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american lit triad
american lit triad sheets
Question | Answer |
The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy | adams |
twenty years at the hull house | addams |
the second twenty years at the hull house | addams |
a death in the family | agee |
let us now praise famous men | agee |
the morning watch | agee |
the zoo story | albee |
who's afraid of virginia woolf | albee |
three tall women | albee |
a delicate balance | albee |
quotations from chairman mao tse-tung | albee |
the death of bessie smith | albee |
little women | alcott |
little men | alcott |
jo's boys | alcott |
hospital sketches | alcott |
moods | alcott |
ragged dick | alger |
the man with the golden arm | algren |
a walk on the wild side | algren |
winterset | maxwell anderson |
what price glory? | maxwell anderson |
i never sang for my father | robert anderson |
winesburg, ohio | sherwood anderson |
windy mcpherson's son | sherwood anderson |
the triumph of the egg | sherwood anderson |
i know why the caged bird sings | angelou |
on the pulse of morning | angelou |
wouldn't take nothing for my journey now | angelou |
foundation trilogy | asimov |
foundations edge | asimov |
nightfall | asimov |
jonathan livingston seagull | bach |
go tell it on the mountain | baldwin |
if beale street could talk | baldwin |
notes of a native son | baldwin |
another country | baldwin |
familiar quotation | bartlett |
the wonderful wizard of oz | baum |
father goose: his book | baum |
looking backward | edward bellamy |
pledge of allegiance | francis bellamy |
the adventures of augie march | bellow |
herzog | bellow |
humboldt's gift | bellow |
henderson the rain king | bellow |
mr. sammler's planet | bellow |
dangling man | bellow |
seize the day | bellow |
jaws | benchley |
john brown's body | vincent benet |
the devil and daniel webster | vincent benet |
the reader's encyclopedia | william benet |
an occurance at owl creek bridge | bierce |
devil's dictionary | bierce |
the martian chronicles | bradbury |
something wicked this way comes | bradbury |
Fahrenheit 451 | bradbury |
the tenth muse lately sprung up in america | bradstreet |
annie allen | brooks |
the bean eaters | brooks |
thanatopsis | bryant |
to a waterfowl | bryant |
the house of earth trilogy | buck |
tarzan of the apes | edgar burroughs |
naked lunch | william burroughs |
the postman always rings twice | cain |
tobacco road | caldwell |
god's little acre | caldwell |
in cold blood | capote |
breakfast at tiffany's | capote |
other voices | capote |
other rooms | capote |
the gospel of wealth and other timely essays | andrew carnegie |
how to win friends and influence people | dale carnegie |
silent spring | carson |
the sea around us | carson |
my antonia | cather |
o pioneers | cather |
one of ours | cather |
death comes for the archbishop | cather |
a stillness at appomatox | catton |
the big sleep | chandler |
the wapshot chronicle | cheever |
the awakening | chopin |
bayou folk | chopin |
the hunt for red october | clancy |
red storm rising | clancy |
patriot games | clancy |
the sum of all fears | clancy |
debt of honor | clancy |
the ox-bow incident | clark |
king rat | clavell |
tai-pan | clavell |
shogun | clavell |
the great escape | clavell |
noble house | clavell |
the most dangerous game | connell |
the enormous room | cummings |
the spy | cooper |
the pilot | cooper |
the blur hotel | crane |
the open boat | crane |
deliverance | dickey |
because i could not stop for death | dickinson |
i heard a fly buzz when i died | dickinson |
ragtime | doctorow |
billy bathgate | doctorow |
hans brinker/the silver skates | dodge |
usa trilogy | dos passos |
the american tragedy | dreiser |
the genuine trilogy of desire/ copperwood trilogy | dreiser |
the genius | dreiser |
jennie gerhardt | dreiser |
advise and consent: a novel of washington politics | drury |
the souls of black folk | DuBois |
lyrics of lowly life | dunbar |
drums along the mohawk | edmonds |
invisible man | ellison |
concord hymn | emerson |
the american scholar | emerson |
self-reliance | emerson |
the divinity school address | emerson |
representative man | emerson |
light in august | faulkner |
a fable | faulkner |
a rose for emily | faulkner |
requiem for a nun | faulkner |
go down moses and other stories | faulkner |
giant | ferber |
show boat | ferber |
so big | ferber |
cimarron | ferber |
a coney island of the mind | ferlinghetti |
tender is the night | fitzgerald |
the beautiful and the damned | fitzgerald |
this side of paradise | fitzgerald |
the last tycoon | fitzgerald |
gorillas in the mist | fossey |
the british prison ship | freneau |
a poem on the rising glory of america | freneau |
the feminine mystique | friedan |
the road not taken | frost |
the gift of outright | frost |
fire and ice | frost |
the death of the hired man | frost |
a boy's will | frost |
north of boston | frost |
birches | frost |
the case of the velvet claws | gardner |
the case of the terrified typist | gardner |