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Yeast Identification

Testing procedures and important yeast characteristics

This organism has a "spaghetti and meatball" appearance microscopically. Malassezia furfur
In what type of patients is Malassezia furfur capable of becoming systemic? Newborns, anemics, or other patients that may be on a high lipid diet.
What is the leading cause of yeast infections in humans? Candida albicans
True or False? Candida albicans in part of our normal flora. True. May become problematic with changes in hormones, in the presence of antibiotics, or other changes.
Where do we see a problem with Candida albicans? In the overweight population - in fat folds. In the immunocompromised
What is the mortality rate of immunocompromised patients with Candida albicans? 65% - 95%
This disease is often one of the first disease to be seen in HIV patients and is caused by Candida species. Candidiasis - more commonly known as thrush
This identification procedure uses dehydrated carbon in specific wells to pick up the pattern of different sugars used by yeast. API 20C AUX
What are drawbacks of API 20C AUX? Takes up to 72 hours Yeast like(polymorphic)molds could give false ID
This yeast ID method is a qualitative microtiter method. Is it more or less sensitive than API 20C AUX? RapID Yeast Plus System - this is less sensitive but takes only hours for results.
What is a drawback of RapID Yeast Plus System? Uncommon yeasts may be misidentified.
Oral Thrush, Vulvovaginitis, Skin & Nail infections, and Systemic infections are signs of which disease? Candidiasis
What are the 6 species most commonly responsible for Candidiasis? 1. Candida albicans 2. Candida glabrata 3. Candida parapsilosis 4. Candida tropicalis 5. Candida lusitaniae 6. Candida dublinensis
Which 2 Candida species are germ tube positive? How can they be distinguished from one another? C. albicans & C. dublinensis Growth temp can be used to differentiate: C. albicans - 42°C C. dublinensis - 37°C
Which candida species can be difficult to treat due to its decreased susceptibility to azoles? Candida glabrata
Which candida species is characterized by the presence of blastoconidia alone? Candida glabrata
This candida species produces psuedohyphae and is dark blue on ChromAgar. Candida tropicalis
Which candida species is commonly found on the hands of healthcare workers. Candida parapsitosis
This yeast if commonly associated with bird droppings. Cryptococcus neoformans
What structure does Cryptococcus neoformans have to increase it's virulence? What stain is used to detect this structure? A capsule - seen in the presence of India Ink
C. neoformans is the leading cause of what disease in HIV patients? Meningitis
What color does C. neoformans change to on birdseed agar? It changes from white to brown
This organism is found on the eucalyptus leaves and is identical to C. neoformans. Cryptococcus gattii
What structures are present microscopically for Trichosporon asahii? Pseudohyphae, Arthroconidia, and Blastoconidia
Describe the colony appearance of Trichosporon asahii. What does this organism cause? Dry, white, and farinose (velvety)and may have a cheese-light odor This organism can cause blood diseases and meningitis.
Created by: AshleySchutz
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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