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Spicer MB Final Voca

Vocabulary, Microbiology, Spicer, Bastyr, Final,

Colitis inflamed large intestine.
Diarrhea frequent bowel movements of watery feces.
Dysentery frequent bowel movements of bloody or mucus-filled stools, with abdominal pain, fever, dehydration.
Enteritis inflamed small intestine (usually).
Gastritis inflamed stomach.
Hepatitis inflamed liver (usually used to refer to a viral infection, but can also be used as a general term).
Bacteremia temporary presence of bacteria in the blood.
Septicemia a systemic disease due to the presence of pathogens circulating throughout the body.
EHEC Enterohemorrhagic diarrhea. Hemorrhagic watery diarrhea (not dysentery).
ETEC Enterotoxigenic diarrhea/traveler’s diarrhea. Profuse watery diarrhea with/without mucus or blood.
Lymphadenitis inflammation of the lymph nodes.
Lymphadenopathy enlargement of the lymph nodes.
Lymphangitis an acute inflammation of the lymph channels.
HIV a retrovirus which infects immune cells.
AIDS a disease of the immune system caused by infection with the retrovirus HIV.
Kaposi sarcoma vascular tumor.
Biological vector an insect which is infected with a pathogen and provides a place for it to multiply, mature, or both.
Rickettsiae unusual bacteria.
Lyme disease an infectious bacterial disease transmitted by ticks, in which skin rash, fever, and headache precede arthritis and nervous disorder.
Bubonic plague “Bubonic” refers to swollen, inflamed, tender lymph nodes (buboes) that develop later.
Pneumonic plague “Pneumonic” refers to highly communicable lung infections.
Malaria an infectious disease caused by a parasite that is transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes.
Nephritis severe inflammation of the kidney.
Cystitis inflammation of the urinary bladder.
Encephalitis inflammation of the brain.
Meningitis A CNS infection having multiple causes. Viral or bacterial infection inflames the meninges.
Myelitis inflammation of the spinal cord or bone marrow.
Botulism a food borne microbial intoxication (Clostridium botulinum).
Tetanus an acute neuromuscular disease caused by a bacterial exotoxin called tetanospasmin. (Clostridium tetani bacteria)
Tetanospasmin bacterial exotoxin which causes tetanus.
Condyloma accuminatum a growth resembling a wart on the skin or a mucous membrane.
Created by: bastyr41
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