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SRGT Ch9 Terminology

Blood, Lymphatic and Immune Systems Ch9 Terminology

Hematopoises blood formation
Erythocytes red blood cells (RBC)
Leukocytes white blood cells (WBC)
Thrombocytes clotting cells (PLATELETS)
Hemoglobin vehicle for transportation of oxygen to tissues is a protein-iron pigment
-poietin forming a substance
-poiesis formation, production
cyt/o cell
Coagulation process of changing a liquid to a solid (blood clotting)
Agglutination (agglutin/o) clump together
hemostasis control of blood flow (stop bleeding)
plasma liquid portion of the blood
universal blood donor individual with type O
universal recipient individual with type AB
Rh factor mismatch between the fetus and mother can cause erythroblastosis fetalis
monocytes destroy pathogens and collect debris from damaged cells
lymphocytes immune system
lymphangio/o lymph vessels
lymphaden/o lymph nodes (lymph glands)
lymph nodes cervical, axillary (armpit), inguinal (groin), and mediastinal nodes
lymph organs tonsils, adenoids, appendix, spleen, and thymus gland
appendix append/o
spleen splen/o
thymus gland thym/o
immune system immun/o
pyr/o fever, fire
-exia condition
phagocytosis phag/o eat, swallow
anemia without blood
hypovolemia deficient blood volume
Hypo- deficient
-emia blood condition
leukocytosis abnormal INCREASE in WBCs (clotting cells)
leukopenia abnormal DECREASE in WBCs (deficiency of clotting cells)
Edema abnormal accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces of tissues
lymphedema accumulation of lymphatic fluid and resultant swelling caused by obstruction, removal or hypoplasia of lymph vessels
lymphadentis inflammation of lymph nodes
lymphadenopathy disease of the lymph nodes or vessels that may be localized or generalized
lymphangitis inflammation of lymph vessels
lymphocytopenia deficiency of lymphocytes
lymphocytosis abnormal increase in lymphocytes
lymphangiography radiographic visualization of a part of the lymphatic system after injection of a radiopague substance
splenic arteriography (splenography) radiographic visualization of the spleen with the use of a contrast medium
allergy testing series of tests involving a patch, scratch or intradermal injection of an allergen to test for hypersensitivty
CBC complete blood count 12 blood tests including RBC, WBC, diff, Hb, HCT/PCV
diff count measure of the numbers of the different types of WBCs
Hct/PCV *** Hemocrit/packed cell volume measure of the % of RBCs in the blood
Hgb, Hb *** hemoglobin iron-containing pigment of RBCs that carries oxygen to tissues
monospot *** test for infectious mononucleosis
PT *** prothrombin time test that measures the amount of time taken for clot formation
WBC count *** white blood cell count measurement of the number of leukocytes in the blood
Apheresis temporary removal of blood from a donor in which one or more components are removed, and the rest of the blood is reinfused into the donor
Autologous blood transfusion donor's blood is removed and stored in anticipation of a future need
Autotransfusion donor is transfused with his/her own blood after anticoagulation and filtration, from an active bleeding site in cases of major surgery or trauma
-apheresis removal of blood
BMT bone marrow transplant
Autologous BMT harvesting of patient's own healthy bone marrow before treatment for reintroduction later
Homologous BMT from a donor to a recipient
Adenoidectomy removal of the adenoids (pharyngeal tonsils)
biopsy of lymphatic structures removal of the lymph nodes or tissue as a means of diagnosis and treatment
Lymphadenectomy removal of a lymph node
Splenectomy removal of the spleen
Anticoagulants drugs that prevent or delay the coagulation of blood
Antiplatelets drugs that inhibit the function of platelets or destroy them
Erythropoietic agents growth factors that increase production of RBCs
Hematinics drugs that increase the number of erythrocytes (RBCs)
Hematopoietic agents drugs that stimulate blood cell production
Hemostatics drugs that help stop the flow of blood
Thrombopoietic factors agents that stimulate the production of thrombocytes or platelets
Created by: alyseg
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