletton |
a fluosilicate applied as a solution to building stone to make it harder and more durable. | fluate |
a shaft, tube, or pipe, esp. as used in a chimney, to carry off smoke, gas, etc. | flue |
having a FLUE. | flued |
a pedestal or plinth. | footstall+ |
an outside stair at the front of a house. | forestair |
shuttering to contain concrete. | formwork |
a fortress; a small outwork of a fortification. | fortalice |
a type of building stone that can be cut and sawn with little risk of fracturing. | freestone |
a decorated strip between ARCHITRAVE and CORNICE; a rough heavy woollen cloth; (verb) to put a frieze on. | frieze frise |
a pediment. | fronton frontoon |
see FIRRING. | furring |
an astragal moulding, a semicircular moulding round a column, etc. | fusarol fusarole |
to form a triangular section of a wall. | gable |
like a GABLE. | gablelike+ |
a small gable, or gable-shaped canopy, formed over a tabernacle, niche, etc. | gablet |
an ornament produced by notching or carving a rounded molding; (verb) to ornament with gadroons. | gadroon godroon |
having a gallery. | galleried |
a long and narrow corridor, or place for walking; a connecting passageway, as between one room and another; (verb) to provide with a gallery. | gallery |
a small pebble; (verb) to fill in mortar joints with small pebbles. [Fr. galet, pebble]. | gallet |
a frame for supporting barrels in a cellar or elsewhere. | gantry gauntree gauntry |
fitted with gargoyles. | gargoyled |
a heavy clay used for bricks. | gault |
a summer-house. Pl. GAZEBOES or GAZEBOS. | gazebo |
a large beam, esp. one made of steel, used in the construction of bridges, buildings, etc. | girder |
a sunken channel or groove, usually vertical. | glyph |
see GADROON. | godroon |
in some columns, that part of the capital between the termination of the shaft and the annulet of the echinus, or the space between two neck moldings. Aka NECKING. | gorgerin |
to make Gothic. | gothicise gothicize |
a step or raised shelf, as above a sideboard or altar. The pl. of GRADINO is GRADINI. | gradin gradine gradino |
a flight of steps. | grece grecian greece grees greese greesiNG GRESE GRESSING GRICE GRIECE GRIS GRIZE |
a fret pattern in architecture. | grecque |
having steps. | grieced |
a claw-shaped decoration at the base of a column. | griff griffe |
a framework of timber. | grillage |
a groin or an arrangement of groins; groined work. | groining |
the plot of ground on which a building stands. | groundplot |
the lowest timber of a structure. | groundsel groundsell groundsill |
a projecting turret for a sentry, as at the salient angles of works, or the acute angles of bastions. | guerite |
a ticket window or similar small opening. | guichet |
a finely graded cement concrete sprayed into position under air pressure. | gunite |
a small, drop-like ornament on a Doric entablature. Pl. GUTTAE or GUTTAS. | gutta |
a sunken fence. | haha |
a dais; a small landing on staircase. [OF. haut pas]. | halfpace |
the principal stone in a foundation; the chief or corner stone. | headstone |
the lower part of a door, an inner door, a grating. | heck |
a temple to a hero; a temple-shaped tomb. Pl. HEROONS. | heroon |
having six columns in front. | hexastyle |
sifted gravel as used in building. | hoggin hogging |
a moulding over a door or window. | hoodmold+ |
the top or roof of a house. | housetop |
= HYPAETHRAL, roofless; open to the sky. | hupaithric upaithric |
roofless; open to the sky (usu. intentionally, so as to see the stars. | hypaethral hypethral+ |
an open court. | hypaethron |
an ancient air chamber or series of chambers for heating rooms. | hypocaust |
the underground part of building. Pl. HYPOGAEA, HYPOGEA. | hypogaeum hypogeum |
the curve where a column merges in its base or capital. Also APOPHYGE. | hypophyge+ |
having a roof supported by columns. | hypostyle |
in Roman buildings, one of a series of usu. curved tiles fitting over flat tiles. Pl. IMBRICES. | imbrex |
to pave. | impave |
in Roman dwellings, a cistern or tank, set in the atrium or peristyle to receive the water from the roof. Pl. IMPLUVIA. | impluvium |
a fire in a room; a fireplace. | ingle |
an alcove by a large open fire. | ingleneuk inglenook |
a short timber binding together upright posts. | intertie |
the undersurface of an arch or vault. Pl. INTRADOSES. | intrados |
masonry of uniform blocks in course of equal heights, the vertical joints placed in the middle of the blocks below. Pl. ISODOMONS, ISODOMA. | isodomon isodomum |
in the form of an ISODOMON, masonry of uniform blocks in course of equal heights. | isodomous |
a truncated gable with a lipped roof. | jerkinhead |
a beam supporting boards of a floor or laths of a ceiling; (verb) to fit with joists. | joist |
a Judas hole, a peep-hole in a door. | judas |
a pier, a projecting part of a wall; (verb) to stick out. | jutty |
the space in front of the fireplace of a kiln. | killogie logie |
a perpendicular beam in frame of roof. | kingpost |
see CLINKER. | klinker |
an architectural ornament in the form of a bud. [Ger. Knospe, bud]. | knosp |
a type of window. | lancet |
having lancet windows. | lanceted |
a ceiling consisting of panelled recessed compartments, with bands between the panels. N.B. this is already plural: no -S hook! | laquearia |
a corona or other course serving as a drip-stone. | larmier |
lathing. | lathwork |
a stick making up part of a ceiling. | latilla+ |
an open framework of metal or wooden strips; (verb) to provide (as) with a lattice or lattice-work. | lattice |
to plaster with cow-dung. | leep |
in Gothic vaulting, any rib which does not spring from the impost and is not a ridge rib, but passes from one boss or intersection of the principal ribs to another. | lierne |
a horizontal timber of a scaffolding; a lower millstone. | ligger |
a horizontal beam supporting the load above a door. | lintel lintol |
having a LINTEL. | lintelled |
a narrow border or molding. | listel |
without a loft. | loftless |
resembling a loft. | loftlike |
a covered open arcade. Pl. LOGGIE or LOGGIAS. | loggia |
see KILLOGIE. | logie |
to cut loopholes in the walls of, provide with loopholes. | loophole |
a sloping slat placed across an opening. | louver louvre |
having LOUVERS. | louvered |
having LOUVRES. | louvred |
louvred. | lovered |
a window-pane. | lozen |
a dormer window. | lucarne |
a chimney. | lum |
a crescent-shaped space where a vault meets a wall. | lunette |
a dormer window. | luthern |
a low side window. | lychnoscope |
an opening between the corbels which support a projecting parapet, or in the floor of a gallery or the roof of a portal for shooting or dropping missiles upon assailants attacking the base of the walls. | machicolation |
a door giving independent access to a house, rather than opening on a common passage. | maindoor |
a hipped curb roof; that is, a roof having on all sides two slopes, the lower one being steeper than the upper one. [From Francois Mansart, a French architect]. | mansard |
having a MANSARD, a hipped curb roof. | mansarded |
the finish around a fireplace, covering the chimney-breast in front and sometimes on both sides; especially, a shelf above the fireplace, and its supports. | mantel |
the lintel of a fireplace when of wood, as frequently in early houses. | manteltree |
constructed of MASONRY. | masonried |
the craft of a mason; work that is built by a mason; stonework or brickwork. | masonry |
a narrow wall in a battlement between embrasures. | merlon |
a square space between triglyphs in a Doric frieze. Pl. METOPES or METOPAE. | metope |
an ENTRESOL; also, a small low window in an attic. | mezzanine |
an ornamental bracket under a Corinthian or other column. [Ital. modiglione, from L. modulus, from modus, a measure]. | modillion |
rubble in mason-work. | moellon |
a small flat bastion to protect a fortress under construction. | moineau |
a mullion. | monial |
of a roof, forming a single uniform slope. | monopitch |
round and without a cella; consisting of a single ring of columns supporting a roof; -- said esp. of a temple. | monopteral |
a building with single ring of columns supporting a roof. Pl. MONOPTERA. | monopteros |
consisting of a single shaft. | monostylar monostyle |
a narrow board nailed against the wall of a room next to the floor; aka skirting board. | mopboard |
(verb) to join or plaster with mortar. | mortar |
containing or resembling mortar. | mortary |
an artificial mound upon which a castle is built. | motte |
in N. Africa, an external balcony enclosed with latticework. | moucharaby |
the lowest sill of a structure, usually embedded in the soil. | mudsill |
an upright division between window panes; (verb) to divide a window with mullions. | mullion munnion |
having many panes. | multipaned |
of a building, having many stories. | multistory |
see MULLION. | munnion |
the vertical framing piece between door panels. | muntin munting |
relating to a MUTULE, a kind of square, flat bracket, in Doric architecture. | mutular |
a kind of square, flat bracket, in Doric architecture, above each triglyph and each metope, with guttae. [L. mutulus]. Cf. MODILLION. | mutule |
wavy moulding. | nebule |
a molding between a column and entablature. | necking |
a style of architecture popular in Britain in the 18th and 19th centuries. | neogothic+ |
an upright column in middle of circular staircase; a post at the end of stairs. | newel |
having a NEWEL, an upright column in middle of circular staircase. | newelled |
masonry or brickwork between wooden frame. | nogging |
the projecting round edge of a stair, sill etc. | nosing |
having eight columns in the front. The Parthenon is octostyle, but most large Greek temples are HEXASTYLE. | octastyle octostyle |
any eye-like feature, especially a large circular window at the west end of a church. Pl. OCULI. | oculus |
an arch of two curves meeting at a point. | ogee |
of or like an OGIVE. | ogival |
a diagonal rib of a Gothic arch; a pointed arch. | ogive |
a portico or apartment at the back of an ancient Greek or Roman temple, a posticum. Pl. OPISTHODOMOI. | opisthodomos |
a projecting bay window supported with corbel or bracket. | oriel |
having an ORIEL, a projecting bay window supported with corbel or bracket. | orielled |
a projection in a building or a recess made in the wall of a room. | outshot |
to project. | oversail |
a moulding with the rounded part comprised of a quarter circle. Pl. OVOLI or OVOLOS. | ovolo |
to insert panes into. | pane |
a building, as a prison, hospital, library, or the like, so arranged that all parts of the interior are visible from a single point. | panopticon |
an overlapping, S-shaped roofing tile. | pantile |
roofed with PANTILES. | pantiled |
PANTILES collectively. | pantiling |
a bank built to provide protection from the enemy's observation and fire; esp. one on top of a wall or rampart, or in front of a trench. | parapet |
having a parapet. | parapeted |
to plaster. PARGET gives PARGETED or PARGETTED; PARGETING or PARGETTING. | parge parget |
a stone passing through a wall from face to face. | parpane parpen parpend parpent parpoint PERPENT |
a floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks; (verb) to cover a floor with parquet. | parquet |
covered with PARQUET, a floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks. | parqueted |
the art of making PARQUET, a floor-covering of fitted wooden blocks. | parquetry |
a triangular structure crowning front of a Greek building. | pediment |
the portion of a vault by means of which the square space in the middle of a building is brought to an octagon or circle to receive a cupola. | pendentive |
a penthouse; a sloping or overhanging roof. | pent |
having five columns in front; -- said of a temple or portico in classical architecture. | pentastyle |
a penthouse; (verb) to provide or cover with a penthouse. | pentice pentise |
a roof that slopes one way only. | pentroof |
an arbor formed of columns supporting trelliswork on which climbing plants are often trained. | pergola |
a precinct; an enclosing wall of a precinct. Pl. PERIBOLOI, PERIBOLI. | peribolos peribolus |
a gallery or balcony that ran round all four sides of a classical building. | peridrome |
a structure with a row of columns around all sides. | peripter |
a PERIPTERAL building; the turbulent air around a flying object. | periptery |
relating to a PERISTYLE, a range of columns around a building or courtyard. | peristylar |
a range of columns around a building or courtyard. | peristyle |
see PARPANE. | perpent |
a raised platform or terrace at an entrance door. | perron |
a square column partially embedded in a wall. | pilaster |
work or foundation made of piles. | pilework |
to provide with a pillar for support or ornamentation. | pillar |
a series of columns or piles, used to raise the base of a building above ground level. Pl. PILOTIS. | pilotis |
a slender spire; (verb) to equip with a pinnacle. | pinnacle |
a pinnacle. | pinnet |
a species of wall made of stiff earth or clay rammed in between molds which are carried up as the wall rises. The e has an accent. | pise |
a decorated ceiling. | plafond |
a plank, a board; (verb) to floor, board. | planch planche |
a mixture of lime, sand, and water, sometimes stiffened with hair or other fibres, that is applied to the surface of a wall or ceiling as a soft paste that hardens when dry; (verb) to cover with plaster. | plaster |
a thin rigid board, in the form of a layer of plaster compressed between two layers of fibreboard, used to form or cover walls. | plasterboard |
designating a kind of glass used for windows. | plateglass |
the rectangular base of a column or pedestal. | plinth |
relating to a PODIUM, a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall. | podial |
a low wall, serving as a foundation, a substructure, or a terrace wall. Pl. PODIA or PODIUMS. | podium |
having many columns. | polystyle |
a low structure projecting from the doorway of a house and forming a covered entrance. | porch |
an entrance, gateway, or doorway, esp. one that is large and impressive. | portal |
equipped with portals. | portaled |
a formal entrance to a classical temple, church, or other building, consisting of columns at regular intervals supporting a roof often in the form of a pediment. Pl. PORTICOS or PORTICOES. | portico |
having a PORTICO. | porticoed |
a back door; a door or gate distinct from the main entrance; a side way or entrance. | postern |
any court or vestibule before a building or leading into any inclosure. Pl. PROPYLAEA. | propylaeum |
the porch, vestibule, or entrance of an edifice. Pl. PROPYLA. | propylon |
in Greek architecture, a front portico without ANTAE, a building with such a portico and no other. | prostyle |
a public building in certain Greek cities; especially, a public hall in Athens regarded as the home of the community, in which official hospitality was extended to distinguished citizens and strangers. Pl. PRYTANEA. | prytaneum |
a supporting timber stretching across rafters. | purlin purline |
a cross-piece in a scaffolding. | putlock putlog |
a wall or ceiling painted with arches and columns in strong perspective. Pl. QUADRATURE (which is also a singular in its own right, meaning the act of squaring). | quadratura |
a small triangular ventilation window in a car. | quarterlight |
see COIGN. | quoin |
to build or provide with rafters. | rafter |
a rough hard stone. | rag ragg ragstone |
a groove in masonry; (verb) to make a raggle in. | raggle |
a kind of rubblework, esp. of thin and small stones. | ragwork |
a gutter, a downspout. | rainspout |
a projecting out-work in fortification, having two embankments forming salient angle. | ravelin |
a reinforcing bar used in concrete. | rebar |
parallel grooves cut into the edge of a coin at right angles to the faces. | reeding |
a flat, narrow moulding. | reglet |
in architecture, a fillet below a TRIPTYCH. Pl. REGULAE. | regula |
to pave again. | repave |
to face with masonry etc. Pp. REVETTING, pt. REVETTED. | revet |
a masonry etc. facing of an embankment or trench. | revetment |
a roof-gutter. | rhone roan rone ronepipe+ |
a rib vaulting. | ribwork |
a flooring or framework on which a rick is made. | rickstand |
the timber forming the ridge of a roof, into which the rafters are secured. | ridgepole ridgetree+ |
a groove in wood or stone; a slot. | rigol |
a protective foundation, embankment, etc. made of loose chunks of stones placed together; (verb) to construct a breakwater or other work with a foundation of loose stone. | riprap |
see RHONE. | roan |
stonework in which the surface is left broken and rough. | rockwork |
a style of architecture marked by much ornamentation esp. scrollwork. | rococo |
a small round tower erected at the foot of a bastion. | rondel rondelle |
see RHONE. | rone |
see RONE. | ronepipe+ |
like a roof. | rooflike |
the outline of a roof. | roofline |
a view of roofs. | roofscape |
the top of a roof. | rooftop |
the beam in the angle of a roof; hence, the roof itself. | rooftree |
having roofs: ROOFIER, ROOFIEST. | roofy |
a rosette; a rose-window. | rosace |
a rounded, domed building or hall. | rotunda |
having semicircular arches. | roundarch |
the space between the bed and the wall. [Fr. ruelle, little street]. | ruelle |
a dressed stone at the side of a door, window etc. | rybat |
an unroofed space consecrated to a divinity. Pl. SACELLA. | sacellum |
a keystone; a versed sign of an arc. Pl. SAGITTAS. | sagitta |
of a brick or tile: imperfectly burnt. | samel |
thin boards for sheathing, as above the rafters, and under the shingles or slates, and for similar purposes. | sarking |
to work stone smoothly, without smoothing to a finish. | scabble scapple |
stone-like plasterwork for interior decoration, made of powdered marble made into a past, applied to a gesso ground and polished. | scagliola |
small stones used for drainage in excavation and as hardcore. N.B. there is no singular SCALPIN. | scalpins |
see SCABBLE. | scapple |
the inner part of a door jamb or window frame. | scoinson sconcheon scontion scuncheon |
a concave molding used especially in classical architecture. Pl. SCOTIAS. | scotia |
(noun) the material of a screed, as used to finish a floor. | screeding |
a ceiling. In OSPD SEELING is valid, but only as a participle of SEEL, hence SEELINGS is | . |
half a dome, especially as formed by a vertical section. | semidome |
having a half dome. | semidomed |
a half-moon-shaped object, body, or structure. Also DEMILUNE. | semilune |
a compartment of a vaulted ceiling. | severy |
a window, design etc. with six lobes or leaves. | sexfoil |
in design, architecture etc., the use of irregularity for deliberate, artful, contrastive effect. | sharawadgi sharawaggi |
the jamb, or cheek, of an opening in a wall, as of door or window. | sidepiece |
NAME? | |
either of two inset abutments sloped to support a segmental arch. | skewback |
a covered elevated bridge connecting two buildings. | skybridge+ |
a window placed in a roof or ceiling to admit daylight. Aka FANLIGHT. | skylight |
an elevated walkway between two buildings. | skywalk |
a form that can be moved slowly as work progresses; (verb) to work using a slipform. | slipform |
a small piece of lead used to form a watertight joint with a chimney where it projects from a roof. | soaker |
a plain face or plinth at the foot of a wall, column etc. | socle |
the ornamented underside of a stair or archway. | soffit |
a large moulding along the base of a pedestal. Pl. SOLIDUMS. | solidum |
a joist or beam of secondary importance. | solive |
the triangular space between the curve of arch and the right angle enclosing it. | spandrel spandril |
a tall slender architectural structure tapering to a point. | spire+ |
a slender spire, aka FLECHE. | spirelet+ |
a flight of stairs, its supporting framework, and, usually, a handrail or banisters. | staircase |
having a STAIRCASE. | staircased |
a staircase or staircases collectively. | staircasing |
having, or arranged like, stairs. | staired |
the level place at the foot of the stairs. | stairfoot |
the level place at the top of the stairs. | stairhead |
a means of access consisting of stairs; staircase or flight of steps. | stairway |
a vertical shaft or opening that contains a staircase. | stairwell |
an upright beam, bar or support; (verb) to support by a STANCHEL: STANCHELLED. | stanchel |
an upright beam, bar or support; (verb) to support by a stanchion. | stanchion |
stair. | stayre |
a platform along the front, and sometimes the side, of a house. | stoep |
any work in stone. | stonework |
a floor or level of a building. | storey |
having STOREYS. | storeyed |
decorated with elaborate ornamental designs. N.B. there is no verb STORIATE. | storiated |
a brick placed lengthwise in masonry. | stretcher |
the flute of a column. Pl. STRIGAE. | striga |
a horizontal band or molding set in the front of a building. | stringcourse |
a kind of plaster for exteriors of buildings, especially highly ornamented. Pl. STUCCOES. (Verb) to coat with stucco: STUCCOS. | stucco |
the woodwork of a lath and plaster wall or partition; a piece of wood for this. | studding |
brickwork walls between studs; studded leather. | studwork |
a continuous pedestal supporting a row of columns. | stylobate |
somewhat arched; with two or more arches under a main arch. | subarcuate |
the lowest part of a base. | subbase |
an under-ceiling. | subceiling |
a rough floor underlying a finished floor. | subfloor |
a blind to keep out the sun. | sunblind |
a screened porch with sunny exposure. | sunporch |
a cornice, or series of moldings, on the top of the base of a pedestal, podium, etc. | surbase |
having a SURBASE, a cornice, or series of moldings, on the top of the base of a pedestal, podium, etc. | surbased |
to set edgewise, as a stone; that is, to set it in a position different from that which it had in the quarry. | surbed |
having an intercolumniation of two diameters; (noun) such an arrangement. | systyle |
of timber, treated with Tanalith, a proprietary preservative. | tanalised tanalized |
paper coated with tar, for covering roofs etc. | tarpaper |
to daub, plaster. | teer |
a tile. Pl. TEGULAE. | tegula |
a draped male figure used like a caryatid as a supporting column or pilaster, aka ATLAS. Pl. TELAMONES. | telamon |
a horizontal flat area of ground, often one of a series in a slope; a row of houses, usually identical and having common dividing walls, or the street onto which they face; (verb) to equip with a terrace. | terrace |
a flooring of marble chips set in mortar and then polished. Pl. TERRAZZOS. | terrazzo |
a building with four columns. | tetrastyle |
to thatch. | thack theek |
the substructure of a dome or cupola. | tholobate |
a round building, dome, cupola. Pl. THOLOI, THOLI. | tholos tholus |
a subordinate rib springing from the intersection of two other ribs. | tierceron |
the shaft of a column. [Fr. tige, stalk]. | tige |
work made of timbers. | timberwork |
the space between an arch and the lintel of a portal. Pl. TIMPANA or TIMPANUMS; TYMPANA or TYMPANUMS. | timpanum tympanum |
a stone that is placed on the top, or which forms the top. | topstone |
having the form of a TORUS, a rounded swelling. | toric |
a plate in a brick wall to support the end of a beam. | torsel |
a rounded swelling; the lowest moulding of a column. Pl. TORI. | torus |
built of horizontal beams rather than arches. | trabeate |
constructed of horizontal beams, as Greek architecture. | trabeated |
a construct of horizontal beams. | trabeation |
a rod-like structure running across a cavity and giving it internal support. Pl. TRABECULAE or TRABECULAS. | trabecula |
with TRACERY. | traceried |
a pattern of interlacing ribs, esp. as used in the upper part of a Gothic window, etc. | tracery |
a structure dividing a window horizontally. | transom |
having a TRANSOM, a structure dividing a window horizontally. | transomed+ |
a crossbeam or space between crossbeams. | trave |
a trellis. | treille |
a structure of cross-barred or lattice-work; (verb) to fit with a trellis. | trellis |
having three apses.. | triapsal triapsidal |
a couch for reclining at meals, extending round three sides of a table, and usually in three parts. Pl. TRICLINIA. | triclinium |
relating to a TRIFORIUM. | triforial+ |
a gallery or arcade over an aisle; a gallery over nave and choir. Pl. TRIFORIA. | triforium |
an architectural ornament of a tablet bearing two V-shaped channels. | triglyph |
a piece of wall or pillar between two openings. Pl. TRUMEAUX. | trumeau |
a small tower that projects from the wall of a building, esp. a medieval castle. | turret |
having turrets. | turreted |
like a turret. | turrical |
to remove the roof from. | unroof |
see HUPAITHRIC. | upaithric |
vaulted work; also, a vaulted place; an arched cellar. | vaultage |
a window. | ventana |
a roofed gallery, terrace, or open portico along the front or side of a building. | veranda verandah viranda virando |
having a VERANDA. | verandaed |
having a VERANDAH. | verandahed |
a ceiling beam. | viga |
an opening in a large building by which a crowd is let out. The pl. of VOMITORIUM is VOMITORIA. | vomitorium vomitory |
one of the wedge-shaped pieces forming an arch or vault; (verb) to construct with a voussoir. | voussoir |
to line with boards or panels; (noun) fine oak panelling. | wainscot |
(noun) oak panelling. | wainscoting wainscotting |
(something) reached by means of stairs. | walkup |
building board, board for lining walls. | wallboard |
a hole in a wall to allow water to escape from behind. | weephole |
the open space in a floor, to accommodate a staircase. | wellhole |
a window. | windock winnock |
a window. | windore |
(verb) to provide with windows. | window |
the glass in a window. | windowpane |
like a WINDOW. | windowy+ |
a passage for air. | windway |
a type of flooring. | woodblock |
a long covered portico or court used by ancient Greek athletes for exercises. Pl. XYSTS, XYSTOI, XYSTI. | xyst xystos xystus |
a gate, door. | yate yett |
a plain face or plinth at the foot of a wall, column etc. Pl. ZOCCOS, ZOCCOLOS. Cf. SOCLE. | zocco zoccolo |