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ABO/Rh BloodBank

Phenotypes, precursors, etc.

What is the frequency of the O phenotype in the population? 45%
What is the frequency of the A phenotype in the general population? 40%
What is the frequency of the B phenotype in the general population? 11%
What is the frequency of the AB phenotype in the general population? 4%
What is the order of ABO types from the type with the most H substance to the type with the least H substance? O>A2>B>A2B>A1>A1B
What is the Bombay phenotype? It is an h amorph
What sugar does the Bombay phenotype lack on its precursor? L-fucose
How are Bombay individuals' rbcs differentiated from a normal type O individual? They are tested with the anti-H lectin
What is the sugar and enzyme responsible for the A antigen? N-acetyl-galactose-amine and N-acetylgalactose-aminyltransferase
What is the sugar and enzyme responsible for the B antigen? D-galactose and D-galactosyl-transferase
What is the sugars and enzmes responsible for the AB antigens? N-acetyl-galactose-amine and N-acetylgalactose-aminyltransferaseand D-galactose and D-galactosyl-transferase
What is the sugar and enzyme responsible for the O antigen? L-fucose and alpha -2-L-fucosyltransferaseThe H antigen
What is the name of the precursor substance on rbcs that the ABO antigens are built upon? Type 2 oligosaccharide chain
What is the cis-AB phenomenon? A person inherits both AB genes from one parent and an O gene from the other parent
What is Acquired B Antigen? It is associated with disease of the digestive tract when bacterial enzymes modify the blood group "A" sugar
How is an ABO discrepancy caused by Acquired B antigen resolved? The cells can be washed again and retyped
What is done in neonatal blood typing? The cord cells are washed 4-8 times to remove Wharton's jelly
What ABO discrepancy may be associated with elderly or immunocompromised patients and how would it be resolved? They may have weak or missing antibodies in the back type.  Resolve this by incubating at RT for 15 mins or in the refrig
What ABo discrepancy could chimerism cause? a mixed field reaction due to the presence of two cell populations in a single individual.  Check transfusion history
What subgroups of A could cause a red cell discrepancy and how would you detect this? A2 - could have anti-A1 in plasma and react with A cells
What discrepancy could rouleux cause and how would you solve it? it would cause a false pos due to inc plasma proteins
how would you resolve a cold alloantibody or autoantibody? Run a short cold antibody screen
What type of rbcs and ffp should be released for transfusion if an ABO discrepancy cannot be resolved in an emergency? O neg(if don't know if neg or pos) cells and AB FFP
What is the Rh null phenotype? They are negative for all of the Rh antigens due to either the absence of the regulator gene or an inheritance of an amorphic gene
What is the Rh mod phenotype? There is a partial suppression of the Rh gene expression which leads to a weak Rh antigen expression
How is weak D testing done? It requires AHG to detect it
compare genetic weak D to Partial D phenotype to C Trans. Genetic weak D is an inherited gene that codes for a weakened expression of a D antigen which has less D antigen sites on the cellPartial D means one or more of the epitopes of the D antigen are missing
How are weak D positive donor units labeled? Positive
Which specimens do and do not need weak D testing and why? Cord cells and donor cells need weak D testing
What is the antibody class optimum temperature of reactivity and clinical significance of Rh antibodies?
What is the Weiner conversion of Dce R0
What is the Weiner conversion of DCe? R1
What is the Weiner conversion of DcE? R2
What is the Weiner conversion of DCE? Rz
What is the Weiner conversion of dce? r
What is the Weiner conversion of dCe? r'
what is the Weiner conversion of dcE? r''
What is the Weiner conversion of dCE? ry
What is the genotype frequency of DCe/dce (R1r)? 33%
What is the genotype frequency of DCe/DCe (R1R1)? 18%
What is the genotype frequency of dce/dce (rr)? 15%
What is the genotype frequency of DCe/DcE (R1R2)? 11%
What is the genotype frequency of DcE/dce (R2r)? 9%
What is the genotype frequency of DcE/DcE (R2R2)? 2%
what is the genotype frequency of dCe/dce (r'r)? 1%
What is the genotype frequency of dcE/dce (r''r)? 1%
What is the genotype frequency of Dce/dce (R0r)? 2%
If you get the antigen typing results:D + C+ E+ c+ e+what is the most likely genotype? DCe/DcE or R1R2
If you get the antigen typing results:D+ C= E+ c+ e+What is the most likely genotype? DcE/dce or R2r
If you get the antigen typing results:D+ C+ E= c+ e+what is the most likely genotype? DCe/dce or R1r
If you get the antigen typing results:D+C+ E+ c= e+ what is the most likely genotype? DCe/DCE or R1Rz
If you get the antigen typing results:D+ C+ E+ c+ e=what is the most likely genotype? DcE/dCE or R2ry
if you get the antigen typing results:D+ C= E= c+ e+what is the most likely genotype? Dce/dce or R0r
If you get the antigen typing results:D+ C+ E= c= e+ what is the most likely genotype? DCe/DCe or R1R1
If you get the antigen typing results:D+ C+ E+ c= e= what is the most likely genotype? DCE/dCE or Rzry
If you get the antigen typing results:D+ C= E+ c+ e= what is the most likely genotype? DcE/DcE or R2R2
if you get the antigen typing results:d= C+ E+ c+ e+ what is the most likely genotype? dCE/dce or ryr
if you get the antigen typing results:d= C= E+c+e+ what is the most likely genotype? dcE/dce or r''r
If you get the antigen typing results:d=C+E=c+e+ what is the most likely genotype? dCe/dce or r'r
If you get the antigen typing results:d=C+E+c=e+ what is the most likely genotype? dCE/dCe or  ryr'
If you get the antigen typing results:d=C+E+c+e= what is the most likely genotype? dcE/dCE or r''ry
If you get the antigen typing results:d=C=E=c+e+ what is the most likely genotype? dce/dce
If you get the antigen typing results:d=C+E=c=e+ what is the most likely genotype? dCe/dCe or r'r'
If you get the antigen typing results:d=C+E+c=e= what is the most likely genotype? dCE/dCE or ryry
If you get the antigen typing results:d=C=E+c+e= what is the most likely genotype? dcE/dcE or r''r''
How would an ABO discrepancy be handled in an emergency situation in regard to both packed cells and plasma?
What is the significance of a positive Rh control? It would mean the weak D test is invalid.
What would a Bombay phenotype type and screen look like in a reference lab? O type and screen would be all positive.
Created by: jgreff
Popular Laboratory Science sets




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