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10.1 Channel probs

Channel Problems and Joint Pain

An exterior problem affects ... ... the channels
An interior problem affects ... ... the organs
Where can channel problems manifest? 1) in the joints - 2) along the channel - 3) in the sense organ or orifice of channel - 4) can be connected to the organ
What are the general symptoms of a channel problem? Pain, numbness, tingling or aching along the channel
Are Full symptoms alleviated by activity or inactivity? Activity
What is the pain like with a Full condition? Intense
what is the pain like with an Empty condition? Dull, aching
What 4 aetiologies/pathologies are involved with channel problems? 1) EPF invasion - 2) Overuse - 3) Trauma/injury - 4) Problem with the associated organ.
What does an invasion of EPF cause? Stagnation of Qi and Blood
What does overuse cause? Stagnation of Qi and Blood
What does trauma/injury cause? Local stagnation of Qi and Blood
What is Wind Bi also known as? Wandering Bi
What is Cold Bi also known as? Painful Bi
What is Damp Bi also known as? Fixed Bi
What is Hot Bi also known as? Febrile Bi
From what substance does Bony Bi arise? Phlegm
The soreness/pain migrates and may involve more than one joint at the same time. What's the Bi Syndrome? Wind Bi
The pain is severe and there is limitation of movement. The pain is alleviated by heat. What's the Bi Syndrome? Cold Bi
The pain is fixed but is more of a numbness/stiffness than outright pain. What's the Bi Syndrome? Damp Bi
The pain is acute in onset and manifests in hot, painful and swollen joints. What's the Bi Syndrome? Hot Bi
There is muscular atrophy and deformity. What's the Bi Syndrome? Bony Bi
There is sudden, fixed and sever pain with rigidity of the area. What's the problem? Qi and Blood Stagnation
A dull ache in the joint and there is numbness and atrophy. Is the problem better with rest or movement? Rest
What's the aetiology of Qi and Blood Xu? 1) overuse, or 2) underlying organ problem
What causes Qi and Blood Stagnation? Injury/trauma
What is the pathology of Hot Bi? EP Heat in the channel
What is the aetiology of Hot Bi? An invasion of EP wind/cold/damp blocks channels causing Heat.
What is the pathology of Bony Bi? Phlegm obstructs the channels and joints
What is the aetiology of Bony Bi? Retention of body fluids, forming Phlegm
What is the pathology of Damp Bi? Invasion of EP Damp in the channels
What is the aetiology of Damp Bi? External or Internal Damp
What is the pathology of Wind Bi? Symptoms due to EP Wind in the channels
What is the aetiology of Wind Bi? Invasion of EP Wind
What is the pathology of Cold Bi? Symptoms due to EP Cold in channels
What is the aetiology of Cold Bi? Invasion of EP Cold
In what circumstances do you treat the Channel only? When there is an external cause, ie overuse, injury, EPF
In what circumstances do you treat both the Channel and the Organ? When there is an external and internal cause, eg overuse, injury, EPF resulting from Internal weakness
In what circumstances do you treat the Organ only? When there is only an Internal cause
When treating channel problems/joint pain, should you use mainly Yin or mainly Yang channels? Yang
What needle technique/s should you use for a Full condition? Reduction or Even
What needle technique should you use for an Empty condition? Tonification
For Channel problems, should you use thicker or thinner gauge needles? Thicker
For Organ problems, should you use thicker or thinner gauge needles? Thinner
In what way does Moxibustion help a joint/muscle problem? To warm a Cold condition and to move Qi
How does Cupping help a joint/muscle problem? Clears obstructions caused by PFs or muscle spasms
When should you employ Bleeding? When Blood Stagnation causes congested veins or a dark, swollen area
What will the pulse quality be for Wind Bi? Rapid, floating, wiry
What will the pulse quality be for Cold Bi? Wiry or tight
What will the pulse quality be for Damp Bi? Slow, slippery, deep
What will the pulse quality be for Hot Bi? Rapid, slippery
What will the pulse quality be for Bony Bi? Variable [sorry]
What will the pulse quality be for Qi and Blood Stagnation? Choppy or wiry
What will the pulse quality be for Qi and Blood Deficiency? Deficient
What would be the treatment principles for Wind Bi? Expel Wind, clear blockage from Channel
What would be the treatment principles for Cold Bi? Scatter Cold, warm Channels
What would be the treatment principles for Damp Bi? Resolve Damp, clear blockage from Channel, tonify Spleen
What would be the treatment principles for Hot Bi? Clear Damp-Heat and Wind, free the Channels
What would be the treatment principles for Bony Bi? Clear Phlegm from the Channels
What would be the treatment principles for Qi and Blood Stagnation? Activate Blood and Qi, remove Pain
What would be the treatment principles for Qi and Blood Deficiency? Tonify Qi and Blood, support underlying deficiency
Created by: spacekyla
Popular Acupuncture sets




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