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SRGT Ch8 Terminology

Female Reproductive System Ch8 Terminology

ovum (egg) (o/o), (ov/i), ov/o) female gamete
ovaries (oophor/o), (ovari/o) organ that releases mature eggs (female gonad)
menstruation (men/o) -menarche (first menstrual period) -menopause (cessation of menstruation)
Hormones secreted from: ** pituitary and corpus luteum
Corpus luteum secretes: ** estrogen and progestrone
ovulation ** cyclical release of an egg
fallopian tubes ** (salping/o), (salpinx) tubes that transport the ovum to the uterus
uterus (hyster/o), (metr/o), (metri/o), (ute)
Endometrium (endometri/o) lining of uterus
Myometrium (myometri/o) muscle layer
Perimetrium (perimetri/o) outer layer
Body or Corpus central area of uterus
Cervix (cervic/o) narrowed lower area or "neck" of uterus
rectouterine pouch (culd/o) "Douglas' cul-de-sac" space in the pelvic cavity between the uterus and rectum
vagina (colp/o), (vagin/o) if egg not fertilized the lining of the uterus is shed through the vagina by the process of menstruation (menses)
vulva (vulv/o)
Hymen (hymen/o)
Labia (labi/o) folds of skin (Minora and Majora)
Clitoris (clitorid/o)
Bartholin glands (bartholin/o)
Perineum (perine/o) area between the opening of vagina and anus
Milk ** (lact/o), (galact/o)
nipple ** (papill/o), (thel/e) mammary papilla
areola ** dark colored skin surrounding the nipple
breast (mammary glands)** (mast/o), (mamm/o)
pregnany/gestation (gravid/o)
-gravida (-cyesis) pregnancy
fetus (fet/o)
hormonal function of zygote hCG (pregnancy hormone)
amnion (amnionic fluid) extraembryonic structure (amni/o), (amnion/o) -amnios
-tocia (-para) labor, delivery
umbilicus (omphal/o), (umbilic/o) belly button or navel
chorion (chori/o), (chorion/o)
placenta (placent/o) highly vascular structure that acts as a physical communication between the mother and embryo
umbilical cord connects embryo to the placenta
primigravida pregnant for first time
multigravida two or more pregnancies
nulligravida never been pregnant
parturition (-para), (part/o), (-partum) <37 weeks premature infant <2500g low birth weight infant
primi/para mother delivered first baby
multipara mother delivered two or more babies
nullipara woman who has never delivered a baby
Antenatal/prenatal pertaining to before birth
Postnatal pertaining to after birth
Antepartum pertaining to before delivery
Postpartum pertaining to after delivery
Oophoritis inflammation of ovaries
PCOS Polycystic ovary syndrome
Adhesions of the fallopian tubes scar tissue that binds tissue together
Endometritis inflammation of the endometrium
Endometriosis abnormal condition of the endometrium
Hysteroptosis sagging uterus (uterine prolapse)
Retro / flexion of uterus uterus is bent / tipped backward
Cervicitis inflammation of cervix
Leukorrhea whitish discharge usually resulting from inflammation of cervix
Vaginal prolapse downward placement of vagina
Pro- forward
-lapse fall
Galactorrhea abnormal discharge of milk from the breast
Mastitis inflammation of breast
Mastoptosis downward placement of breast
Thelitis inflammation of nipple (Acromastitis)
Menorrhagia abnormally heavy or prolonged menstrual period
Metrorrhagia uterine bleeding other than that caused by menstruation; may be caused by uterine tear
Menometrorrhagia excessive menstrual flow and uterine bleeding other than that caused by menstruation
Premenstrual syndrome PMS mood disorder that occurs 1-2 weeks before the menstrual flow
Amenorrhea lack of menstrual flow
Dysmenorrhea painful menstrual flow, cramps
Oligomenorrhea abnormally light or infrequent menstrual flow
Polymenorrhea abnormally frequent menstrual flow
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion -infant's head is larger than pelvic outlet it must pass through thereby inhibiting normal labor or birth
Eclampsia extremely serious form of HTN secondary to pregnancy. Pt is at risk for coma, convulsions and death
Preeclampsia abnormal condition of pregnancy with unknown cause marked by HTN, edema, and proteinuria (toxemia of pregnancy)
miscarriage/abortion termination of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable -spontaneous (miscarriage) -therapeutic (abortion)
Ectopic pregnancy implantation of the embryo in any location but the uterus
Erythroblastosis fetalis Rh negative mother with Rh positive fetus
Leiomyoma of the uterus smooth muscle tumor of uterus (fibroids)
Mature teratoma of the ovary "dermoid cysts" usually noncancerous ovarian growth that arise from germ cells
Ovarian cyst benign, fluid filled sac in the ovary
Fibroadenoma of breast noncancerous breast tumors composed of fibrous and glandular tissue
Fibrocystic disease benign condition of the palpable presence of single or multiple cysts in the breasts
Endometrial adenocarcinoma most common cancer of the uterus which develops from cells that line the uterus
Leiomyosarcoma rare type of cancer of the smooth muscle of the uterus
Hysterosalpingography x-ray in which contrast medium is used to image the uterus and fallopian tubes
Mammography used for early detection of breast cancer (mammogram)
Pelvic Sonography high frequency sound waves are used to image pelvic area
Sonohysterography high frequency sound waves are used to image uterus
Transvaginal Sonograhy high frequency sound waves are used to image pelvic cavity obtained through the use of a probe introduced into the vagina
Oophorectomy resection of an ovary
Oophorocystectomy resection of ovarian cyst
Salpingectomy resection of a fallopian tube
Salpingolysis removal of the adhesions in the fallopian tubes to reestablish patency with goal of fertility
Hysteropexy suspension and fixation of prolapsed uterus
LEEP loop electrocautery excision procedure -done to remove abnormal cells in cervical dysplasia
pelvic exenteration removal of the contents of the pelvic cavity
Lumpectomy removal of a tumor of the breast
Mastectomy removal of the breast
Mammoplasty cosmetic repair of the breast
Mastoplexy reconstructive procedure to lift and fixate the breasts
Cerclage suturing the cervix closed to prevent early delivery
CS cesarean section
VBAC vaginal birth after C-section
Episiotomy incision before vaginal delivery to widen the vaginal oriface to prevent tearing
Cephalic delivery head first
Breech delivery feet or buttock first
tubal ligation sterilization procedure in which the fallopian tubes are cut, ligated and cauterized to prevent pregnancy
Salpingosalpingostomy rejoining of previously cut fallopian tubes to re-establish patency
IUD intrauterine device
IVF in vitro fertilization
LMP last menstrual period
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
MMK Marshall, Marchetti, Kranz
TVT tension-free vaginal opening
Vag. hyst. vaginal hysterectomy
TAH-BSO total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
RSO RIGHT salpingo-oophorectomy
LSO LEFT salpingo-oophorectomy
Created by: alyseg
Popular Surgery sets



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