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atnmc nrvs system

different plexes - cervical plexus - brachial plexus - lumbosacral plexus (lumbar and sacral)
cervical plexus phrenic nerve
brachial plexus - axillary nerve - musculotaneous nerve - median - radial - ulnar
lumbar - femoral - saphenous - obturator - lateral femoral cutaneous
sacral plexus - tibial - common fibular (deep and superficial)
phrenic nerve diaphragm
axillary deltoid muscles
musculotaneous nerve biceps brachii
median nerve palmaris longus
radial triceps brachii
ulnar nerve flexor carpi ulnaris
femoral nerve quadriceps
obturator nerve gracilis muscle
lateral femoral cutaneous nerve skin of lateral thigh
tibial nerve popliteus
common fibular nerve biceps femoris
deep fibular nerve biceps femoris
superficial fibular nerve biceps femoris
receptor site of stimulus
sensory neuron transmits impulses to CNS
integration center synapses in the CNS
motor neuron transmits impulses to an effector organ
effector responds to the efferent impulses
sympathetic fight or flight
parasympathetic digest and rest
somatic reflexes patellar reflex, achilles reflex
autonomic reflexes pupillary, salivary
exteroceptors react to external stimuli ex. Pacinian corpuscles
interoceptors react to internal stimuli ex. chemoreceptors
proprioceptors react to skeletal muscle stimuli ex. muscle spindles
Merkel discs light tough receptors (epidermis)
Meissner's Corpuscles respond to light touch (dermal papillae)
Pacinian Corpuscles high frequency vibration (reticular layer)
proprioreceptors muscle spindles
somatic skeletal muscles, voluntary
autonomic smooth muscle (cardiac muscles), involuntary
somatic reflexes patellar reflex, achilles reflex
autonomic reflexes pupillary reflex, salivary reflex
dorsal root sensory
ventral root motor
Created by: pammy7130
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